Vaccine Damages After Corona Vaccination

How Can Homeopathy Help?

Even with secondary diseases caused by vaccination the gentle remedies of homeopathy can give effective, healing impulses. The homeopathic specialist Dr. Christiane Poppe reports here which approaches have proven successful for her. The case studies show how finely the homeopathic medications must be coordinated with the respective symptoms so that they can stimulate the body to self-regulation.

After Corona vaccination my patients mostly tell me that they have tolerated it well. Not infrequently however, we find out in a shared conversation that a painful arm, fever, dizziness and headaches over a few days are considered to be quite “well tolerated”, although this was not known from the (non-Corona) vaccinations received so far.

Post Vaccination Syndrome

For about one year however, patients have come into my practice who are seeking help because of various complaints after vaccination against the SARS-CoV-2 Virus. Sometimes I already had the feeling that a new clinical picture had developed. And in the meantime there actually is an official word for it: Post Vaccination Syndrome or Post-Vac Syndrome.

In the large Real-World Data study from Charité, Prof. Harald Matthes systematically examined around 40,000 patients after Corona vaccination and has been asking them for over one year about their condition and possible emerging side effects. Again the interim results also reflect the results of register-studies from, for example, Canada, Sweden and Denmark: After a vaccination with an mRNA or Vector vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 virus side effects occur in 0.8% of cases which require medical treatment and significantly exceed the level of “normal” side effects of a vaccination as they were so far “common” (0.2 to 0.4 percent). The complaints affect various organ systems: neurological disturbances like nerve pain, headaches or paralysis, circulatory disorders like dizziness or high blood pressure, musculoskeletal complaints, thrombosis, inflammation of the heart muscle and also the immune system (multisystemic inflammatory syndrome). Some of my patients reported that since the vaccination their physical performance has decreased, they are permanently tired, suffer from infections more often which would only pass away with difficulty or that old complaints which had already long ago passed away have returned again.

Of course just like already for acute Covid illness or with Long-Covid Syndrome, I treated the vaccination complications [secondary illnesses] homeopathically. Here, I would like to report the homeopathic prophylaxis and treatment of mild or more severe vaccination reactions.

An aching arm, fever, dizziness and headache are already considered as mostly well tolerated.

Joint Pains, Fatigue, Boils

To begin, the case of Mrs. J. whom I have been treating homeopathically since the spring of 2020. At that time she came with an inflammatory bowel disease. Over and over again for 15 years she had suffered with severe diarrhea which was also treated with cortisone. Additionally since her youth she already had muscle and joint pains.

During her long suffering a depression developed because of which antidepressants were prescribed. I gave her Natrium muriaticum in increasing Q-potencies. When she felt more joie de vivre and zest for action she stopped taking the antidepressant for the time being. Further in the process she managed without painkillers, with a few exceptions like after greater physical exertion or emotional stress. At last she omitted even the cortisone, and nevertheless the diarrhea which was already for a long time significantly improved did not occur again. For awhile she was doing very well.

Joint pains are a possible consequence of the C-vaccination.

In May 2021 she was vaccinated against Corona for the first time with BioNTech. After that she got severe joint pains. I gave her a homeopathic remedy that has meanwhile been well proven by many homeopaths: the so-called vaccine nosode, in other words the one-time administration of the potentized vaccine which she had received. By the way there are also these “nosodes” for all available non-corona vaccines and they have often helped astonishingly well. They can be taken prophylactically after the vaccination (one-time five globuli) to avoid possible side effects. However they can also be used as I did now to alleviate the side effects and heal them. With few exceptions I always give these at the first when the patient reports complaints to me after the vaccination, even if they already date back some time ago.

In the case of Mrs. J. the joint pain improved after administration of the vaccine nosode. Also the arising leaden fatigue disappeared for awhile.

Six weeks later she got her second vaccination. The fatigue came again, sometimes she had trouble getting her eyes to open. An old symptom, which had also disappeared for three-quarters of a year, arose again. She got big painful boils. This was an indication for another proven remedy which is used for among other things vaccine complications. I gave Thuja C200 as an interim dose.

Already after a few weeks she reports to be quite content. There are no more boils, the fatigue has disappeared and she even has the pain well under control again. Nevertheless, she more often has to reach for painkillers than before the first Corona vaccination.

Then in January she had a booster. Since then she comes to me for treatment in shorter intervals, because the pain in her joints and muscles can no longer be improved as continuously by the homeopathic remedies as before the vaccination. I even gave the vaccine nosode and another nosode twice more and in spite of this the effect continued for only a short time. When the painful boils returned once more I changed again to Thuja which is now taken in monthly intervals as an interim dose to the chronic remedy Natrium muriaticum.

Find the Correct Remedy

In order to prevent disturbances around the Corona vaccination or to be able to treat them effectively, we must ask the patients exactly which symptoms have arisen since the Corona vaccination. Then we compare them with the symptoms known about the homeopathic medications (which means that the remedy has already caused them once in a drug test on healthy people). With certain illnesses, like for example thrombosis, the symptomatology proceeds very similarly for many patients. Additionally some homeopathic medications have a connection to a particular organ. This makes it possible to use a selection of medications specific to certain illnesses. The well-known homeopath Dr. Uwe Friedrich has intensely dealt with the prophylaxis and treatment of the consequences of the Corona vaccination, and has published his experiences in the book “Corona-Impfung und jetzt?” *

Anti-Inflammatory Remedies for Local Vaccination Reactions

For treatment of the local vaccination reaction which refers primarily to disorders in the vaccination area, he recommends a differentiation between the known homeopathic anti-inflammatory remedies: Aconitum, Apis, Arnica, Belladonna or Ledum. The symptoms of the patient help the decision: If the local vaccination reaction appears suddenly and very violently and is accompanied by fever, aconitum probably helps. We use apis for hot swelling with improvement from a cooling compress and with an allergic reaction (after we have notified the emergency doctor). For belladonna for example a strong redness would be noticeable, while for ledum the swelling is not hot and cold applications improve the pain. We use arnica when there is a bruise or a feeling of a bruise.

Serious side effects of the C-Vaccination can also be countered homeopathically.

Treatment of General Complaints

If pain is not only present at the injection site, but even other body areas are also affected other medications are possible. Here is another case. In mid-November a 21 year old patient came to my practice who had received her booster vaccination three days before: “On Monday night I was freezing very much, now I suffer from headaches, feel like I’m befuddled and have to urinate very often. Strangely enough my headaches are better for awhile after I urinate.” As a result this was consequently a case that I did not reach for the vaccine nosode, but rather for Gelsemium because the patient reported symptoms so typical for this homeopathic remedy.

Another helpful remedy for treatment of general vaccination reactions is Silicea. It has been proven if: there is exhaustion as a result of a vaccination, an immune deficiency manifests in always recurring infections, lymph nodes swell, already healed inflammations or skin rashes occur again or the vaccinated person falls ill with shingles. Even if no other homeopathic remedy seems to fit or you do not have time to thoroughly consider the sick person’s symptoms, a homeopathic treatment attempt with silicea, this broadly effective vaccination complication remedy, is justified.

Often complaints also occur in the muscle and joint systems after vaccination:

Painful Thighs

Mrs. M. told me at the end of April that she had been suffering from severe pain in her thighs for two months. Each beginning of even a so small movement is extraordinarily painful. At night she has extreme pain and can no longer stand it after four hours in bed. She could only lie on her stomach or back, the lateral position was intolerable for her. Only slow continuous movement could significantly improve the pain which is why she wanders through the apartment for half the night. Heat also provides relief. She reports since her first vaccination against Covid in February 2021 she has received a total of eight vaccinations (in addition to 4 Corona vaccinations another two vaccinations against shingles, one flu vaccination and one vaccination against pneumococci), where she had gotten her fourth Covid vaccination and the vaccination for shingles at intervals of just under three weeks before the appearance of the complaints. Additionally she has been suffering for some years from Lupus erythematosus, an autoimmune illness with which the immune system forms antibodies against structures of its own body. No wonder that her body reacted after so many stimulations from the many vaccinations. Her clear symptoms led me to the medication Rhus Toxicodendron which she repeatedly took dissolved in water in a C200 potency. After three days she reports that in the last few nights she has already remained lying in bed for six hours at a stretch, also at times in a lateral position. During the day small position changes are now possible pain free, where before she had severe pain with every movement. Now I still gave the vaccine nosode and afterwards let her repeat the Rhus Toxicodendron at shorter intervals. After three weeks she succeeded in spending the whole night in bed pain free and also a change of body position was possible nearly without pain.

Support for Serious Side Effects

More serious side effects of the vaccination can be met homeopathically (see table preceding page). Of course in such a case a doctor must be consulted straightaway so that other meaningful treatments are not delayed. For that matter, it is advisable to make use of medical support for vaccination reactions of every form. After this has been notified it is still worthwhile before transport to the hospital or on the way to the medical practice to give a homeopathic remedy to support healing. The [above] mentioned homeopathic remedy can also be administered preventatively one-time a few hours after the vaccination, if for example a blood clotting (coagulation) disturbance is known, [the person] has already been ill once with a thrombosis, or there is heart disease. However the preventive effect is a little bit speculative. However even if no serious side effects are initiated and we gave the remedy free of charge, it does not matter because the one-time administration of a homeopathic medication has no side effects. Additionally we always also give the vaccine nosode one-time in the potency C200 with a little interval.

Risk of Inflammation of the Heart Muscle

For good measure, the case of a 24-year old man for whom I feared a heart muscle inflammation after the vaccination: He was vaccinated with BioNTech the day before. Since that night there was a feeling of pressure in his chest, his lips had cracked open, he had severe arm pain and fever. He looked anxious and reported that he recognized similar symptoms from a myocarditis for which he had been treated in hospital in April 2019. Since then a cardiac insufficiency would exist. His father also has fallen ill with cardiac insufficiency since his youth. Fortunately the blood tests and the ECG that I arranged did not show any anomalies which would have prompted me to send the patient immediately to the hospital. I gave him Spigelia C200 and recommended he take it dissolved in water several times a day for discomfort. In a telephone call the following day Mr. S. reported that his chest pain and the fever have disappeared again. A prompt cardiological checkup was agreed upon for safety’s sake.

On the basis of the described medical cases it becomes clear how homeopathy provides valuable help in the healing accompaniment of the Corona vaccination. However we are well advised to begin homeopathic treatment as early as possible immediately at the time of the vaccination. The case of Mrs. J. shows that it becomes more cumbersome if the suffering already continues for awhile and mixes the chronic illness with the side effects of the vaccination. Then the patient and the homeopath should not lose patience and with a longer-term treatment both the vaccination illness as well as the chronic suffering can be brought to a healing with the help of homeopathy.

An Exclusive Translated Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published September 2022

From an article in Raum&Zeit, Volume 41, July/August 2022
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2022, R&Z., Dr. Christiane Poppe, Lüneburg, Germany

About the author

Book: Uwe Friedrich, “Corona-Impfung und jetzt?”, Klar Verlag 2022, 10,– €. ISBN: 978-3-938-461-12-9


  1. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 19/2022 Seiten A 862 bis 866 – Post Vac Syndrom – Seltene Folgen nach Impfung
  2. PIMS und Long Covid nach Impfungen:
  3. Neurologische Impfkomplikationen – zwei Ubersichtsarbeiten, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Neurologie:
  4. Myokarditis nach Impfungen:
  5. Herpes Zoster nach Sars-CoV2 Impfungen:
  6. Covid Impfstoffe WHO Update Nebenwirkungen – Thrombosen. Tinnitus, Thrombopenie; WHO Pharmaceutical Newsletter 1/2022
  7. Boericke, William – Homöopathische Mittel und ihre Wirkungen; 6. Uberarbeitete Auflage 2000
  8. med Uwe Friedrich: Corona-Impfung und jetzt? Klar Verlag Baltrum 2022
  9. MDR Fernsehen am 03.05.22 Charite-Forscherfordert Ambulanzen für Impfgeschädigte:

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