Neuschwanstein Castle, Schwangau, Germany

Occidental Institute
Research Foundation
39th Biological Medicine
Tour to Germany

Oct. 30 to Nov. 5, 2012

A Personal Diary of our
Exclusive Program for
2012 Research Associates

Wednesday, 05 December 2012

Attn:  Everyone who missed joining us in Frankfurt for our Germany Tour #39

A big hello to our OIRF members, colleagues and friends . . .

Those of you who were unable to join us for this most recent tour program, really missed a good one! The size of the group was less than our anticipated 15 doctors, but it turned out to be just perfect. The countries represented by attendees were Canada, the United States and Australia, and about half of them were “first-timers”. We were few enough that we could all get to know each other well and everyone had plenty of time for one-on-one interaction with our attending directors Dr. Ted Cole, Dr. Karim Dhanani and (of course, me) Carolyn Winsor-Sturm. Looking back at this trip now, you missed – in my humble opinion – one of the very best tour programs ever!

Here’s an overview of our busy schedule of activities, lectures and travels during the Institute’s 39th Biological Medicine Group Tour to Germany. This is based on the final letter that went out to all participants shortly before their departure for the tour. I’ve added a few comments based on the actual events that took place – almost perfectly within our planned schedule.

TUESDAY (October 30th):  Dr. Cole and I arrived back at our Frankfurt Airport hotel a little later in the afternoon (highway traffic jams while returning from the Med-Tronik MORA Nova Instructors Training sessions in Friesenheim) than expected but we arrived back in Kelsterbach in time to meet everyone, say hello and send them off to bed after their travels.

Here’s Dr. Uwe Uellendahl showing us how to go through the menus to do a diagnosis and therapy with the new MORA Nova! Dr. Nuno Ruivo is looking on from the left.

Dr. Ullendahl & Dr. Ruivo with the group

Dr. Ted Cole introducing Dr. Sacher
and getting things started

WEDNESDAY (October 31st):  After a great breakfast in the hotel’s restaurant, we began our Germany odyssey by transferring to a nearby hotel. Dr. Cole introduced our first private lecture and our Keynote Speaker, Juliane Sacher, MD. She talked to us about her 25 years of research and experience, as well as the latest developments for the treatment of HIV/AIDS, cancer and chronic infections.

Dr. Sacher’s treatment procedures are readily applied in general and cancer related practice. In the past her understanding of the underlying causes of both of these scourges (and her research with Heinrich Kremer, MD) opened her to peer criticism. Today however Dr. Sacher is a highly respected practitioner and researcher in this field and is often invited to speak at international AIDS and cancer congresses. Her lecture was very well received by the participants.

After lunch in that same hotel we returned to our meeting room where we heard our second private lecture from Christine Schenk on Applied Body-Energy Medicine. This is a technique that has been utilized very effectively by Dr. Cole for more than 10 years. There are a number of books available (in English). Dr. Schenk has a very busy lecture and teaching schedule and this was a unique opportunity to hear her lecture in English. We were honored to welcome her to speak to us.

Dr. med. Juliane Sacher

Christine Schenk

And then it was time to load ourselves and our luggage onto our deluxe motor coach and wend our way southward by autobahn (freeway) to the Baden-Baden area, where we stay for four nights. There is lots of room for our little group in this big coach, so we should be able to have some good conversations (or naps) as we travel. During this ±2 hour bus ride (depending on traffic), Dr. Cole and I handed out the Medicine Week program books and will try to give you a short orientation talk about the layout of the Congress Hall and some tips about the exhibit stands.

There was also ample time in the evenings for Dr. Cole, Dr. Gruba and myself to answer questions concerning integration of Biological Medicine into your practice as well as opportunities for you to ask questions (hopefully we can stay awake with the jetlag).

This is our seventh year staying at this family run hotel, and they have an excellent restaurant featuring local (and during the fall season often wild) dishes, are close to the main area of the town of Bühl/Vimbuch (shopping!) along with great rooms and service – and it is still only about 20 minutes away from the Congress Hall in Baden-Baden.

That’s it for this very first – very busy – day on this 39th Tour Program. After supper there are no scheduled activities and this is your opportunity to relax with a beer in the bar, talk with your colleagues or tour hosts, or get yourself unpacked and settled into your room. We’ll see you in the morning!

THURSDAY (November 1st):  After breakfast today we will be spending the whole day at the Medicine Week Congress. Our motor coach leaves the hotel for the Palais Biron (near the Congress Hall) in Baden-Baden to hear the lectures sponsored and presented by the SANUM-Kehlbeck Company which are a part of the Medicine Week program. Here is the published schedule of lectures:

SANUM presented each participant with a ‘huge’ goodie bag of catalogs, articles, booklets as well as a lot of new printed information (in English). SANUM products are highly recommended by OIRF and we were very pleased to participate in this program. During the morning sessions we were honored to hear a new lecture from the head of their medical department, Gudrun Mekle, MD. This excellent information along with a brief history of Sanum itself was well presented. She presented useful practical information that participants could bring home and use in their practice immediately.

Also we heard from Frank Pleus, MD, DMD who used to be connected with the Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland (with Dr. Rau) but is now in his own private practice. One thing I noted immediately is that – like Dr. Helmut Schimmel – Dr. Pleus is both a medical and a dental physician. This gentleman presented an excellent lecture that I am still raving about. He was very clear to include information developed in the past by Dr. Voll, Dr. Kramer and many others. His current work and research bears watching. Thank you to SANUM for bringing exceptional lecture to the participants!

Dr. med. Gudrun Mekle

Frank Pleus, MD, DMD

As well we heard presentations from the well known Thomas Rau, MD of the Paracelcus Clinic in Switzerland, and some practice examples from acupuncturist Kimchi Moyer (USA). Pictured here, Dr. Cole on the left with Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Rau on the right (and one of the participants).

Thereafter, we had the rest of the evening free, since there were no organized events – but that offers yet another opportunity to have a few drinks in the pub, meet with the other tour participants, study, prep for Med-Week, etc. BUT, after supper you will all probably be tired – I know I will be. Today has again been long and busy and tomorrow will come only too quickly . . .

FRIDAY (November 2nd):  Due to a last minute change in our speaker schedule (Dr. Heinen had a scheduling conflict) today we will be spending the full day at the Medicine Week Congress. Our private motor coach took us to the Congress Hall in Baden-Baden. This was the main ‘officially’ scheduled attack on the exhibits at the Medicine Week. Have you been lifting your weights and power walking and speed talking in preparation for this? Although Halloween was a few days ago, this is your big opportunity to collect all the goodies and treats that you can manage to carry or fit into your suitcases.

Here are some pictures taken during our Medicine Week adventures:

Part of the group arriving at the entrance
to the 46th Medicine Week Congress.

Peter & Dagmar Thurmann, Holistic Concepts
(Voice Frequency Analysis and AMSAT)

Taking a break in the cafeteria –
“get away, this is my pretzell”

Dieter Jossner, Medical
Electronics with the new
ILS512 – full body laser

AND, the new Optical
Hand Electrodes

The always elegant and
gracious, Mrs. Gisela Ludwig
Advanced Medical Systems

What an exciting and busy day. A few participants also attended an optional English language conference on cancer therapy (although I hear the schedule got really messed up) that was an official part of the Medicine Week programs. Tapes of these lectures can be obtained through the media department of the Med-Week.

Because the participants were “on their own” for most of today – to give them flexibility in visiting Med-Week, meeting suppliers and exhibitors, and so on – this was an evening when many wanted to go “out on the town”. There are plenty of fabulous restaurants, an exciting Baden-Baden nightlife and they had plenty of time to visit the world famous casino or go to the baths Whew! Another day done – are we having fun yet???

SATURDAY (November 3rd):  After breakfast in the meeting room of our hotel will be our third private lecture. This lecture on SFA is sponsored by Mr. Peter Thurmann from Holistic Concepts (AMSAT). In German SFA stands for “Stimmfrequenzanalyse” which means Voice Frequency Analysis in English. Dr. med. MSc Arno Josef Heinen will speak to the group. A distinguished practitioner, Dr. Heinen is a specialist for Internal Medicine and natural healing methods. As well he specialized in stress research, system and evolutions theory as well as being an expert with SFA.

This year Dr. Heinen was able to present his full lecture. While at the Med-Week participants were able to visit the Holistic Concepts exhibit booth. There Mrs. Dagmar Thurmann who is an acknowledge expert and teacher of this method was able to demonstrate this method and prepare the therapy sound CD’s for those interested.

After lunch our motor coach leaves the hotel for the Congress Hall in Baden-Baden. This afternoon you are scheduled to attend an English language lecture that is an official part of Med-Week. Here was the lecture schedule:

Dr. Frank Beck

Dr. Ted Cole

Dr. Claude Bärtels

Dr. Kai Lühr

This was the program sponsored by Advanced Medical Systems on the magnetic field therapy method based on the work of Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Ludwig. Note that your esteemed Tour Medical Director Dr. Ted Cole presented a two-part lecture in this program. Additionally we again heard from Dr. rer. nat. Claude Bärtels with some information on how to handle patients with electromagnetic pollution. Later in the afternoon we heard a dynamic presentation from Kai Lühr, MD working with the various AMS patient and practitioner lasers. This company has a lot of very good small devices (such as the Cepes Laser and the “Little Ludwig” magnetic field device) that can be sold to your patients so they can continue their therapy at home.

Then back to our hotel for supper and since we depart from this hotel tomorrow it’s time to get packed up and ready to move on

SUNDAY (November 4th):  Initially we were scheduled to hear from Heck Bio-Pharma for our fourth private lecture this morning after breakfast. Unfortunately Mr. Heck was called away for international travel when a unique opportunity opened for him to participate in collection of their base substances. Mrs. Edith Sandell (who speaks excellent English) was able to answer many participant questions at their exhibit booth at Med-Week, however due to the lack of base substances (why Mr. Heck had to travel away) we were unable to obtain those coveted test sets.

Although we were able to obtain some literature and information, test sets will not be obtainable until next year. This is a relatively new company (compared to Wala, Heel, Staufen, DHU, etc.) however they have some excellent products including a very effective borreliosis nosode. Sadly, these products are difficult to obtain – especially internationally – and as a result we all want to get that test set next year so we can utilize these products!

With our luggage packed and our Med-Week literature and goodies prepared for travel got loaded onto our motor coach and headed out onto the autobahn (that’s the no speed limit freeway system – yippee! – wait till we get passed by a Porsche or Ferrari) once again. This was a fun and much more relaxing day than the past few jamb-packed days. I know it was hectic but by taking advantage of the lecturers who are already at Med-Week for other programs we reduce our travel times and can take in many more events.

And then – what a treat! This is truly another sightseeing destination on its own. This is MORA (and BE-T-A and MORA-Color and . . .). Unfortunately under the recent new manufacturers’ regulations, no full tour of their facility is possible. But you will see their own manufacturing plant (from the outside) and the beautiful classroom/teaching facility and so much more.

We will get a presentation from Nuno Ruivo, DO (a long time MORA practitioner and one of the developers of the new MORA NOVA and its software). This however is our own private introduction to the new MORA NOVA. We will get to actually play with some of the devices and hear about the capabilities of this exciting new technology. It has been in development for three years and will replace the now aging technology of the MORA-Super Plus. This is a mandatory attendance session (besides you’re trapped!).

Dr. Nuno Ruivo, MORA
Nova Developer/Instructor

Dr. Uwe Uellendahl – I know that
Nuno. I can do it this way!!

Look at all these Nova’s we
get to play with!! I can do that!

Mrs. Gaby Alexander, Med-Tronik
Dr. Sir Zenon Gruba, MORA-Color

This evening we had a chance to stay in one of Carolyn’s favorite hotels in Germany (which of course has an excellent restaurant), and then get ready to load onto the bus again tomorrow morning.

MONDAY (November 5th):  After breakfast we then wend our way north and east out of the Black Forest, past Stuttgart and Heilbronn to the small little German town of Osterburken in the Nekar-Odenwald district of Germany.

Advanced Medical Systems arranged a meeting room for us at another beautiful family run hotel. Dr. rer. nat. Frank Beck (that means a Doctor of Natural Science) will give us an in depth presentation and demonstration of their magnetic field therapy devices. As with the majority of sessions and lectures I have arranged for this tour, this one is focused on the possibilities and practical applications of biological medicine. Dr. Beck has presented several dynamite lectures to a few of our previous tour groups and at the request of some of our “many-timer” participants this is an opportunity for him to take some extra time and give us an in depth understanding of these amazingly effective devices.

Dr. rer. nat. Frank Beck

Oh goodie – we get to play with more machines!

Here we will see the application of the lifelong research and passion of Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Ludwig. As the co-inventor of the long ago discontinued INDUMED unit made by Med-Tronik in the early 1980’s, Dr. Ludwig continued his research with magnetics up until the time of his death in 2004. The AMS Company has been continued by his wife (Mrs. Gisela Ludwig-Bärtels) with the able and expert assistance of Dr. Beck.

We will had and enjoyable lunch at this hotel during one of the breaks and after this session ended we again boarded our deluxe motor coach and begin our trek (of about 2 hours depending on traffic) back to our Frankfurt Airport hotel.

Later with a short transfer to that neighboring hotel, we relaxed and enjoyed a beautiful closing “banquet” in this very nice restaurant – a leisurely celebration taking pictures and talking and enjoying our last evening together into the wee hours.

The tour officially ended after our certificate ceremonies. The hotel room for the night and breakfast tomorrow morning were included in the tour price.

TUESDAY (November 6th):  Fly home from Frankfurt anytime today if you wish, and most North Americans even get home that same day due to gaining time zones. Breakfast this morning is included in the tour price. Have a safe and pleasant trip home!

Well, that was it. We missed having you join us for this tour program and we look forward to seeing you there next year. With very best wishes for a most pleasant flight and a safe journey, I remain your “illustrious” tour guide. . .

Carolyn L. Winsor-Sturm
Managing Director and CEO

Again – no that’s not a picture of me, and it sure looks good! CLWS

An Exclusive Article for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published December 2012

© Copyright 2012, Occidental Institute, BC Canada

About the author

  • Founding director, administrator and executive director of Occidental Institute; the first English language acupuncture “school” in North America founded 1972 which over the years developed into the largest educational and promotional advocate of Biological Medicine until its closing in 2018.
  • 35 years experience with medical and technical translation and literary research in English, French and German.
  • Participation in every seminar, workshop and tour program sponsored by OIRF
  • Participation in more than 35 Medicine Week Congress programs as well as events too numerous to count sponsored by German instrumentation, homeopathic and research organizations
  • Training and certification in multiple Biological Medicine Methods including BioResonance Therapy, EAV, AMA, VEGA, Mayr Therapy, Ionized Oxygen Therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, BioPhoton Therapy, the so-called Global Diagnostics and many others.
  • As a teacher, lecturer and author she has already trained hundreds of practitioners from diverse English-speaking countries.
  • Her passion and insight provide an overall view of the most effective German Biological Medicine diagnostic and therapeutic methods

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