AIDS-defining illnesses,
their causes and treatment

Treatment recommendations based on the works of Heinrich Kremer (Barcelona), Prof. Alfred Hässig (Bern), Stefan Lanka (Stuttgart), Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos (Perth), Etienne de Harven (France), Roberto A. Giraldo (USA) and Kary Mullis (USA). With further contributions from the works of L. A. Herzenberg, J. D. Peterson, S. C. De Rosa, W. Dröge, J. K. Shabert, G. Ohlenschläger, C. Richter, V. Hack, H. Rode, E. A. News-holme, C. De Simone, S. J. Ferrando, M. Clerici, G. M. Shearer, M. C. Dalakas, G. Tomelleri, E. Benbrik, G. A. Cannon, B. C. Cheson, R. F. Furchgott and L. J. Ignarro.

The many and varied diseases that can define the AIDS syndrome

Fungal infections of the lung, mucous membranes, brain and gut, and degenerative changes in the endothelial cells of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels (Kaposi’s sarcoma), occur because of an ongoing change in the production of gaseous nitric oxide and oxygen radicals in immune and other cells.

If these changes continue, CD-4 helper cells mature predominantly to cells with the TH2 cytokine profile, which migrate to the bone marrow where they activate defences against external pathogens (bacteria and toxins) by producing antibodies; but only a few mature into TH1 cells which activate the detection and destruction of fungus, virus infected and altered cells. If this situation persists, the release of gaseous nitric oxide (NO) gets entirely inhibited so that the destruction of cells carrying viruses, fungi and mycobacteria by killer cells is blocked.

Then, as an effect of heightened cell decay, a higher quantity of proteins of the cytoskeleton and mitochondria are released. To fight these proteins a higher rate of antibodies are formed. These antibodies and antibodies against a big variety of antigens and products of toxic pollution are detected by the HIV-tests. Once an arbitrarily set level is reached, the patient is declared “HIV positive”.

An ongoing TH1-TH2 switch in the cytokine profile of CD-4 helper cells comes about because of

  • frequent contact with antigens from repeated injuries or chronic infections, operations and dirty drinking water
  • repeated contact of foreign proteins with the plasma (from coagulation proteins in blood preparations and from semen liquid in unprotected anal intercourse)
  • repeated contact with toxic substances in food, like aflatoxin (e.g. in wet cereals), medications and environmental pollution, toxic decomposition products from modern chemicals and heavy metals (e.g. carrier substances in vaccines like formaldehyde and aluminum, and amalgam fillings such as mercury)
  • continuous intake of chemoantibiotics (sulfonamides and trimethoprim, such as Bactrim®, Septrin®, Cotrimoxazol® and TMPSMX) and nucleoside analog drugs (like AZT, DDI, DDC, 3TC, etc.). They inhibit the synthesis of folic acid and purine, used in cells for the formation of mitochondrial DNA, bind the SH-groups of glutathione and cysteine and thereby impair the activity of mitochondria. Mitochondria, the suppliers of energy in human cells, synthesize – with reduced oxygen and energy rich electrons from nutritional components – the energy carrier molecule (ATP), that is used for all functions in the organism. They also reduce toxic oxygen radicals and play an important role in the immune system
  • chemoantibiotics also inhibit the synthesis of the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), which is needed for the formation of tetrahydrofolate, used in the liver for the synthesis of cysteine and glutathione molecules, and for the synthesis of gaseous nitric oxide (NO) used by killer cells to attack and destroy cells carrying fungi, viruses and mycobacteria
  • chemoantibiotics, nucleoside analog drugs, insecticides (e.g. lindane in anti-crab louse creams) and nitrites (“poppers”), by their strongly oxidizing effect cause a reduced oxygen transport in cells (methemoglobinemia), which exceeds the reductive capacity of glutathione molecules.

Lower numbers of glutathione molecules are produced as a result of

  • chemoantibiotics, liver damage (from chronic hepatitis, frequent alcohol consumption) or through shortage of nutritional cysteine [especially in developing countries]. Glutathione molecules reduce oxygen- and nitric oxide molecules, so that ATP production in mitochondria is not disturbed. A lack of glutathione molecules makes fungi grow, that then release toxic decay products (acetaldehyde), which weaken the synthesis of glutatione molecules in the liver and can only be decomposed by glutathione molecules and glucuronic acid

A lack of glutathione in antigen-presenting cells makes CD-4 helper cells predomi- nantly mature as TH2 cells which activate the formation of antibodies against external pathogens in the bone marrow, but not anymore as TH1 cells, that induce the detec- tion and destruction of cells containing viruses, mycobacteria and fungi by killer cells using gaseous nitric oxide (NO).

  • lack of plant antioxidants which bind to toxic degradation products (oxygen rad­icals) and thereby reduce inflammation and stress reactions
  • inhalation of nitrites (“poppers”) which are stored in cells as NO2. They are released through physical exertion on increased exposure to calcium ions. This affects the endothelial cells of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels with a small capillary diameter, and leads thereby to degenerative changes (swollen lymph nodes and finally to Kaposi’s sarcoma)

Chemoantibiotics inhibit the synthesis of folic acid, purine and the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). They also damage the mitochondrial DNA, which is inherited from the mother to the child and inhibit the formation of glutathione molecules in the liver, used for the reduction and transportation of oxygen to the cells. They also inhibit the formation of gaseous nitric oxide (NO), needed for the destruction of cells containing viruses, fungi and mycobacteria.

By doing this they continuously block the entire cellular immune reactions and cause a lasting TH1-TH2 switch in the cytokine profile of CD-4 helper cells, which induces an ongoing functional immune deficiency. By suffocation of the cellular respiration they induce chronic fungal infestation (e.g. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), Candida albicans) in mucous membranes, in the intestine (causing chronic diarrhea) and on the skin. Because of the damage on mitochondrial DNA they cause lasting energy decline and severe damage to the brain, internal organs and muscles, causing heart attacks and paralysis.

On prolonged impairment of mitochondria, the mitochondria dissolve their symbiosis with the host (“Warburg Phenomenon”). By heightened activity of reverse transcription the cell nucleus then saves its genotype. The cells increasingly switch over to producing energy by anaerobic fermentation, which results in excess lactic acid production, the growth of fungi and opportunists, and ultimately the formation of cancerous cells and wasting, at which point cells obtain essential nutrients directly from myoprotein.

HIV, which is held today to be responsible for causing 30 different AIDS-defining diseases, has never been shown to be transmissible nor self-reproducing; it has never been isolated, photographed or otherwise properly characterized, as required by the established rules of virology. The original experimental technique of both Gallo and Montagnier in 1984, on which the HIV-antibody-tests were constructed, involved co- culturing cells from AIDS patients with leukemic and embryonal cells, that show a high activity of reverse transcription. This effect of an artificially amplified reverse transcription was then interpreted as signifying the presence a new virus. A virus- specific enzyme could not be demonstrated.

Synthetic protease inhibitors, which are supposed to inhibit the formation of essential “viral particles”, over time, cause malaise, diabetes, kidney stones and liver failure in patients given them. After protease inhibitors and nucleoside analogs are first given, a decline in inflammatory reactions and “virus production” may be observed, but it then rises again, which is attributed to resistance development.

Nucleoside analog drugs (e.g. AZT, DDC, DDI, 3TC), that for a limited time block the formation of DNA in bacteria and fungi, are practically not incorporated into the cell nucleus, where they should work as DNA terminators against HIV. As has been demonstrated by various animal trials since 1990 they cause irreversible damage to the mitochondrial DNA and thereby damage to the brain, bone marrow, muscles and internal organs, as well as a lasting decrease of CD-4 and CD-8 cells, that induces opportunistic infections (cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, PCP, toxoplasmosis, etc.), which can define the AIDS syndrome.

The short time increase of CD-4 helper cells measurable in the plasma that takes place at the beginning of the ‘highly active antiretroviral therapy’ (HAART) treatment, occurs as CD-4 helper cells with the TH2 cytokine profile return from the bone marrow into plasma, since fewer antibodies are needed due to the cytotoxic effects of the nucleoside analog drugs. Unable to activate the detection and destruction of cells containing viruses, fungi and mycobateria, they circulate in the organism. The titer of CD-4 helper cells then decreases again (“resistance”), as nucleoside analog drugs damage the ripening of all lymphocytes in the bone marrow.

By means of…

  • S-Acetyl-L-glutathione capsules (400 to 600 mg. daily) mixed with Ginkgo biloba and anthocyan, can make up the lack of glutathione molecules in cells;
  • A supply of sulfur compounds in sea salt, mineral water and algal products, as well as of cysteine and methionine containing protein mixtures, like N-Acetyl-
    cysteine (3 to 8 grams daily), can stimulate glutathione formation in the liver. Cysteine can also be administrated intravenously until the synthesis of glutathione in the liver again works sufficiently;
  • Coenzyme Q10 (100 mg. daily), the antioxidant Microhydrin® (Active H-™) and high doses of vitamins C and E can improve electron transport in the respiratory chain of cells. Folic acid (5 to 30 mg. daily), thiols, L-carnitine (6 grams daily for 14 days), a-lipoic acid (300 to 600 mg. daily), vitamins B1 (150 to 300 mg. daily), B6 and B12, as well as low doses of selenium (250 micrograms daily) and zinc can support the synthesis of ATP in mitochondria and the repair of damage to mitochondrial DNA;
  • The activity of killer cells and neutrophils can be supported by the administration of 1,3-b-D-glucan, Microhydrin®, RM-10™ derived from medicinal mushrooms such as Lentinula edodes (Shiitake) and Grifola frondosa (Maitake) that contain a special mix of polysaccharides and amino acids, glutamine (40 grams daily) and L-arginine (20 to 30 grams daily);
  • Opportunistic infections (fungi, PCP, and others) can be treated by omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil (3 tablespoons daily). In difficult cases gamma globulin, selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors and difluoromethylornithine (as a polyamine inhibitor) can be administered. Parasites in the colon can be treated with papaya leaf tea;
  • Essential fatty acids in linseed, thistle and soya oil (5 to 6 tablespoons daily) mixed with curd, can heighten the uptake of oxygen in cells;
  • Plant antioxidants, e.g. PADMA 28® (2 to 3 times 2 tablets daily) or Artemisia annua (sweet wormwood) which bind to toxic oxygen decay products, and by natural protease inhibitors (heparin and heparinoids) in algae (agar), guar or green mussel preparations, which activate the body’s own antiproteases and bind to cations that attack the cell walls. Thereby they slow down chronic inflammatory reactions that go along with increased cell division;
  • Fungal infestations (e.g. Candida albicans) in the intestines can be treated effectively by caprylic acid derived from coconut in capsules resistant to gastric acids, grapefruit seed extract, biotin (vitamin H), Aloe vera preparations (derived from the whole plant), Artemisia annua, tannate plant extract, castor bean extract, dextrorotatory lactic acid, Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus acidophilus, as well as garlic;

The basis of nutritional treatment is a diet low in sugar, refined carbohydrates and fat, but rich in fiber, bases and roughage, with high value carbohydrates (potatoes, whole grain bread and pasta), vegetables and fruit (plant antioxidants), cold pressed oils, algae, soya beans and fish. Of course, without iron-rich red meat, smoked meat and fish, fresh egg white, white wheat, sugar, alcohol, fermented or malted products, canned citrus drinks, dried fruits or nuts, pasteurized milk, buttermilk and sour cream as well as products derived or containing yeast or fungi.

  • The acid-base balance can be restored by mixtures of bases;
  • Herbal medications (milk thistle, Liv 52) and glucuronic acid can support the liver function. FOS (fructooligosaccharides), dextrorotatory lactic acid and fermented beverages derived from fungi, rice and algae (e.g. cane bread beverage, VitaBiosa, “EM”, Mankoso), work as prebiotics and can diminish bacterial dyssymbiosis in the intestines. N-acetylglucosamine, olive oil and rice bran oil can restore the gut flora;
  • Fungal infections in the throat can be treated locally by gargling with a honey- vinegar solution; and on the skin by sulfur containing creams, nystatin, tea tree oil or emulsions with acidophilus;
  • Extracts of coriander and Allium ursinum and chlorella algae to bind and remove heavy metals (mercury) from vaccine carrier substances and amalgam fillings;
  • Ethereal oils, rubbed onto the chest and in the armpits which serve to stimulate the immune system through the ground substance [matrix];
  • Targeted stress reduction techniques, e.g. autogenic training, stretching and massages, along with refraining from excessive physical exercise (especially the use of performance enhancing drugs, e.g. coffee, alcohol, nicotine, amphetamines, “Ecstasy”, cocaine, heroin and “poppers”);
  • Reducing inflammatory reactions and infections by avoiding injuries, for example using protection in anal intercourse, use of herbal preparations for sphincter muscle relaxation and refraining from the use of nitrite inhalations (“poppers”);
  • Limiting the intake of coagulation proteins from blood preparations;

…a flexible resistance in people with AIDS-defining illnesses can be restored.

If limited administration of antibiotics is necessary, this basic therapy has to be continued.

The treatment must be adapted to the individual illnesses occurring!

Progress achieved by these measures to bolster the immune system can be deter­mined by measuring stress hormone profiles, the T4/T8 cell ratio, macrophage activation (neopterin test) and “cutaneous anergy (skin reaction against antigens)” [sic], plus the glutathione level in plasma and in CD-4 helper cells.

Research Director’s Note: I realize most of you are more interested in the biological treatment of cancer, rather than AIDS. However, Dr. Kremer’s original work was developed for AIDS, and therefore AIDS provides a good starting point for someone new to his nontoxic approach. Subsequently, he modified his AIDS treatment for cancer patients, and drastically reduced treatment down to its most essential elements. Therefore, until I have time to translate some of his recent cancer articles, I’ll start you off with AIDS therapy concepts. The following is a recent compilation of the “biological” treatment thoughts of major worldwide researchers in that field. WDS

An exclusive article for Affiliates
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published December 8, 2003

Note: Partially adapted from German material of the “Swiss AIDS-Therapy Study Group”, to which OIRF contributes.

© Copyright 2003, Occidental Institute Research Foundation, Penticton, BC Canada

About the author

Dr. Kremer is a doctor with doctorates in medicine, psychiatry and neurology, with a background in psychology and sociology. His career as a dissident researcher began in 1982 when he was entrusted with the first clinical trial in Germany of the hepatitis B vaccine and a few months later that of the HIV antibody test. After years of disagreements with the state administration on drug and AIDS policy, he resigns and begins a difficult activity as an independent researcher which leads him to extraordinary discoveries in the fields of AIDS, cancer and immune-prophylaxis.

He is the author of the book “The Silent Revolution” which should be considered a mandatory textbook for all practitioners of alternative and energy medicine.

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