An Alternative Medicine Perspective

For once, let’s look at the current virus epidemic from the perspective of alternative medicine. Even if we set aside some peculiarities in connection with the new virus and/or its variants in this consideration, then there are still some things which stand out that should make you think.

At the beginning of the outbreak, the public around the world was warned about a new pathogen primarily life threatening for people over 80 years of age or with pre-existing illnesses. However, unlike a flu epidemic, children often do not even show symptoms. Thus you could naively think that the pathogen must actually be less dangerous than the flu virus. After all, in 2018 the flu virus killed 25,000 mostly elderly people in Germany alone. To put it sarcastically: There was obviously no rooster crowing back then! Additionally, children and younger people also became ill during that flu wave.

Therefore, if the current virus, which belongs to the group of SARS viruses that have been known for a long time and primarily affects old, previously ill and overweight people, then we should undergo a closer examination of the backgrounds of this group of people – namely from our point of view. From the perspective of alternative medicine whose characteristic feature, among others, is not the fight against symptoms as in classical medicine, but rather preventive measures and the search for causes. So let’s get started.

An alternative medical look at people particularly vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 is worthwhile.

Vitamin D Deficiency in the Risk Group

Then right at the outset I have a very banal question that might make you smile, but which contains a crucial core of truth: In summer in front of the retirement homes have any of you ever seen old women and men purely naked or dressed in a bikini or swimming trunks? Is everything clear? Even in summer approximately 70% of our population has too low Vitamin D levels. To a large extent also for professional reasons because of working in closed rooms.

In old people this level is actually always too low. It is therefore no wonder that the typical flu waves, as well as the current COVID-19 waves, have their focus in winter. Vitamin D is actually not a vitamin, but rather a hormone that is involved in over 1,000 biochemical processes and plays a major role in the immune defense.

Let’s move on to the next question. In retirement homes or also in the practices of doctors in private practice how often are the Vitamin D levels of the elderly or patients checked? Seldom or not at all! Do most classical doctors generally have any idea a) how this level is important for the health of their patients and b) what a corresponding dosage should look like? Frequently they do not have. And this is also less their fault because not infrequently “pseudoscientists” paid by the pharmaceutical industry ensure that in alleged studies numbers are mentioned that have nothing to do with reality. Conventional medicine at the highest level.

Declining Efficiency of the Bowel in the Elderly

Another fact in connection with infection illnesses also plays a major role in excess mortality of old people: “The human being dies in the intestine” approximately corresponds to what the famous Prof. Sauerbruch has said. Indeed with ageing, the efficiency of the intestine, which plays a most important role in our immune defense (over 70% of our immune system is in our intestine) decreases more and more. Besides, our intestinal bacteria again play a major role. If the intestine and/or the intestinal bacteria can no longer use the food so well, then there will also inevitably be a lack of certain minerals, trace elements, etc. which are important for the immune defense in infection illnesses. These include – in addition to Vitamin D – for example zinc (plays a paramount role in infections), Vitamin C, selenium (selenium deficient soils in Europe), but also Q10 among others. Furthermore, also at least indirectly the Omega-3 fatty acids, because they are much too low in relation to Omega 6 which plays a major role especially in cardiovascular diseases.

A little hint on the subject of Zinc I received from P.-H. Volkmann, physician and lecturer at the BNZ seminar series “Biological Medicine and Dental Medicine”: If you feel the first symptoms of a cold or even a flu, immediately take 60 to 80 mg Zinc three times a day at each meal. Additionally I take 3 to 4 g of Vitamin C and according to the sensation I spray [Spenglersan] Colloid G into my nose. Then usually the haunting is mostly over within two days – also with severe influenza. You just have to start in time.

Nowadays, orthomolecular medicine has become indispensable as a therapy within the marker of general immune deficiency – particularly in our Western societies.

Increasing Relevance of Orthomolecular Medicine

 This timely approach is applicable for the rest and also for COVID-19. And of course also for older and elderly people the regular use of orthomolecular medicine and intestinal symbionts. Not without reason, in the second seminar – after the introductory course – in our BNZ seminar series “Biological Medicine and Dental Medicine” we have already introduced orthomolecular medicine as one of the generally most important subjects. P.-H. Volkmann has developed an easy-to-understand concept on a double-sided film with which everyone can immediately apply the focused corresponding treatment suggestions according to the clinical picture. This simplifies the successful entry into this therapeutic approach.

Nowadays, orthomolecular medicine has become indispensable as a therapy within the marker of general immune deficiency – particularly in our Western societies. What worked quite well thirty or more years ago often has a reduced therapeutic effect for miscellaneous reasons. Everyone who deals with alternative medicine should keep this in mind.

On the subject of retirement homes, I would like to note the following: The smell of food while visiting relatives or friends in several retirement homes did not exactly inspire me. Besides, the food is under no circumstances individually addressed. Additionally there is even the often overabundant medication therapy – frequently for the immobilization [sedation] of the patients and thus for the simplification of care. However, to the harm of the patients whose immune system is additionally damaged by it. Absolutely understandable from the perspective of overburdened caregivers, but still questionable if we are already speaking preventive measures in connection with COVID-19. If we want to protect our elderly people meaningfully, instead of only bringing them closer to death through inhumane “isolation”, then we should start the previously mentioned measures in good time. The same applies to those with pre-existing conditions.

Nutrition and COVID-19

And as far as the growing [number of] obese people is concerned, and thus also a threatened part of the population, a sensible solution is also absolutely conceivable here. To a great extent obesity does not come from a high-fat diet, but rather from sugar which nowadays is added but more or less hidden in many foods. Sugar is an addictive substance! And of course this is also available as “quick” carbohydrate in pizza, white bread (hamburger) and noodles. However, what does sugar cause in the bowel in addition to its other multiple damages? It has a negative influence on the good intestinal bacteria, which has extraordinary meaning for our immune system among other things, and moreover promotes the growth of bad ones. I know I am not saying anything new for most of you, but at least a good approach for protecting overweight people from serious complications in connection with COVID-19 would be appropriate, right? It should also be more economical than the often deadly intubation in the intensive care units.

In this context it would be even better if our politicians finally got going – insofar as they do not receive an additional income from the food industry – and enforced the traffic light by which every citizen could immediately recognize which foods are detrimental to his health. However, a proper traffic light, and not once again another “wishy-washy” one as with so many measures which would cause as little trouble as possible – in this case for the food industry (Nomen est Omen*).

Here also orthodox medicine carries blame. The American nutritionist Benjamin Keys published a study in the late 1950s which proved how dangerous animal fats – including butter – had an effect on cardiovascular diseases. However, the food industry was now pleased to accommodate with the cheap, but in reality unhealthy trans fat contained in margarine among other things. The fact that some doctors already pointed out errors in the study at the beginning of the 1960s did not interest anyone in the further process. After all, Mr. Keys was able to afford a villa on the Côte d’Azur and since then cardiovascular diseases have increased exponentially, which of course also has again created jobs – in the health industry and currently in the intensive care units of hospitals.


According to my evaluation it is time that we finally raise our voices for alternative practical medicine. We should no longer acquiesce when the other side puts us down as charlatans with the same silly arguments. Yes, it is enough. Currently here the entire civilization is perhaps being brought to the brink of an abyss by this kind of medicine and the corresponding political measures, and we should no longer remain silent.

Keywords: Commentary, SARS-CoV-2, orthomolecular medicine, immune system. Vitamin D, bowel, microbiome.

An Exclusive Translated Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published August 2022

From an article in CO’Med, Volume 28, February 2022
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2022, CO’Med, F. A. Dietrich, Germany

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