
Long-Covid can be treated very well with homeopathy in the first few months after a Corona infection or Corona vaccination. This article presents the most commonly indicated remedies for curing Long-Covid and explains the underlying homeopathic treatment concept. This consists of administration of the appropriate nosode, the appropriate specific homeopathic remedy and, depending on the case, an accompanying treatment with “power remedies”. Very protracted Long-Covid courses are often complicated by exacerbations of old chronic diseases, new traumatizations, and repeated vaccinations. A successful homeopathic treatment is also possible here, but requires great experience.

Keywords: Long-Covid, Corona, SARS-CoV-2, homeopathy, power remedy

In the meantime, it is now undisputed that there are long-term health consequences of SARS-CoV-2 infection. How these are designated and how the clinical picture is defined is still not decided internationally according to the evaluation of the RKI(1) (as of April 2022). The most common classification distinguishes between “Post-Covid” and “Long-Covid”.

Health complaints that persist or even newly emerge beyond the acute illness phase of a SARS-CoV-2 infection are termed “Long-Covid”. Complaints that are still present more than 12 weeks after the beginning of a SARS-CoV-2 infection and cannot be explained otherwise(1), are referred to as Post-Covid Syndrome.

Since even these terms are still defined differently internationally, I will call all long-term health consequences of SARS-CoV-2 infection “Long-Covid”.

Homeopathically, the name of the disease is of very minor importance anyway. Only the (individually very different) symptoms of the disease determine the remedy choices.

Homeopathic Treatment of Long-Covid

As mentioned homeopaths are not dependent on the diagnosis for a homeopathic treatment. In the best case however, the diagnosis gives an indication of the cause (the homeopathic Causa), which can greatly simplify the treatment.

The symptoms of Long-Covid can be extremely varied which leads to sometimes grotesque differential diagnostic examination marathons in conventional medicine. In homeopathy on the other hand good and varied symptoms often make the remedy choice easier. The mentioned clear Causa makes the successful homeopathic treatment even easier.

The homeopathic approach and remedy finding for Long-Covid are relatively simple. Since Long-Covid is initially an acute illness in the homeopathic sense, only the more pronounced and characteristic symptoms of acute Long-Covid disease are considered to find a remedy. The specific Causa (Covid-19 or vaccination) makes the initial administration of the corona nosode or the vaccine nosode useful. Knowledge of the sometimes quite complex homeopathic treatment of chronic diseases is therefore not necessary for uncomplicated Long-Covid cases. This led me to provide a guideline(2) for affected persons, so that even lay people can take the important early treatment of Long-Covid into their own hands and independently of conventional measures.


In many cases, especially those lasting no longer than 6 weeks, we saw a significant improvement, sometimes a complete cure, just by administering the corresponding nosode (“Corona nosode” and/or “Vaccine nosode”). This improvement was usually sufficient to induce a rapid spontaneous healing process. Nosodes are available in well-stocked pharmacies (e.g. https://dr-grimms.de/).** Nosodes from the original SARS-CoV-2 work very well; Nosodes from later mutations don’t seem to work any better.

An accompaniment to the healing process induced by the corresponding nosode with roborative measures was often helpful. If the administration of nosodes was not sufficient, the specific homeopathic treatment produced the desired results even with longer lasting courses(3).

Since in the first few weeks Long-Covid only produced a manageable number of different and pronounced symptoms, the majority of patients could be cured with a few remedies. However a small number of patients then needed further on-going remedies which for experienced homeopaths were not difficult to find in the homeopathic remedy finding process. Long-Covid that has not lasted too long in many cases can therefore be cured, besides with the corresponding nosodes, with a few typical remedies, and also without previous homeopathic knowledge(2).

In the practice of Long-Covid treatment 16 homeopathic remedies crystallized which came quite predominantly into application(2). Of these 16 remedies, 7 are again particularly frequent, which is why I would like to introduce them here in relation to Long-Covid:

Primary Remedies of Homeopathic Treatment

Please keep in mind that all the remedies listed include symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, “brain fog”, lack of recovery and respiratory disorders. For some remedies, and this is then noted with the respective remedy, weakness or fatigue for example, are particularly characteristic.

Primary Remedies of Homeopathic Treatment
Arsenicum album, Carbo vegetabilis, Gelsemium, Kalium phosphoricum, Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Influenzinum

Arsenicum Album (arsenic acid)
  • Weakness and exhaustion
  • Chilly; restless; sensitive
  • Fearful; Fear of death
  • Fear of infection; Fear of illness
  • Considers taking medication to be pointless
  • Fear due to constant uncertainty
  • Irritability; knows everything better
  • Thirst, but drinks only in small sips
  • Burning discomfort
  • Heat applications and/or hot drinks improve everything
Carbo vegetabilis (charcoal)
  • The remedy for weakness with hunger for air
  • Persistent extreme weakness, especially after exhaustive illness
  • Cold, chilliness and blue discoloration of body and body parts
  • Strong craving for air
  • Hypoxia; rapid breathing
  • If the patient prefers continued oxygen supply in spite of improvement
  • Irritability
  • All foods are incompatible
  • Helps if the patient has not become anymore healthy since a hospitalization
Gelsemium (Yellow Jasmine)
  • The remedy for trembling weakness
  • Weakness, fatigue, shaky after corona or influenza
  • Despondent; mental weakness after Corona, M. Pfeiffer, influenza
  • Never fully recovered; again and again low fever
  • Not sick; but also not healthy; chilly
  • Heat waves; weak; shaky knees
  • Heaviness in limbs and eyelids
Kalium phosphoricum (Potassium phosphoricum)
  • The power remedy #1
  • In general weakness and gloom
  • Depressive basic mood, does not want to meet anybody
  • Irritable even with close friends; weak and helpless feeling
  • Feels worse due to upcoming tasks
  • Weakness of memory
  • Visual impairment; poor focusing
  • Feeling of emptiness in the stomach; dark yellow urine after awakening
  • Breathless with little effort
  • Severe limb and joint pains
  • Worse in the morning; unrefreshed awakening
  • Works very well as a single dose of C200
  • Also as a “power remedy” among other treatments in low potencies:
    D6 (D4 also works) 3 x 5 globules or 3 x 1 tablet per day
Nux vomica (Strychnine tree, poison fruit)
  • The remedy for hypersensitivity and irritability
  • Consequences from many medications, from stress and overwork
  • Loss of sense of smell; Aversion to drinks
  • Insomnia due to the urge to think
  • Very frozen; worse due to everything cold
  • The remedy with consequences of viral diseases in which the respiratory tract, especially the lungs were predominantly affected, and may still be affected
  • Hard, dry cough, worse by talking
  • Breathing difficult; Constriction and pressure in chest
  • Emptiness in the head; fear of imaginary things; irritable
  • Chilly; thirst at night; loss of taste and smell
  • Coagulation disturbances with bleeding and thrombosis
  • If Arsenicum album or Bryonia have helped with Covid-19, Phosphorus frequently helps with the rarely occurring secondary symptoms.
Influenzinum (Flu Nosode)
  • The prevention of viral diseases of the respiratory tract, including the prevention of Covid-19
  • In good time before the start of the infection season as a single dose
  • Before traveling to high-incidence areas
  • Before the appearance of virus variants or new cold viruses
  • Take C200 once; at least 4 weeks break until the next intake

Basically I recommend the administration (also repeated administration if deterioration comes again after the improvement) of 5 globules in C200.

In addition to C200, Kalium phosphoricum also works very well in D6.

Power Remedies

If this procedure (also taking into account the other 9 frequent remedies(3)) should only help slowly, an accompanying treatment with mother tinctures is recommended.

Here I recommend differentiating the following 6 (power) remedies:

Power Remedies
Avena sativa, Crataegus oxycantha, Passiflora incarnata, Scutellaria lateriflora, Senega and Kalium phosphoricum.

Avena sativa (Oat)
  • “The Detoxifier”
  • A detoxifying function is attributed the oat
  • Sleepiness after influenza and corona
  • Fatigue and weakness after corona and other viral infections
  • General for convalescence after Covid-19
  • 3 x 10 drops per day
Crataegus oxycantha (Hawthorn)
  • “The Heart Tonic”
  • To alleviate and prevent heart damage
  • Preventive for post-viral myocarditis
  • In case of severe obesity, to prevent damage to the heart in case of infection (or vaccination)
  • During viral infection with existing coronary insufficiency with exercise dyspnea
  • 3 x 10 drops per day; during at least 3-4 weeks for optimal effect
Passiflora incarnata (Passion Flower)
  • “the Number 1 Sleep Remedy”
  • For non-restful sleep, not only for consequences of viral infections
  • To strengthen the immune system
  • “Lung strengthening” for cough and shortness of breath
  • 20 drops before going to bed; at least 2-3 weeks intake for optimal effect
Scutellaria lateriflora (Blue Skullcap)
  • “The Weakness Remedy”
  • Weakness after corona, influenza, even after viral infections
  • Feeling of emptiness in the head
  • Lack of concentration which increases with mental exertion
  • Nervous, depressed
  • Restless weakness, cannot recover
  • Muscle spasms
  • Cardiac involvement with irregular and weak pulse; possibly chest pain
  • In the case of heart symptoms, also check whether Crataegus could fit
  • Most likely improvement outside and by eating
  • Take 3 x 10 drops per day for at least 2-3 weeks intake
Senega ( Senega root)
  • “The Cough Remedy”
  • Persistent cough and shortness of breath after Covid-19 (Long-Covid)
  • Mucus in bronchitis is difficult to cough up
  • Rattling and tightness in the chest
  • Also for acute Covid-19 and influenza
  • 2-4 x 5 drops per day
Kalium phosphoricum
  • “The Number 1 Power Remedy”
  • For details, see “Primary Remedies”
  • For me, by far the most frequently used accompanying remedy is Kalium phosphoricum, already mentioned in homeopathic remedies, which covers the Long-Covid complaints very well.


Of course, it would be easiest if it did not come to Long Covid in the first place. Through the immediate homeopathic treatment of Covid-19(4) or the homeopathic accompaniment of corona vaccinations(5), long-term consequences can be reliably prevented.

Unfortunately, the reality is different. For us, patients predominantly seek help who have already suffered for many months or meanwhile even for 1-2 years from complaints subsumed under Long-Covid. Often severe stories of suffering, lengthy rehabilitation measures and sometimes traumatizing experiences with conventional “treatment” are behind them.

In these cases which are also homeopathically difficult, the initially (homeopathically speaking) acute illnesses have already passed over into chronic, complex ailments. Now in addition to homeopathic knowledge, greater medical experience is needed in order to help these people to complete health. But even with lengthy courses the 6 accompanying “power remedies” I mentioned can create a first relief and provide strength to lead the other intensive homeopathic treatment to a good end.

From our clinical experience and the experience of many homeopaths in our working groups, Long-Covid is a homeopathically curable disease. Only delayed cases with a late homeopathic start of treatment or the mixing of Long-Covid with pre-existing chronic diseases can lead to complex clinical pictures, which represent a real challenge even for experienced homeopaths.

Conflict of Interest:
Dr. med. Uwe Friedrich, Baltrum, Germany
The author states that there is no conflict of interest.

An Exclusive Translated Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published April 2023

Translated and re-published in an effort to spread the information and research to as many practitioners of complementary, integrative and energy medicine as possible:
From an article in Erfahrungsheilkunde, Volume 71, Issue #5, 2022
Machine Translation by Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2022, EHK 2022; 71:264-268 I © 2022. Thieme. All rights reserved.

EHK 2022; 71:264-268
DOI 10.1055/a-1835-6276
ISSN 0014-0082
0 2022. Thieme. All rights reserved.
Karl F. Haug Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co.
KG, Oswald-Hesse-Straße 50, 70469 Stuttgart Germany

About the author

** Try this!! Not sure what form or company they have available, but . . . The website pulls up easily and Mr. Google will happily translate! CLW


  1. Robert Koch-Institut. Long COVID (Stand: 19.07.2022). Im Internet: https://www.rki.de/SharedDocs/FAQ/NCOV2019/FAQ_Liste_Gesundheitliche_Langzeitfolgen.html ; Stand: 22.08.2022
  2. Friedrich U. Long Covid – und jetzt? Folgen von Viruserkrankungen erfolgreich begegnen. Augsburg: Klar; 2021
  3. Hahnemann Praxisklinik Balfrum. Umfrage zur homöopathischen Behandlung von prolongierter Covid-19 und „Long Covid”. Im Internet: https://hahnemann-klinik-baltrum.de/ behandlungsergebnisseh Stand: 22.08.2022
  4. Friedrich U. Angst vor Corona – was man bei COVID-19 selber tun kann. Augsburg: Klar; 2021
  5. Friedrich U. Corona-Impfung – und jetzt? Impfungen heilsam begleiten. Augsburg: Klar; 2022

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