A Complementary Medical Method

Comments from the Director: This article has a very interesting history and was commissioned and translated through the Med-Tronik firm in Germany. About a year and a half ago a new distributor for China had the MORA-Super device registered and approved for use in hospitals and clinics throughout his very large country.

Recently a series of articles debunking MORA and stating that it does not work and so on and so on was widely published in newspapers and magazines throughout China. Investigation showed that the articles were written by a small town doctor who did not work with MORA (and which may have been ghost written for him by other vested interests).

When the Chinese distributor appealed to Med-Tronik for help to combat this attack, Dr. Galle was commissioned to write this article. I think that Dr. Galle has quite a sense of humor – we have five pages of article and four pages (small type) of references. I would say he answered this very well . . . CLW


The Bioresonance Method was developed in the 70s of the twentieth century by natural medicine oriented physician Franz Morell and electronics engineer Erich Rasche out of the medication test of Electro-Acupuncture according to Voll.

Using a sender for electromagnetic vibrations which was in electrically conducting contact with homeopathic medications and a receiver system which was connected to the Electro-Acupuncture measuring circuit, Morell and Rasche obtained the same electrical skin conduction parameter changes on acupuncture points as if the original medications were present in the measuring circuit. They thereupon postulated that medicament information is marked by weak low-frequency electromagnetic vibrations in the range of 1 Hz to 106 Hz and that consequently – due to the physiological effects (resonances) on the acupuncture points – such weak electromagnetic vibrations are part of the information transmission system in human beings [39-41].

Therefore, based on the mode of the tests and on the determined biological effects on the wholeness of human beings, weak, coherent electromagnetic vibrations are postulated as information carriers. However, they are not explicitly measurable. When there is contact between a person and the unit, an electromagnetic white noise which is clearly above the electronic white noise of the unit is measured. This active electromagnetic white noise of human beings seems to provide the basis for the transmission of information in an as yet unknown manner. In order to obtain a first theoretical understanding of this phenomenology, Galle [23, 24] applied explanatory concepts of biophoton theory to the low frequency electromagnetic vibrations which are relevant in Bioresonance Therapy.

The therapeutic utilization of this knowledge led to the development of MORA Bioresonance Therapy. In this method, the postulated electromagnetic vibrations are obtained via flat electrodes from specific skin regions of humans. After optical uncoupling, they are inverted in a phase constant manner in the unit (mirrored) and returned to the person as therapeutic input. This can be selectively applied either throughout the entire frequency passage range (1 Hz – 20 0000 Hz) or with highly specific frequency passage range [23, 28, 41].

The methodological approach of Morell and Rasche was typical for experience healing. This method was developed by means of input-output research on the wholeness (black box) of human beings. Thus far, only relatively hypothetical explanatory models exist with regard to the physical and physiological interactions. In order to test the reproducible effect of a healing method, one does not, however, require reductionistic-materialistic explanatory concepts. Theoretical explanation is a claim, but not a necessary criterion of natural science.

It is of historic interest that at the same time, Fritz-Albert Popp and Bernd Ruth discovered biophotons [10, 45, 48]. These are weak coherent electromagnetic vibrations in the 1014 Hz range which are emitted by living systems and to which, according to the theories of Popp and his co-researchers, fundamental regulatory functions within living systems are ascribed.

MORA Bioresonance Therapy has been successfully applied by natural healing oriented practitioners worldwide for 30 years. There are numerous positive documentations of individual cases regarding a variety of indications, including – among others – allergies and intolerances, functional disorders, psychosomatic illnesses and the rheumatic forms (e.g. 27, 41]. Scientists have given more attention to Morell’s theses and practices particularly in the last 10 years. Several work groups carried out clinical human studies as well as plant and animal studies to verify the Bioresonance Method (see below).

The BICOM unit, the IMEDIS unit and many other Bioresonance units which work according to this method are built in the manner of the MORA III unit which was developed by Morell and Rasche.

Basic principles and methodology

The MORA Bioresonance unit enables endogenic and exogenic Bioresonance Therapy as well as diagnosis.

In the fundamental therapeutic principle of Endogenic Bioresonance Therapy, the patient is connected to the Bioresonance unit via flat hand and foot electrodes. Through these flat electrodes, the postulated weak electronic vibrations of the body are transferred into the unit, mirrored (electronic phase-constant inversion, Ai mode) and depending on the therapy adjustment, either the entire frequency range or partial frequency ranges are transferred back to the person and overlaid with the body’s own vibrations. Various special therapy strategies, such as with “harmonic” and “disharmonic” vibrations or local electrodes directly at the site of the illness, complement the basic therapeutic principle. The physiological effects can be measured relatively quickly with Electro-Acupuncture at the acupuncture points.

As a fundamental principle of Bioresonance therapy at a physical level, we believe that there may be destructive interference (“erasing” overlayering) of “rigid”, isolated vibrations (“pathological vibrations”) with themselves. In this manner, with the participation of self-regulation processes, they seem to become reintegrated into the flexible dynamic vibrations of human beings. Physiological blockades which are correlated with the “riding” vibrations subsequently dissolve [23]. The “pathological vibrations” are, according to these hypotheses, the correlate of the illness on an electromagnetic level.

How can such a weak electromagnetic interaction as it is postulated here have any physiological effect? Galle [23] describes the effect of such weak fields, based on the biological phenomenology thus far and the works of Nobel Prize winner I. Prigogine [46, 47] and representatives of the Deterministic Chaos Theory [such as 16] as an informative catalyst effect.

Informative catalyst = because such weak interactions may trigger only potentially existing physiological and/or biochemical regulation programs which are already present in an inactive initial situation (imbalances, sensitive points, floating points). The energy which is required to execute the program must be provided by the living system itself. It is not linked to the energy content of the transmitted information.

Bioresonance therapy supports “only” the individual self-healing potentials. It supports individual development options without exposing them to external effects as many highly active drugs do (such as corticosteroids). Side effects in “school medical” therapeutic agents are only the consequence of such an artificial external, in this case biochemical, “straitjacket”. When using the Bioresonance Method, there are therefore also no reports of occurring side effects.

In Exogenic Bioresonance Therapy, the postulated weak electromagnetic vibrations are overlaid from outside on the body’s own field of vibrations, and therapeutically and diagnostically utilized.

These external vibrations are generated by:

  • Diagnostically and therapeutically relevant substances (such as allergens, vitamins, nosodes, heavy metals). These substance vibrations can be electronically stored and are available in a digital form as so-called “electronic homeopathy”.
  • Body secretions, body excretions and body fluids (such as blood or pus).

As the fundamental physical acting principle of Exogenic Bioresonance Therapy, we postulate, according to the suggestion of J. Strube that substances in the earth’s magnetic field, activated by the electromagnetic environmental white noise, send out substance-specific electromagnetic vibrations, such as immediate core spin resonances and spin-spin couplings. This leads to the generation of a very low-energy electromagnetic vibration image (EMSA) in the external space of the substances, below the thermal white noise limits. In the core spin tomography device, this physical mechanism is utilized in strong magnet fields. This EMSA is the substance-specific information carrier which connects with the body’s own vibrations. The high sensitivity of living systems and thereby also human beings makes such an information transfer possible [23].

As a fundamental physiological acting principle of these weak electromagnetic interactions, we also postulate, in this case, the above described informative catalyst effect. An analogy of this acting principle could be found in the following image of J. Strube: A locomotive moves onto a switch. The switch setting decides whether the train goes to Hamburg, Berlin or Milan. The informative catalyst is analogous to the switch setting, which decides into which direction the train will move under its own power, analogously to the physiological program [23]. At the present time, there are only hypothetical explanatory models in existence concerning the physical / physiological acting mechanism of Bioresonance Therapy. However, they are highly plausible and have also proven themselves well in terms of phenomenology. Lack of a scientific ability to provide explanations cannot, however, serve as a prerequisite for the recognition and application of a healing method, for this also applies to generally recognized and applied natural healing methods such as acupuncture and homeopathy. Furthermore, even “school medicine” already utilizes numerous therapies and measures whose acting mechanisms are not scientifically understood, or are only scientifically understood decades later (such as the effect of acetylsalicylic acid in aspirin). Empirically proven, practical and therapeutic effectiveness is the decisive factor in the healing sciences – not a scientific ability to explain. As already stated, theoretical explanation is a claim, but not a necessary criterion of natural science.

According to the knowledge of practical – natural scientific healing physicians which was obtained from experience [e.g. 28, 41], the best therapeutic successes show themselves in:

  • allergies and intolerances
  • functional / psychosomatic illnesses
  • metabolic disorders
  • acute and chronic pain
  • rheumatic forms
  • follow-up treatment after surgery
  • chronic latent intoxication (e.g. in the presence of excessive amalgam)

According to the therapeutic experience of practitioners and also with regard to the postulated acting principles, one can try to positively influence any condition of illness.

Human studies

At the present time, there are, to my knowledge, 13 controlled clinical human studies about Bioresonance Therapy. The study by Chervinskaya et al. [11, 12] about respiratory and allergic illnesses confirms the positive results of Schumacher [52] and Hennecke [26], whose tests were, however, carried out without controls. The study by Kofler et al. [33] shows contradictory results. According to the subjective statements by the participants, Bioresonance Therapy does not work in pollinosis according to the objective measurement data. For the resolution of this contradiction, we refer to Galle [23]. In the study by Schöni et al. [51] with neurodermitis children, the positive effect of Bioresonance Therapy by comparison to the placebo group is two to three times as large in two out of the three target figures, however it is barely not significant. Schöni et al. therefore believe that Bioresonance Therapy is not effective. The scatter rates of the measurement data are enormously large. We believe that the statistical evaluation may have been inadequate. Lüdtke [36] also believes that the conclusion of Schöni et al. is not admissible. Two studies show the clinical effectiveness in the rheumatic group of forms [25, 38]. Two further studies in patients with rheumatoid arthritis document that reduced cellular stress protein content and reduced anti-oxidative protective enzyme content is normalized by Bioresonance Therapy [31, 32]. Nienhaus and Galle [42] showed that functional gastrointestinal complaints were clearly improved by Bioresonance Therapy as compared to placebo therapy. In children and youth, Saweljew et al. documented [49] the positive effect in bronchial asthma. Trifomov et al. [58] also prove the clinical effectiveness of Bioresonance Therapy in obstructive respiratory disorders. In slight chronic liver disorders, Machowinski and Kreisl [37] documented the successful application of Bioresonance Therapy. Papcz and Barpvic [43] believe that Bioresonance Therapy is effective in overload syndrome of performance athletes. The comparative study of Wille [59] with stuttering children remained without a clear statement by the author.

These studies were carried out in physician’s practices, clinics and university clinics. Ten studies confirmed the knowledge which the practitioners obtained from experience. Based on his results, one author does not dare to make a clear assessment and two studies term Bioresonance Therapy ineffective, even though their results, in our view [23] as well as that of Lüdtke [36], do not permit such a conclusion.

Conclusion: The greater majority of the executing scientists and physicians, on the basis of their investigations, believe that Bioresonance Therapy is clinically effective.

Animal and plant studies

In the past 15 years, various universities and state or state supported institutions carried out a series of controlled animal and plant tests in order to test the biological effectiveness of the endogenic and exogenic Bioresonance Method [1-9, 13-15, 17-22, 30, 34-35, 44, 53-57]. These tests confirm the biological effectiveness of the central elements of the Bioresonance Method. Among other things, the Bioresonance Method had a significant influence on the development of tadpoles, heart activity in guinea pigs, the defense system of mice which had been subjected to radioactive radiation, and the regress of implanted malignomas in rats. Some studies were repeated by several work groups because the results seemed so unbelievable (also see the monograph of physicist and scientific historian Michel Schiff [50]). The research into the possible biological effects of non-substantial low energetic bio-information is only at its beginnings.

Naturally, such animal and plant studies do not prove clinical effectiveness in humans, but it does seem highly likely that an information transmission system which functions in animals as well as plants will also be of significance to human beings – particularly since it was discovered in humans.

Recognition by the Hufeland Association for General medicine –
Association of the Physicians’ Associations for Biological Medicine

MORA Bioresonance Therapy has been recognized by the Hufeland Association for General Medicine [29] and is therefore to be described as a generally recognized natural healing method or a generally recognized method in biological medicine. The Hufeland Association consists of 25 physicians’ associations and approximately 20,000 physicians, who also practice natural healing methods or biological medicine. The significance of the Hufeland Association can, among other things, be recognized from the fact that the listing of this association is utilized for the purposes of refunds or recognition of alternative healing methods by numerous insurance companies.

However, the wide spread of Bioresonance Therapy not only in Germany, but worldwide also speaks for its effectiveness and the resulting recognition. Bioresonance Therapy is recognized not only by numerous physicians, but also in the consciousness of the population. In Russia, it is recognized by the state health insurance.

A Research Article published for Members
Published December 15, 2006

© Copyright September 23, 2006
Dr. Michael Galle
Institute for Biophysical Medicine
Idar-Oberstein, Germany

About the author


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  49. Saweljew BP, Balabolkin II, Jazenko SW, Reutowa BS, Belowa NR, Semenowa Nju, Gotowskij JuW, Kasakow SA.: Bioresonanztherapie bei der komplexen Therapie von Kindern mit Asthma bronchiale. Medizinisch-wissenschaftliche and Lernmethodische Zeitschrift N2, Juni 2001, pp 111-130 (The German translation from the Russian language can be obtained through the author.)
  50. Schiff M: Das Gedächtnis des Wassers. Zweitausendeins, Frankfurt am Main 1997. (The memory of water. HarperCollins Publishers 1995).
  51. Schöni, MH, Nikolaizik WH, Schöni-Affolder F: Efficacy Trial of Bioresonance in children with atopic dermatitis. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 1997; 112:238-246.
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  53. Senekowitsch F, Endler PC, Pongratz W, Smith CW: Hormone effects by CD record/replay. FASEB Journal 9: A392, 1995.
  54. Senokowitsch F, Citro M, Vinattieri C, Pongratz W, Smith CW, Endler PC: Amphibienmetamorphose und die elektronische Übertragung von Bioinformation. In: Endler, P. C. and Stacher, A. (Pub.): Niederenergetische Bioinformation. Physiologische und physikalische Grundlagen für Bioresonanz and Homöopathie. pp 100-114, Fakultas-Universitätsverlag, Vienna 1997.
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  58. Trofimow WI, Pawlow IP, Schykina TW, Filimonow WN: MORA-Therapie bei obstruktiven Atemwegserkrankungen. Untersuchungsbericht der Medizinischen Universität St. Petersburg 1997. (The German translation from the Russian language can be obtained through the author.)
  59. Wille A: Bioresonanztherapie (biophysikalische Informationstherapie) bei stotternden Kindern. Forschende Komplementärmedizin & Klassische Naturheilkunde 6, Suppl. 1, pp 5052, 1999.

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