raum&zeit Point of Health

Together for Healing from Corona

It is High Time
To Think About Homeopathy

Petition: Homeopathy and Natural Healing Methods Unite – Strongly Provide Support for Epidemics.

The team from United to Heal would like to launch a petition: “We are for a reformation in the treatment of infectious diseases and chronic illnesses. We would like to request the government to incorporate complementary healing methods equally within the treatment of our fellow man. We stand up for a renewal of our health systems.”
Info and Contact [in German only]: Mattias Berner, Am Birkenfeld 16, 37133 Friedland

That the small globules are precisely magnificent with virus illnesses, was impressively learned in the Internationalen Online-Homöopathy-Kongress [International Online Homeopathy Congress] “United to Heal” on the topic of Corona which took place 19-24 March 2020.

The Congress Packet with 14 hours of video training courses and 22 speakers can be purchased starting from €49.50. With purchase, the project to translate the Congress is supported and spread internationally.

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Corona is a disease that can be handled very well with Homeopathy. It breaks my heart that people must die from it,” said the Israeli lecturer and homeopathy researcher Dr. Michal Yakir in the Homeopathy Online Congress “United to Heal”, that the three interviewers Mathias Berner, Doris Berner and Gabi Schörk have spontaneously organized on the occasion of the Corona outbreak. It was remarkable that none of the 19 homeopaths who were interviewed were afraid of Corona. The US-American homeopath Jeremy Sherr expressed this most clearly: “With homeopathy, I am afraid of nothing at all. You can write this on my gravestone.

No Fear of Viruses

The Indian physician and scientist Prof. Dr. E. S. Rajendran explained exactly why homeopathy should be thought of for virus illnesses: “You can kill bacteria with antibiotics. This is the successful story of today’s medicine … But viruses can mutate very quickly. If you try to develop a medication or a vaccination against the Corona Virus that handles this season, the remedy will most probably be effective for no other corona infection that comes along the next year.” Here the advantages of the homeopathic healing philosophy are shown: The homeopathic remedy is not directed against a specific enemy, but rather strengthens the immune system. “The allopathic treatment kills the agent that penetrated. The homeopathic treatment strengthens the host.” And homeopathy knows its way around the “host”. There is an enormous abundance of remedies ready in order to pick out the exactly suitable entity directly where they are located. From there it is not too difficult for homeopathy to help anyone with a new virus illness. The particular one for that is: Looks after the patient holistically, brings the maximum symptoms into line and then “digs deep into one’s reserves”. Rajendran: “The remedy is selected on the basis of the symptom similarity and then leads to epigenetic changes.” Rajendran has succeeded in making the basic materials of homeopathic remedies visible in the electron microscope. Accordingly, they are classified as nanoparticles. Rajendran assumes from this fact under consultation with results from nano-research, that homeopathic remedies work at the nano-level and thus trigger epigenetic changes.

Unbeatable for Epidemics

Already in the time of the Spanish Flu [1918] homeopathy had recorded far more success than conventional medicine there. Andre Saine, epidemiologist for the field of homeopathy, explains: “The homeopathic treatment results for the Spanish Flu were spectacular.” He mentions as an example: “The average death rate for pregnant women who suffered lung illnesses from the Spanish Flu and were treated with conventional medicine, lay at 30 percent. With homeopathic treatment it lay at 0.7 percent.” As Saine further explains, homeopathy also further achieved this success with other population groups during the Spanish Flu and also with other epidemics. Especially with pneumonias there is no better treatment method than homeopathy. “I have accumulated 25,000 cases treated with homeopathy and compared them with reports in the medical journals – both before the era of antibiotics as well as after the introduction of antibiotics. That is really absolutely staggering. Homeopathy should always be the first kind of treatment for influenza associated pneumonia. There is nothing better. This is known since 1850, but on the basis of the problems of the paradigms it is not seen.” In his own practice, he himself has treated 250 people with pneumonia homeopathically. In some instances, these patients would have had serious pre-illnesses like lung cancer or heart failure. But he had “100 percent good success.”

The Search for the Genius Epidemicus

With all individual examinations in homeopathy, the founder of this healing method Samuel Hahnemann always additionally sought to discover a Genius Epidemicus*, thus a small selection of homeopathic remedies that can help as many as possible people in an illness wave. Moreover, Jeremy Sherr delivered a highly exciting report: He started treating AIDS patients homeopathically in the 1990s and – “even though I was a convinced homeopath – I was surprised with my good results.” Finally, he decided to test his knowledge on patients in Africa. At first, he only wanted six months there. Now, he has been in Tanzania with his family for ten years. Meanwhile, together with his wife who likewise is a homeopath, he has built up 19 [clinic] practices, has trained some Tanzanian homeopaths, treated an estimated 20,000 patients and has found the Genius Epidemicus for AIDS in this area, all with the help of financial support from the homeopathic community.

The most important thing is to find the Genius Epidemicus. Then it is easy,” he explains. Nevertheless, he has strictly kept to Hahnemann and has worked himself through 3,000 illness cases. The result is a “Remedy Bag” with 15 remedies for the treatment of AIDS, that is associated with the four miasms: psoric, synoptic, syphillinic and tuberculinic. Then accordingly a patient was diagnosed miasmatically and the suitable remedy could be very quickly selected. Sherr can easily give this know-how to other healers so that more and more people can treat with this remedy bag. His success is so good that he constrains himself to understate, “otherwise people say I am crazy. I say we have from 80 percent success. In truth it is much more.” The status of an AIDS patient is based on certain immune cells, CD4 T-Lymphocytes. Sherr: “Generally, a count of 300 and 400 is looked at as good. I have documented healing courses by video for which the patients came in with [a count of] 200 and then were at 1,400 or 1,600. Or, from patients who came in with 1 and after three months were at 150. Here homeopathy works so well, because it stimulates the immune system.”

At the time of the Congress the homeopaths did not yet seem to be sure with respect to the Genius Epidemicus for Corona. Nevertheless, Sherr invited all listening homeopaths to advise him of their experiences with Corona patients, so that he can feed it into his databank in order to find as soon as possible the Genius Epidemicus. The Indian Federal State of Kerala however has already distributed Arsenicum album and Natrium muriaticum prophylactically at the Heiderabad Airport. They derived the remedy choice from their experiences with a similar illness handled in 2011.

Intellectual Background

The main remedy in Genius Epidemicus for AIDS is Causticum, burned-out marble. Sherr associates it with the injustice given to the Africans through exploitation, felled trees, eroded earth. Similarly, AIDS patients are often burned-out and exhausted. – What does Corona stand for? With this virus, the physician Ravi Roy who has worked with homeopathy for 50 years, sees the collective task of learning in the fact that people [must] pass through their fears and uncertainties and find security within themselves. “Now it is about time that people learn not to rely on something external if they seek security, order and stability. Since if they do not want to seek these things within themselves, they end up in what happens right now in the world. Everyone begins to go crazy and becomes panicked. Nevertheless, we could learn to trust the body, that it does not become ill or if in that event that it becomes healthy over and over again. And we can learn to support it with its self-healing processes as well as possible, for example through fasting.” (AF)

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* Genius Epidemicus: The influence, atmospheric, telluric or cosmic, or the combination of any two or three, regarded by the ancients as the cause of epidemic and endemic diseases.

Translator’s Note: The following article was prepared by the United to Heal organization and published in the latest issue of raum&zeit. This is a report about an Online Homeopathy Congress about Corona sponsored by them, and I include their information here for those of you who speak and/or read German.

An Exclusive Article Translation for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published June 2020

From an article in Raum&Zeit, Volume 38, Issue #225, May/June 2019
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2020, United to Heal, Friedland, Germany

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