The Germany tour is coming up quickly and I thought that this would be an appropriate time to discuss one of the therapies being presented this year. Reimar Banis, MD, ND is the developer of Psychosomatic Energetics (PSE) which is one of many Energy Medicine approaches being used today. My topic in this paper is not on the therapy itself or its validity, but on the use of the diagnostic machine that he uses to determine therapy.

The REBA device is basically a stress test for several areas of function. These areas are named Vital, Emotional, Mental and Causal. Each area is tested separately, using a scale from 0 to 100. 100 is the score for “perfect” health in the area being tested. The areas tested are as follows:

  • Vital pertains to physical health, well-being and stamina.
  • Emotional reflects that which we normally think of as one’s emotional state of health.
  • Mental refers to physical brain function and conscious awareness.
  • Causal is a measure of one’s energetic sensitivity, intuition and spiritual openness.

The manufacturer of the REBA device is Dieter Jossner from Medical Electronics firm in Germany. Mr. Jossner is well known to many of us for his phenomenal BioPhoton Therapy and Laser devices, and he is also the developer/manufacturer of a number of other instruments including the AMSAT segmental diagnostic device.

The Reba test device generates a square shaped polyfrequency spectrum, a magnetic field and so called Tesla-waves, in order to stimulate the body with neutral vibrations. This is different from other diagnostic instruments, such as bioresonance assessment devices, where the transmitted signal contains specific information.

The four frequency ranges produced by the device have an empiric connection to the four energy levels listed above (Vital, etc.). The machine creates “noise” within selected frequency bands matching the Delta (1.5 – 4 Hz), Theta (5 – 8 Hz), Alpha (9 – 14 Hz) and Beta (15 – 40 Hz) waves. The Delta waves correspond to the Vital area, Theta to Emotional, Alpha to Mental, and Beta to the Causal area.

In testing, the intensity of the signal is increased until it induces a stress response in the subject. The scale is logarithmic, rather than linear, and is adjustable from 0 to 100.

Electrical noise theoretically contains an infinite number of vibrations at an infinite number of distinct frequencies. This means that the desired frequency will always be present in the signal. If one presents these noise signals to the body, one’s system can then respond to these signals with their own appropriate frequencies.

The pertinent generated frequencies range from a few Hertz to a few Kilohertz. The device contains two digital noise generators made up of back-coupled shift registers. This results in the generation of pseudo-random noise, which then produces a polyfrequency spectrum extending up to about 600kHz. The outputs of the two generators are brought together to generate an interference signal. In this process, the frequencies above 200 kHz disappear because of phase and amplitude relationships. The two noise sources can be adjusted to yield interference frequencies corresponding to human EEG frequencies. This modulated HF signal is then presented to the person’s system and is used for diagnosis.

A bifilar-wound coil is utilized in which two opposing magnetic fields “neutralize” each other to yield a field strength of zero. Theoretically the superposition of two opposed magnetic fields results in no measurable field, but the energy conservation law does not permit a “null energy” state. The energies fed into the two sides of the coil cannot add up to zero and just disappear. It must be assumed that something unknown or non-measurable is formed, which is biologically active and penetrates any and all shielding material. Thus, the entire body of the patient is tested rather than just a portion or isolated compartment.

These characteristics make the REBA device ideal for measuring any agent or therapy. Using the REBA device for testing also adds greater reliability and some degree of measurability to the process. I typically use kinesiology to test patients with the REBA device in the following manner.

The strap of the device is placed on the patient’s wrist or ankle and a baseline measurement is made. At this time the device is set to zero on the scale that you are measuring (Vital, etc.). One then increases the amplitude by 10 and measures again. If there is no change, then the amplitude is again increased by 10 and the patient tested. This continues until the patient responds and the measurement is off baseline. This is a positive response in that it indicates that the person’s ability to tolerate the signal produced by the machine has been exceeded. In other words, the patient isn’t strong enough to withstand this degree of stress.

The REBA device setting is maintained at the level where the patient weakened. That is, if at a setting of 60 the baseline measurement changed, then the setting would remain at 60. One then begins testing by exposing the patient to different agents that might be helpful for them.

If the patient’s response returns to baseline, then this agent will be effective for that patient. That is, if the patient “broke” at 60, but is now able to tolerate that level of stress when exposed to an agent, that agent has “strengthened” the patient and they are now able to tolerate the stress at the setting of 60.

One is able to also determine the degree of this effect by increasing the strength of the signal produced by the REBA. For example, if the patient could now tolerate the setting of 60 when exposed to an agent, one can continue to increase the strength of the signal until the patient “broke” again. This will give a score that can be documented and then compared to future testing.

Likewise, testing can also be used to determine what agents might be harmful for a patient. In this situation the process is reversed. One determines the highest setting on the REBA device that the patient can tolerate, and then leaves the machine at that setting. For example, if a patient was unable to tolerate a setting of 70, then the machine would be set at 60, which would be the highest degree of stress the patient could tolerate before “breaking”. One now tests agents to see what would cause the person to now “break” at the setting of 60, which would indicate that this item is harmful to the person or that the person is responding in a negative way.

For instance, if a patient “breaks” due to exposure to a Lyme sample, it would indicate that Lyme is very highly suspect as being a problem for this patient. When used in this manner, one can now leave the patient in contact with the Lyme (or other) sample and test agents to see which ones would counteract this negative effect and enable the patient to once again be able to tolerate the setting of 60 (make the patient (“stronger”). This indicates that this agent can be effective in treating Lyme in this patient.

One can use this approach to test anything against the patient or against any other agent. The possibilities are only limited by the samples you have on hand. In addition, one can measure the effect of any agent on any of the above areas. For instance, an agent might be able to strengthen the patient in the areas of Vital, Emotional and Mental function, but weaken the Causal area. Ideally every agent should be helpful or at least neutral in all of these areas.

I believe that the benefits of any therapy should be able to be measured across platforms and systems. For instance, can the benefit of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy or EAV assessment be measured by the REBA device? I believe that it should, and in my experience this has been the case. As long as the parameters of a device or therapy are capable of being measured by another system, the results should be consistent.

One does need to be careful here, as some tests don’t fall within another test’s abilities. For instance, blood levels of a nutrient do not give the same information as nutrient levels determined by tissue testing. However, the results of a therapy and the therapeutic agents themselves should be able to be measured. In this case, a nutrient should test the same across all test platforms (i.e., as being either beneficial or harmful).

I have found the REBA device to be very helpful in determining the effects of a wide variety of agents and therapies and use it frequently in my practice. In the past Dr. Banis would only sell the unit if you took the Psychosomatic Energetics course, but I’m not sure if this is currently the case. If it is, perhaps Carolyn can persuade him to rethink this position and make it available to all. I believe that it can be a very useful addition to most practices when used in this capacity.

NOTE From your Director: This effective assessment and therapy method has been in use for several years. Although this is not a method or device available through OIRF, it has been successfully utilized by a number of our advisors including Dr. Cole and previously Dr. Wagstaff. Dr. Banis will also speak to the group during our Special 40th Anniversary Biological Medicine Group Tour to Germany this fall. This device and training on it are available exclusively through BioMed Int’l in Canada and Terra Medica in the USA.

An Exclusive Article for Affiliates
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published August 2013

© Copyright 2013, Dr. Ted Cole, OH USA

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