Ten Dollar Cure When the
One Hundred Dollar Cure Fails:

“Wheat Belly, Corn Butt and More or Less”

The biggest barrier from seeking medical advice in my practice has been the financial considerations, since I do not accept insurance. Actually, it is the other way around. The medical insurance does not accept my medical practice because I practice non-standard alternative/complementary medicine.

Because finance is the limiting factor, I educate my patients on self-help and simple steps to regain their health. For my patients I recently wrote: “One Hundred Dollar Cure: Cure for Braves, Skeptics and El Cheapo.” The article covers many simple steps to take and avoid expensive, unnecessary medical care and often deadly medications. One of the readers wrote me a letter stating he is not an “El Cheapo”. He is simply broke. He wants medical advice for ten dollars.

This is a second attempt to write a list of recommendations on how to save money and take care of yourself, your family members and loved ones with Ten Dollar Cures.

1) Stop Cholesterol lowering Statin Drugs. It will save you a lot of money. Instead take niacin 500 mg 3 times per day for a few cents per day. Ignore your cholesterol level and eat three to six raw or slightly cooked organic eggs per day. You may read my article (all my articles are on my web site shown below): Cholesterol Therapy Based on Compromised Science: My Apology for Telling You the Truth.

2) Stop Anti-Acid medications like Prevacid, Zantac or the latest purple pills. Try digestive enzymes and apple cider vinegar for a few cents per day. You will be surprised most of your heart burn and digestive problems will disappear and you will feel better. Recommended reading of my articles: Acid Reflux and Rebellious Stomach: Killing the Messenger for Profit and Apple Cider Vinegar, Forgotten Ancient Remedy: A Holy Grail for Fountain of Youth.

3) No Wheat and No Corn and your Wheat Belly and Corn Butt will disappear. Most pig farmers know how to fatten the pigs: feed them corn. Our government recommends a low fat diet and an increase in whole grain complex carbohydrate. At the same time, Americans are suffering from wheat belly and corn butt. Dr. William Davis, MD, a cardiologist, recently published a book, Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health, in which he extensively covers the scientific basis for the folly of modern wheat and gluten sensitivity. It is a must read. Go to the library. It is free and it may save your life. If you have diabetes, high blood pressure, fatigue, body aches, irritability or brain fog, try no wheat and no grain diet for at least three months. Also, make sure you eat lots of green and colorful vegetables. A doctor’s visit may not be necessary.

4) Try the Oil Pulling Therapy recommended by Dr. Karach. It is good for all chronic medical conditions. Chew one table spoon of sesame oil, peanut oil or sunflower oil for 20 minutes and brush with baking soda and salt. For more information, see my article, Folk Remedy from Russia.

5) Try Five Rites Yoga Exercise daily. Long distance running is not recommended unless you are addicted to running. Brisk walking or hiking is much easier than running on your feet, knees and hips. Exercise is free! Recommend reading of my article, Holistic Exercise Program and the “Five Rites”.

6) For Sleeplessness and Insomnia. Sleep is important for your health and beauty. Remove all electronic devices including TV, phones, and radios in the bedroom and sleep in total darkness. You may add melatonin, GABA, L-Hydroxytryptophan and L-Theanine. Doses are dependent on individuals. Resolve any conflicts for the day through mediation, open communications, meditation or prayer before going to bed.

7) De-worm twice a year with Native American herbs like Black Walnut, Wormwood and Cloves. You may need prescription parasite medications. For example, a horse’s average life span has been doubled from an average 15 years to over 30 years by routine dental care and de-worming 2-4 times per year. Ask your Vet. Anti-aging therapy may start with routine de-worming and oil pulling for dental/oral hygiene. Consider these options before thinking of hormone replacement therapy.

8) Gallbladder/ Liver flush every season. Think of this as the body’s need for oil filter change every 3 months. You can find the instructions under “Cleansing and Detoxification” on the Articles page of my web site.

9) Get Sun tan. Sun light is free but do not get sun burn. Do not use sun tan block lotion. Take vitamin D3 2000 to 5000 U/day. When you catch colds or flu, double or triple the dose for 10 days.

10) When in doubt, eat liver, take more iodine, and spend more time with your loved ones. Avoid people who will make you feel more tired, depressed or drained. Drink more water and less beer or whiskey.

11) Keep cheerful friends and companions. Surround yourself with the things you love: family, pets, music, plants or nature. Get away from the dead end relationships and dead end jobs. Enjoy simple things. In the long run, we are all dead. Laugh and let go of fear, anger and guilt.

12) Pray. It is okay to pray and ask help from the higher being. Science only deals with the relative truth. Spirituality deals with the truth. “God is dead, said Nietzsche; Nietzsche is dead, said God”.

13) Be informed, educated and take extra steps to promote prevention and wellness. Come to my free educational seminar on the second Tuesday each month and come to our Wellness Support Group on the third Tuesday of the month. The Wellness Support Group is led by me and Chaplin Paul Johnson. Our focus is on Wellness, not sickness. Learn to heal Body/Mind/Spirit as a whole Human being.

An Exclusive Article for Affiliates
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published February 2012

© Copyright 2011, Dr. Simon Yu, MO USA

About the author

Dr. Simon Yu has been practicing Internal Medicine since 1984, and Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) since 1994. Dr. Yu has been a Center Medical Director for Managed Care.

Dr. Yu received his B.S. degree from Washington University, and did postgraduate research in Diabetes at Washington University Medical Center. He earned a Masters of Science Degree from research on Immunology through a joint program at Washington University Medical Center and University of Missouri-St. Louis. Subsequently, he graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia, School of Medicine in 1984 and completed residency training at St. Mary’s Health Center in St. Louis.

Dr. Yu lectures around the world and has studied Biological Medicine extensively in Europe. Dr. Yu sponsors an annual conference on Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Dr. Yu serves as a Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve. He has changed his practice to Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and has been a member, advisor and support of Occidental Institute since 1996.

Dr. Yu has hospital admitting privileges at Missouri Baptist Medical Center.

Dr. Yu is a Clinical Instructor at Washington University Medical School in St. Louis

Dr. Simon Yu, M.D. is a Board Certified Internist. He practices Internal Medicine with an emphasis on Alternative Medicine to use the best each has to offer. For more articles and information about alternative medicine as well as patient success stories visit his web site at www.preventionandhealing.com

Dr. Yu, along with his wife and partner Kate, have attended many Germany Tours. He works with the MORA Super Plus and Electronic Homeopathy. A significant part of his treatment for parasites involves the use of MORA for delivery of the remedies. It greatly reduces the number and amount of medication the patient must take, reduces or eliminates side effects and lowers the cost for the patient. Watch for more articles from Dr. Yu in future issues of The Bridge.

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