And Your December 2023 Releases
Med-Week Resources, Part 2
This will be a brief and incomplete listing of some of the many companies represented at the recent Medicine Week Congress. In the few weeks since sending you my initial impressions of that amazing congress, I’ve had a chance to reorganize not just my thoughts but also the reams of information and cards I gathered while wandering the exhibits. Because I am not an active practitioner, but rather a lecturer, researcher and writer, my perspective when viewing the exhibits is from a technical and foundational interest rather than direct clinical application.
I tried to break this information down into those areas that not only interested me personally, but which also represented methods and applications for the everyday practice. Since I have participated in this congress for many years, I also have an historical perspective about which firms have stood the test of time and maintained a reputation of integrity, professionalism and quality. These are my personal opinions and I do not receive commissions from any of these companies. However, I do urge all of you who see something of interest to do your homework (or call me for discussion) before putting down your hard earned funding to purchase devices or remedies.
Long Standing Firms with Recommendation
- Laura Emmerich has a small business that ships medications for various companies (Heel, Hevert, Pascoe, Sanum, Wala, etc.) in small quantities. Ask her for her 21 page product list. She is the official Dyckerhoff Pharma intermediary for South, Central and North America representing the Regeneresen® Again ask for the information she has about these extracts and formulations. We heard from Dr. Georg Stommel about these remedies on several of the OIRF Tour programs.
This is an invaluable service that is struggling since the pandemic, but is looking to rebuild their client list. She has my strong recommendation and has assisted OIRF and international docs for many years to obtain these important medications. You can reach her at
Laura Emmerich: [email protected]
- Advanced Medical Systems (AMS): PEMF instrumentation of the highest quality. This firm maintained their full large size exhibit booth this year. I had several great conversations with Eva Niesel (Sales and Customer Service at [email protected]) and have since also heard from their manager Dr. Frank Beck. This company remains active and has my highest recommendation. Their devices based on the work of Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig cover a broad range of PEMF applications.
- Staufen-BCV GmbH: It was a pleasure to meet and chat with Norbert Gschweng (and a place to sit and rest tired feet for a few minutes) the manage of this small firm. Norbert rescued all of the original Staufen Pharma ampules after the newer homeopathic regulations forced closure of that venerable company. With this new version of Staufen Pharma, he has safely digitized all of the nosodes, sarcodes, everythings from original, unprinted or uncontaminated samples. A miracle that has preserved and protected the irreplaceable frequency information that was otherwise lost.
Contact Norbert Gschweng [email protected] for information on their software programs and availability of some testsets.
- Kindling BioEnergetik: Here, an opportunity to speak with engineer and manager Mr. Eduard Abrams, and a brief visit with long time colleague and friend from former Med-Tronik days Uwe Uellendahl. Kindling is one of the oldest (since the early days of Dr. Voll), most reliable and most reputable manufacturers of EAV devices. Their diagnostics meet the highest standards of the industry, are moderately (fairly) priced and they have international distributors including Canada and the US. They also have a range of effective bioresonance devices. Here is their website: and you can reach out to US/CDN distributor Gordon Johnston of Matrix Solutions at for more information.
- Hänsler Medical (since 1958!): The premiere and original Ozone Therapy. Not much more to be said – if you are interested in or looking for ozone therapy devices, go to the original and still the best. See their website here:
- Selected Pharma: LARET, Photon Resonance Test, Test Sets and so much more. These are the final developments from Dr. Dr. Helmut W. Schimmel. Highly recommended. Contact Ms. Ute Engelhardt at [email protected]
A Few Long Standing Firms without Recommendation
- Meripharm: Test sets! Highly recommended firm. For product and test set lists contact managing director Jürgen Zilly at website or email at [email protected]
- Representatives from at least two dozen remedy companies were scattered among the exhibit area. Most of the recognized organizations maintained booths as in the past. I did not particularly notice any new ones, and either Mr. Zilly or Ms. Emmerich can better advise you what is available.
New without Recommendation
- MAD X – Macro Array Diagnostics, assessment of allergens Contact Thomas Gehlhaar at [email protected] Website:
- Noxygen – Noxygen Science Transfer & Diagnostics, lab-type assessment. Suggested of interest by Dr. KD. Their website at:
- COMMIT GmbH – Creating Health, VNS Analysis, HRV technology. Website:
- MTG Medizinische technische Geräte / Papimi – Huge booth exhibit with treatment rooms, classrooms, and display. Somehow connected with Dr. Rau. Ion Induction Therapy. Website:
- Mannayan – Zapper, Supplements, books and home of the Tricombin (powerful frequency generator). Contact manager Mr. Oliver Sturm at [email protected] and Website:
- W Medical Systems – Endo Light Band, Supplements, PRP kits and the Weber Medical LED Infrared Helmet (photobiomodulation at home). Website:
Very well represented by Dr. Matthias Wojcik (a pharmacist with his own line of products) who was well informed and able to provide detailed information on the products. Website:
- Intermittent Hypoxia-Hyperoxia Treatment (IHHT) – There were two or three exhibits with this type of therapy. Sorry, I didn’t get the particulars as I passed on my rounds. Discussions later indicated it is very effective and apparently increases utilization of oxygen. (?) Sorry.
Of Interest(?) without Recommendation
- Holigomed – this company had a huge array of devices with multiple methods. There was a constant parade of demonstrations and it was always a busy exhibit. I personally found it confusing and without focus. It appeared they were appealing to everything (cosmetic, feel good, medical) with a series of “new” devices, that looked awfully similar to other companies. Website:
- Holosan, – This is the “new” bioresonance device I mentioned in my “impressions” article. Manufactured by Kindling to their design and development. They claim to have been involved with bioresonance since the 1990’s but there is no indication on which devices they have based their development, nor whether they utilize a filter mechanism to separate pathological and physiological. We are just supposed to understand that “it’s bioresonance” and feel “warm and fuzzy”. Website:
With the companies that I spoke with who were “missing” from the exhibit area at Med-Week, the general consensus was that it remains too expensive and at the same time too poorly attended. Many firms are struggling with the constantly changing regulations for medical devices and the need for costly and lengthy certification audits. We must look to the future to see how this will unfold post-pandemic.
That’s about it for now. If I’ve missed someone or something, let me know and I’ll try to figure it out. As I mentioned before, this is an incomplete list of the exhibits at the Congress and reflects my personal interests and opinions. I feel confident as we further separate from the pandemic timewise, that the Med-Week Congress will rebuild both with participants, lectures and exhibits, back to former times with attendances of well over 4,000 international physicians. I have been informed very recently that many of this year’s lecturers were told they could not speak about Covid which I suppose explains some of my disappointment in the presentations I took in.
December Releases. Research and Articles:
Here are a few interesting articles and research that crossed my desk in the past few weeks.
Carolyn’s Journal Contribution for December (besides this rambling epistle):
- Vitamin C in Complementary Oncology, The Supportive Effect of Ascorbic Acid, by Aline-Maria Rühtz and Dr.rer.hum. Claudia Vollbracht. Surgery and subsequent treatment deprive cancer patients of Vitamin C. Balancing is important because ascorbic acid provides fundamental support for patients. It fights oxidative stress, strengthens the immune system and relieves tumor and therapy related pain. Vitamin C can be found in high concentrations in many organs. In addition to the general positive properties, vitamin C helps in particular with cancer illnesses. It fights oxidative stress and supports tumor and therapy related pain. In addition, Vitamin C can improve the quality of life of the ill. Read more here.
Note from CLW: One of several articles under the heading “Cancer Therapy Special” in my recent Naturheilpraxis journal This article offers some documentation and application protocols for a supplement that I know we’re all already working with. Thanks to these two researchers for their in depth work and effort.
Follow these links for Dr. Mercola’s recent articles.
- Common Drug Used by Pork Industry Has Human Cancer Risk Read more here.
I’ve personally found it interesting how many folks in the US, and of course many folks with several faith based beliefs, do not eat pork. It’s never really been a consideration or concern for me, nor for many in Canada. Here, some interesting information that offers a partial explanation.COVID-19,
- What Can The Smallpox Vaccine Disaster Teach Us About Spike Protein Injuries? Read more here. Again, let’s pay attention to history . . .
And, some very important links.
- Long COVID Propaganda and Fraud: It’s Time to Push Back on Lies and Help Those Suffering from Spikeopathy, By William Makis
Another Note from CLW: Again, I’m not trying to extend or expand the controversy and politics of the Covid and pandemic situation. This article from Global Research by Dr. William Makis clearly dissects the statistics and challenges of the vax reactions, Long and Post Covid. Most importantly, he clearly defines effective treatment protocols. Take heed.
Follow this link to read the article:
- Quantum Orthomolecular Medicine: The Bio-Orthophotonic Concept of Healing Energy Follow this link to read the article.
CLW Note: This is a spectacular article. It’s some 20 pages long including a long list of excellent references. These are the discussions and research we need in order to bring energy and biological medicine back into focus and acceptance.
Also interesting for me over the past week has been the many articles and theories put forth on the 60th Anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on Nov. 23, 1963. The current independent candidacy of RFK Jr. for president (in the midst of the circus of Biden vs Trump – again) is filled with possibility and a lot of irony. It will be interesting what 2024 elections (internationally) bring to the future of the democracy and politics.
In closing, I’ll be leaving for Las Vegas (aw shucks) in a few short days to participate in the A4M Conference. My goal there, as it was in Germany, is to listen to as many of the lectures as I can and to spend time in the exhibit area. After my four year absence from participation in these important events, I’m more than curious to see the changes, hear the current information and research, and to see what’s new. More in my releases early in the New Year.
Happy Holidays one and all . . .
An Exclusive Commentary Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published December 2023
© Copyright 2023, Carolyn Winsor, P2P, BC Canada
And Your December 2023 Releases
Med-Week Resources, Part 2
This will be a brief and incomplete listing of some of the many companies represented at the recent Medicine Week Congress. In the few weeks since sending you my initial impressions of that amazing congress, I’ve had a chance to reorganize not just my thoughts but also the reams of information and cards I gathered while wandering the exhibits. Because I am not an active practitioner, but rather a lecturer, researcher and writer, my perspective when viewing the exhibits is from a technical and foundational interest rather than direct clinical application.
I tried to break this information down into those areas that not only interested me personally, but which also represented methods and applications for the everyday practice. Since I have participated in this congress for many years, I also have an historical perspective about which firms have stood the test of time and maintained a reputation of integrity, professionalism and quality. These are my personal opinions and I do not receive commissions from any of these companies. However, I do urge all of you who see something of interest to do your homework (or call me for discussion) before putting down your hard earned funding to purchase devices or remedies.
Long Standing Firms with Recommendation
This is an invaluable service that is struggling since the pandemic, but is looking to rebuild their client list. She has my strong recommendation and has assisted OIRF and international docs for many years to obtain these important medications. You can reach her at
Laura Emmerich: [email protected]
Contact Norbert Gschweng [email protected] for information on their software programs and availability of some testsets.
A Few Long Standing Firms without Recommendation
New without Recommendation
Very well represented by Dr. Matthias Wojcik (a pharmacist with his own line of products) who was well informed and able to provide detailed information on the products. Website:
Of Interest(?) without Recommendation
With the companies that I spoke with who were “missing” from the exhibit area at Med-Week, the general consensus was that it remains too expensive and at the same time too poorly attended. Many firms are struggling with the constantly changing regulations for medical devices and the need for costly and lengthy certification audits. We must look to the future to see how this will unfold post-pandemic.
That’s about it for now. If I’ve missed someone or something, let me know and I’ll try to figure it out. As I mentioned before, this is an incomplete list of the exhibits at the Congress and reflects my personal interests and opinions. I feel confident as we further separate from the pandemic timewise, that the Med-Week Congress will rebuild both with participants, lectures and exhibits, back to former times with attendances of well over 4,000 international physicians. I have been informed very recently that many of this year’s lecturers were told they could not speak about Covid which I suppose explains some of my disappointment in the presentations I took in.
December Releases. Research and Articles:
Here are a few interesting articles and research that crossed my desk in the past few weeks.
Carolyn’s Journal Contribution for December (besides this rambling epistle):
Note from CLW: One of several articles under the heading “Cancer Therapy Special” in my recent Naturheilpraxis journal This article offers some documentation and application protocols for a supplement that I know we’re all already working with. Thanks to these two researchers for their in depth work and effort.
Follow these links for Dr. Mercola’s recent articles.
I’ve personally found it interesting how many folks in the US, and of course many folks with several faith based beliefs, do not eat pork. It’s never really been a consideration or concern for me, nor for many in Canada. Here, some interesting information that offers a partial explanation.COVID-19,
And, some very important links.
Another Note from CLW: Again, I’m not trying to extend or expand the controversy and politics of the Covid and pandemic situation. This article from Global Research by Dr. William Makis clearly dissects the statistics and challenges of the vax reactions, Long and Post Covid. Most importantly, he clearly defines effective treatment protocols. Take heed.
Follow this link to read the article:
CLW Note: This is a spectacular article. It’s some 20 pages long including a long list of excellent references. These are the discussions and research we need in order to bring energy and biological medicine back into focus and acceptance.
Also interesting for me over the past week has been the many articles and theories put forth on the 60th Anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on Nov. 23, 1963. The current independent candidacy of RFK Jr. for president (in the midst of the circus of Biden vs Trump – again) is filled with possibility and a lot of irony. It will be interesting what 2024 elections (internationally) bring to the future of the democracy and politics.
In closing, I’ll be leaving for Las Vegas (aw shucks) in a few short days to participate in the A4M Conference. My goal there, as it was in Germany, is to listen to as many of the lectures as I can and to spend time in the exhibit area. After my four year absence from participation in these important events, I’m more than curious to see the changes, hear the current information and research, and to see what’s new. More in my releases early in the New Year.
Happy Holidays one and all . . .
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published December 2023
© Copyright 2023, Carolyn Winsor, P2P, BC Canada
About the author
Carolyn L. Winsor
Carolyn’s decades-long involvement with the work of OIRF has given her the tools and skills to offer you unique and valuable insights into the ongoing developments in this always expanding field. Her Biological Medicine background includes:
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