You are not alone:
Is This Standard Medical Care by Evidence Based Medicine?

What is MUS? “Medically Unexplained Symptoms (MUS) is a term used for health symptoms which remain unexplained after a complete medical evaluation. It has been reported that vague health symptoms account for half of all outpatient visits and that one third of these symptoms remained unexplained after a thorough assessment. Although common, presence of symptoms which remain unexplained for long periods of time even after a medical evaluation can be confusing and frustrating for both patients and providers. Patients who have multiple unexplained symptoms over a period of time may meet the criteria for the diagnosis of the unexplained syndrome (MUS). Being given the diagnosis of MUS can be a relief, although management of these multiple symptoms can be challenging.” (Report from VA War Related Illness & Injury Study Center of New Jersey, September 2009)

I have never heard of MUS as a new diagnosis until last week while I was reading a major medical journal and searching for latest information on MUS. VA report from above best summarized and described the multiple unexplainable symptoms like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. There are many more MUS from unexplainable neurological problems like Autism, ADD/ADHD to Lyme like symptoms.

If there are so many MUS, how can you treat MUS patients when the Evidence Based Medicine taught at the teaching institution cannot figure out the cause of the problems to begin with? I feel sorry for medical students and doctors in training. Most of MUS patients feel they are out of whack or out of tune, yet, no lab test or medical evaluations shows abnormalities.

After learning the intricate medical science and rituals of clinical training, most of their chronically ill patients are diagnosed as MUS and end up treating the symptoms with medications for chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome. This is the current standard medical care! Do you think there’s any influence from pharmaceutical companies on our medical training?

I wonder what Galileo Galilee would say about current standard medical care based on Evidence Based Medicine. Galileo, the radical contrarian astronomer of his time said, “In questions of science, the authority of thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.” Most people intuitively understand that something is missing in their medical diagnosis and treatment because they feel something is not right and it is not in their head.

Evidence Based Medicine met MUS and Evidence Based Medicine has been losing the credibility and losing the confidence from the public. Evidence Based Medicine is based on measurable and quantifiable science based on linear, compartmentalized thinking which leads to “If everything has to be double-blinded, randomized, and evidenced based, where does that leave new ideas?” (The Lancet, Vol. 366, July 9-15, 2005)

Some of my fibromyalgia patients respond after correcting the dental cavitations (jaw dental infections), IBS patient respond to parasite medications and chronic fatigue patient respond to combinations of dental work, parasite eradications and nutritional therapy. Some of my patients with metastatic stage IV cancer respond to intensive detoxification,  nutritional therapies and  parasite medications and for others, extraction of the asymptomatic root canal tooth relieve palpitations, chest pain, arthritic pain or asthma.

So, do you have MUS?  Evidence Based Medicine is not ready to solve the mystery of the MUS. I would like to introduce a new standard medical care by starting with intestinal parasite cleansing, get rid of dental amalgams and any hidden dental infections, eliminate food allergies and start nutritional programs based on blood or tissue mineral analysis and start detoxifications with gall bladder/liver flush. That is a good starting point for most MUS patients.

Oddly, in the eyes of the Evidence Based Medicine, some of the dramatic responses appear like placebo effects. It seems un-predictable and random based on individual’s belief system and their willingness to carry out the other tangible and intangible variables like changes in diet, rest, sleep, stress control, detoxifications and prayer.

These individual therapies may or may not be directly related to your current imminent problems but they are all inter-related. Our body operates at the bio-mechanical, bio-chemical and bio-physics in a form of Body/Mind/Spirit as a whole. During the course of these therapies, your body will begin to heal on its own. When you get well, let’s call it, Accidental Cure.

An Exclusive Article for members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter from OIRF
Published February 2010

© Copyright 2010, Dr. Simon Yu, MO USA

About the author

Dr. Simon Yu has been practicing Internal Medicine since 1984, and Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) since 1994. Dr. Yu has been a Center Medical Director for Managed Care.

Dr. Yu received his B.S. degree from Washington University, and did postgraduate research in Diabetes at Washington University Medical Center. He earned a Masters of Science Degree from research on Immunology through a joint program at Washington University Medical Center and University of Missouri-St. Louis. Subsequently, he graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia, School of Medicine in 1984 and completed residency training at St. Mary’s Health Center in St. Louis.

Dr. Yu lectures around the world and has studied Biological Medicine extensively in Europe. Dr. Yu sponsors an annual conference on Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Dr. Yu serves as a Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve. He has changed his practice to Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and has been a member, advisor and support of Occidental Institute since 1996.

Dr. Yu has hospital admitting privileges at Missouri Baptist Medical Center.

Dr. Yu is a Clinical Instructor at Washington University Medical School in St. Louis

Dr. Simon Yu, M.D. is a Board Certified Internist. He practices Internal Medicine with an emphasis on Alternative Medicine to use the best each has to offer. For more articles and information about alternative medicine as well as patient success stories visit his web site at

Dr. Yu, along with his wife and partner Kate, have attended many Germany Tours. He works with the MORA Super Plus and Electronic Homeopathy. A significant part of his treatment for parasites involves the use of MORA for delivery of the remedies. It greatly reduces the number and amount of medication the patient must take, reduces or eliminates side effects and lowers the cost for the patient. Watch for more articles from Dr. Yu in future issues of The Bridge.

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