Carelessness or Transhumanism Agenda?
Graphene in Covid Syringes
“Not the better person, but something better than the human being is the goal of transhumanism, in short: the completely satisfied cyborg.”
Stephan Herzberg, Professor of Philosophy
On the basis of emerging millions of complications and deaths worldwide after Covid vaccinations, numerous scientists and doctors have analyzed the contents of the mRNA syringes on their own initiative and found, among other things, indications of graphene and other questionable substances. After researching their findings, Joe Romanski attempts to summarize and classify the events.
By Joe Romanski, Neubrandenburg
The conference in March 2023 in Seville, Spain, initially attracted very little attention. The group called La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column) had been invited to announce a small sensation: In the samples of the so-called “Corona vaccines” of the three pharmaceutical giants BionTech, Moderna and Pfizer, the doctors and scientists around the Spanish biostatistician Ricardo Delgado had found a large number of strange components of relevant magnitude, which they partly identified as graphene oxide. The Covid pandemic with its vaccination programs is therefore “… a kind of state bioterrorism, … which, with the complicity of governments, is being waged against the entire population of the world…”.(1) The quintessence of their statements: “We are being graphenized!”
Peaks in the Raman Spectrum
The conference was preceded by articles in 2022 which described in detail what was seen in individual Pfizer “vaccines” using light and electron microscopy . However, the shortcoming of this work was the statement that the structures found consisted of graphene oxide had not been established convincingly enough. This is because in order to identify graphene or graphene oxides as such in a reasonably valid way, more complex methods are required, in this case spectral analysis such as so-called Raman Spectroscopy, in which a monochromatic laser measures scattered light. However, this is exactly what was later done by the scientists commissioned by Delgado, led by the chemist Dr. Pablo Campra at the University of Almeria. The result was that at least 28 of 110 objects examined showed the peaks characteristic of graphene oxide in their Raman Spectrum.
Actually the more significant questions are: Why the structures found sometimes appear partially artificial and technical, what purpose do they serve, and why they only appear in certain batches?
Graphene, which was only discovered in 2004, is a modification of graphite (the material from which pencil leads are made), thus from carbon. It is considered a miracle material because of its many special properties. On the other hand, the collective term graphene oxide refers to specifications of graphene with oxygen atoms in the hexagonal lattice. The Nobel Prize was awarded in 2010 for the discovery of graphene. The ultra-thin atomic layers are not directly toxic in themselves and at least in small quantities, but can and are normally tolerated by the body and can also be detoxified relatively well. They are nevertheless harmful to health or under certain conditions (see article)
Other findings
The Spanish Fifth Column of Ricardo Delgado is not alone in its findings. All over the world, alarmed and courageous researchers have put the “vaccine” under a magnifying glass with scientific methodology and appropriate instruments. A small list:
- As early as September 2021, Professors Arne Burkhardt (1944-2023) and Walter Lang presented light and electron microscopy images to the Corona Committee led by lawyer Reiner Füllmich in addition to their tissue analyses, showing thread- and needle-like as well as probably metallic particles in “vaccines”. In this context, Prof. Burkhardt referred to similar discoveries in Austria and Japan.(2) The extensive reports are available at
- A Canadian group under the direction of the physician Daniel Nagase on the basis of electron microscopic images and spectroscopy proved that the samples examined from Pfizer and Moderna did not contain any organic substances, and even worse: “This ball with the legs growing out of it has aluminum in it for some reason. I can safely say that it is not a … biological contamination, because … there are no signs of nitrogen and phosphorus… So the thing that grows there is not biological,” says Nagase.(3)
- The Polish geologist Franc Zalewksi discovered something under the microscope that he called a “nano-octopus” because of its arms and outgrowths.
- Also in New Zealand via darkfield microscopy “things” were found in Pfizer’s Comirnaty that have no place there. Its discoverer, Matt Shelton, writes: “… What I saw there made me shudder a little… The amount of activity in the liquid and the strange shapes were confusing, to say the least…. The squares and circles seemed to connect with each other again and again and somehow also enlarge over the course of an hour or two…”
- A team of researchers from Argentina’s National University of Comahue had various vaccines tested in the laboratory for the chemical elements they contain. About 50 were found that were not declared by the manufacturers, including such exotics (rare earths) as neodymium, thulium, lanthanum, but also uranium and aluminum.
“So the thing that grows there is not biological.” Dr. Daniel Nagase
What’s behind it?
Although the findings are quite clear in their entirety and the methodology mostly meets scientific standards, caution is advised in the interpretation and conclusions. At least in part, it could, for example, also be crystallized cholesterol components from the nanolipid particles (NLPs), which should have even been proven by means of infrared and Raman spectroscopy. The “threads” and “worms”, in turn, could be cellulose fibers from wipes that have remained on the object carriers. Both are possible, although hardly plausible, especially in the case of certain individual findings. And if you look at the overall picture, it’s also unlikely.
As a central element, this includes the fact that graphene oxide in particular shows properties that fit perfectly, so to speak, to the technoid-transhumanist Great Reset Agenda of the World Economic Forum around Klaus Schwab and the Deep State leaders behind it. According to Schwab, the expedited development they euphemistically call the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” should lead to a “unification of our physical, our digital and our biological identities.” Graphene could act as a kind of platform for this because it is light and stable and responds excellently to electromagnetic stimulation and/or it causes or enhances corresponding effects. A frequently observed effect is that magnets or iron parts adhere to some “vaccinated” people, especially near the vaccination site.(4) The phenomenon could be caused not only by graphene, but also by complex interactions with certain chemical elements (see Fig. 1 preceding page).
The ominous MAC addresses
The often documented MAC addresses (Media Access Control), which were and possibly still are detectable in “vaccinated” people by means of simple receivers (as a rule they disappeared again after a while), could also be an indication of the miracle material graphene.(5) MAC means a number programmed by the manufacturer for device identification in networks. But theoretically, certain constellations of electromagnetically active components in the body could also lead to receivers such as smartphones or corresponding network scanners generating addresses in MAC format from them. It is one of the macabre curiosities of the topic that these MAC addresses and also digital radio signals(!) could even be detected on the fresh graves of (very likely) “vaccinated” people. However, since it is just as likely that corresponding components also entered our bodies via other routes (test sticks, chemtrails, food…), the phenomena occasionally appeared in the unvaccinated as well.
Black Light Effect
Another curious observation is the black light effect. Here, body parts or veins of some “vaccinated” people glow under UV-A light.(6) This fits with the findings of the above-mentioned Argentinian team, which showed that the “vaccines” glow in black light, just like the materials discovered in them – which is explicitly confirmed by whistleblower and ex-Pfizer quality manager Melissa McAtee.(7)
As with magnetism, it is still an open question whether the glow is caused by graphene alone or represents a kind of synergy effect. It is also unclear whether the various phenomena are “side effects” or whether they were intentional.
In any case, recent research results (also from Germany) show that graphene excited with terahertz frequencies can emit visible light(8) , and vice versa: Graphene can modulate gigahertz signals into the terahertz range, with the optimum of this effect being at the highest 5G frequency of about 25 GHz (1 GHz = 109 Hz) The 6G technology in the starting blocks should then work with terahertz frequencies (1 THz = 1000 GHz) . . .
The Delgado postulate
What distinguishes Delgado from the other vaccine critics is his statement that the vaccines do not contain any mRNA at all and/or that the propagated mechanism of action – the synthetic mRNA packaged in nanolipids is supposed to stimulate the cell ribosomes to produce spike proteins – is not at all correct, but is only subordinate or does not contain mRNA in all vaccines. Instead, “….the biomolecular corona [thus the spike protein, the author] which happens in biology, in the blood, when graphene penetrates. It is enveloped by plasma proteins because proteins logically have structural functions. They will try to devour the material, to envelop it in order to let it pass unnoticed,” according to his thesis. The lipid capsules are therefore only a camouflage to outwit the immune system. 5G radiation made and still makes it possible via graphene to trigger all the symptoms that are referred to as Covid-19 in a more or less targeted manner.
“The external electromagnetic fields emitted by the telephone poles leads to the fact that the graphene oxide introduced into the bodies of hundreds of millions of vaccinated people will be stimulated and oxidized, throwing the immune system out of balance and triggering Covid-19 symptoms,” the website says.(9)
Even if the thesis may sound adventurous at first, it is at least much less so when you know that the notorious spikes are strictly speaking only model postulates, which are also only measured indirectly via PCR or antibodies among other things. In other words: The fact that the cells actually produce them can be just as airy a construct as the existence of viruses and/or the always claimed virus-Covid causality. If one assumes that notorious liars and manipulators are operating in the background, DeIgado’s claim is quite understandable. And all the more so since it is supported by the above-mentioned Nagase finding of the missing elements phosphorus and nitrogen. Also, the mysterious so-called shedding effect – the transfer of spike proteins from “vaccinated” to unvaccinated people – would also be easier to explain. And let’s not forget: The corona hotspots that were covered in the media in 2020 (Wuhan, Bergamo in Italy, the cruise ship Diamond Princess) were all early 5G test laboratories!
Rudolf Steiner’s Warning *
“The soul will be abolished by a drug. On the basis of a ‘healthy view’, a vaccine will be found by which the organism will be worked on in the earliest possible youth, possibly right away at birth, so that this human body does not develop the thought: There is one soul and one spirit.”
Nanobots, Smart Dust and Synthetic Biology
What the whole thing could serve was announced in the spring of 2020 by the then Chilean President Sebastian Piñera, when “together with the community of world leaders” (!) he celebrated the rollout of 5G technology in Chile by saying that it “… opens up the possibility that machines can read our thoughts, even in our case initiate thoughts and feelings.” (10)
He has concealed the fact that these are then probably generated by an AI. But the thought is obvious. Just like the one to reduce the world population in this way.
In addition to graphene, the second technology platform for this is hydrogel – a kind of quasi-liquid of highly water-binding macromolecular chains (polymers) that combine independently (“self-assembling”) to a so-called brain-computer interface (BCI) or a fluid computer(11) and thus form an artificial nervous system. Since in principle it is also controllable from the outside via radio waves, they are also called stimulus-responsive coordination polymers (or CPs for short).
The precursor seems to have been the well-known phenomenon of the so-called Morgellons (see “Licht auf Morgellons” in raum&zeit No. 186/187). In any case, technical self-assambling in biological structures is the basic concept of the transhumanist nerds, and graphene and hydrogels form the basis for this. With or without interaction with metals or rare earth elements, such structures are then able to translate radio signals into nerve signals and vice versa. Recently, this has also been supported by means of AI, for example as promised by the Spanish company Inbrain Neuroelectronics, which is said to have even left Elon Musk’s Neuralink project behind.(12)
The cyborg scenario is also revealed by patents that supposedly only indirectly target the human mind, such as that of Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi, in which a process of “cloud seeding” (sic!) using graphene oxide is described.(13) Together with the knowledge that graphene can take over catalytic functions in, for example, aircraft fuels(14), it is obvious to mischievously connect the dots in the best conspiracy theory manner.
The cyborg scenario is revealed by the patents, which supposedly only indirectly target the human mind.
What can we do?
Graphene itself can be broken down and excreted using common detoxifiers such as the chelating agent EDTA. Enlightened doctors also recommend glutathione, acetylcysteine (NAC), zinc, methylene blue and antioxidants in general. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) with nasturtium is also a highly effective natural remedy. In addition, the natural blood thinner nattokinase. Strophanthin should also be considered for cardiovascular problems. Lithium in the low milligram range could be helpful for the brain (see also “Lithium – a vital trace element” in raum&zeit No. 248 by Dr. Michael Nehls). Important: Minimize electromagnetic disturbances (especially 5G radiation and during bedtime)!
In my article “Baantu – the Crystals of Consciousness” (raum&zeit No. 202/2016), I put forward the thesis that transhumanism is the culmination of a collective human development cycle that began with the epoch of the Renaissance. According to this, the options are limited: The train will roll along until it crashes in a few years into the wall erected by the world spirit. The counter-strategy cannot therefore be an attempt to stop it. Instead, it should consist of building largely independent collective, decentralised alternative structures for the fulfilment of basic human needs (food, energy, social welfare). Averting instead of fighting, then. And: “You will stop fearing when you stop hoping.” (Seneca)
An Exclusive Translated Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published October 2024
From an article in raum&zeit, Volume 43, Nr. 251, Sept/Oct 2024
Machine Translation by Lernout & Hauspie, & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting
© Copyright 2024, Joe Romanski, raum&zeit, Wolfratshausen, Germany
Translator Footnote:
I will admit, I had a challenge translating the short (partial) quote by Steiner included within the body of this article. My curiosity led me on a search to find the full and/or exact quote in English or German. Tricky. Here is a more complete quote I found on the Facebook page of the Dr. Neja Zupan Institute, Slovenia:
“More than a hundred years ago, Rudolf Steiner wrote the following:
In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a ‘healthy point of view’, there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated as soon as possible directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit.
To materialistic doctors, will be entrusted the task of removing the soul of humanity. As today, people are vaccinated against this disease or that disease, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced precisely in such a way that people, thanks to this vaccination, will be immune to being subjected to the “madness” of spiritual life. He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles.
With such a vaccine, you can easily make the etheric body loose in the physical body. Once the etheric body is detached, the relationship between the universe and the etheric body would become extremely unstable, and man would become an automaton, for the physical body of man must be polished on this Earth by spiritual will. So, the vaccine becomes a kind of arymanique force; man can no longer get rid of a given materialistic feeling. He becomes materialistic of constitution and can no longer rise to the spiritual “.
Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925)
Author Footnotes:
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