March 2022

There was a night recently where thoughts whirled and sleep escaped me. Rather than stew in frustration, I did a “Carolyn” and just sat at my computer in the early hours of a new day and wrote – just notes and thoughts and an attempt to make sense of recent events. It is certainly a turbulent and highly charged time in history. As I’ve mentioned before, I believe this is the time of millennial transition that many expected in those first few years of this 21st century. How it will progress and what we will see into the future is not mine to forecast or predict. Of the many possible pathways, let us all pray that the freedom and ability to practice the energetic and natural medicine that is our legacy will be allowed to continue into that future.

Rather than now try to rearrange and turn all these thoughts into some kind of essay with commentary and assessment, here are “My Thoughts” (mostly impressions) for this month.

  • I am including no sources for any of these impressions by choice as we have become a nation fearful of the changing whims of our elected officials, and to protect anonymity.
  • Draconian measures used to quell the Freedom Convoy and truckers:
    • Trampled by horses
    • Use of UN troops (landed secretly at remote Ontario airports)
      • Anonymous – green uniforms, no insignias or names
      • Heavily armed
      • Embedded with police
    • No names or identification on police, RCMP, CSIS, etc.
    • Trudeau (T2) warned demonstrators publicly in advance to remove their children “away from the violence” when no violence had happened until the police attack
    • Warning was given that children with their parents at the protest would be removed from their parents and put into the foster care system, pets (their dogs) would be seized and euthanized.
    • Men, women and families were destroyed financially with freezing and seizure of assets and accounts – some assets and accounts will never be returned , and all participants will maintain permanent financial record (like criminals)
    • No one – not one publicly elected official of the ruling parliamentary party – spoke with the organizers or the truckers themselves. Their “demand” for removal of the federal vaccine mandates limiting everyone’s rights and freedoms was decried as anarchy and instead they were labelled as criminals and treated worse than other homegrown actual terrorists.
  • T2 stated openly that there should be no support for the peaceful Freedom Convoy in any form based on the criminal and vile names he publicly assigned to everyone involved. However, he did express support for several organizations including Black Lives Matter and the LGBT etc. organizations since their protests were “non-violent” – his words not mine.
  • Public attention is now turned to the mess in the Ukraine and many are simply “forgetting” that the truckers lives have been totally decimated and their jobs and equipment destroyed or seized.
  • Canada has perhaps become the first experiment in initiating the so-called “Great Reset”
    • Our Prime Minister (T2) and the official Opposition Leader (Singh) are both members of WEF and our Deputy PM/Finance Minister (Freeland) is actually a Trustee of WEF
    • There are pictures of T2 and Freeland with Soros in 2016 at the meetings in Davos.
  • Many questions and opinions are carefully expressed about how Canada is being changed and ruled by T2. A mandatory multi-party committee underway investigating the use of the Emergency Act appears to have no power and will not likely be able to rescind or stop the dictatorial changes to our constitution.
    • Many financial, policing, assembly and censorship policies used under the Emergency Act have now been passed and are now permanently embedded into law
    • These new laws coerce and force compliance with all government policies, and remove and supersede the rights and freedoms of any Canadian who is deemed “unacceptable”.
    • Generally, Canadians are frightened and wary to help any charities for fear of reprisal and charities are suffering as a result
    • Quite simply, we are no longer a democratic country.
  • Easing of restrictions is the current “carrot on the stick” with optional use of masks, etc. hiding the mandates that have not been lifted or that can be quickly reinstated.
    • Federal mandates remain fully in place with no response/negotiation to the Freedom Convoy requests
    • The Trudeau Foundation found to have financial interests in Canadian pharma company that makes nanoparticles used in both Moderna and Pfizer vaccines – handy little patent commission to encourage his support of vaccine mandates.

Here I feel is a note of optimism in the midst of all this. I’m already working my way through this book (discovered this morning through GMI), and I urge you to get a copy through Amazon. I quote from the Introduction to the book “States of Emergency: Keeping the Global Populations in Check” by Kees van der Pijll which I mentioned in today’s email announcements:
This book aims to address and dispel the psychosis of fear into which the world has been plunged. In the process of research and writing, I found that the ‘pandemic’ is not a simple, one-off fraud, or a grand scheme cooked up by Klaus Schwab, the oracle of Davos, and obediently executed by national governments. Rather, it is a complex, historical crisis, giving rise to a seizure of power by the global ruling class that has been initiated from different starting positions. Much about the Covid ‘pandemic’ is still shrouded in mystery. It seems certain that the virus did escape from a laboratory, but from which one, we do not know. What we can conclude is that the official account of what is happening around us is patently untrue and that it will therefore eventually collapse. The timescale on which this will come about should not be underestimated, as the mainstream media constitutes a key part of the complex forces that have seized power in this process; its deception and propaganda regarding major historical events have become routine since the 1990s.
What matters is that the Covid seizure of power, even more comprehensively than previous states of emergency in the name of terrorism, is working to prevent a democratic transition to a society beyond capitalism. The revolutionary crisis that has become acute resides in the fact that governments have now taken their populations hostage and cannot or dare not release them. This is another reason why the entire effort at suppression is doomed to end in failure. Too much has been set in motion too early, to disjointedly, and the contradictions between the different interests and institutions, only apparently all in agreement, are bound to turn into overt conflict.”

Thanks to Anthony T., Dennis V., Al B., M.L., and so many others for sending me links (and please keep them coming!) to the many breaking stories, studies and data regarding the virus-thingy and many of the political activities and interactions surrounding the events unfolding over the past few weeks. It seems that the tide of acceptable information and narrative is slowly crumbling. The many organizations working tirelessly to publish alternate information are slowly building a mountain of information that exposes the corruption and planning behind this pandemic situation. Still, I am optimistic that we can continue to help our patients with these amazing energy and biological healing methods.

In an effort to avoid further stressful in-depth research with the virus-thingy I turned to an interesting article on Chemtrails only to find myself fully involved with yet another controversial conspiracy – but yet in the end still involved with this whole virus-thingy-mess. And it leads us all back to “test-test-test” for these clearly outlined toxic substances, and to utilize the detox and support methods we use daily in practice – here especially classical Bioresonance is effective. It doesn’t have to be Dr. K’s remedies, but that at least is a starting point. Read another insightful article from medical journalist Thomas Hein at this link.

Note that I will become a quiet voice for awhile. Literally, I must pull back in order to protect myself and my family and my “supposed to be” retirement status. Additionally as we approach Mom Catharine’s 101st birthday in early April, I will be away from my desk to spend time with family (visiting us locally here in Penticton and remotely via zoom and phone). Although I will try to stay abreast of emails and correspondence, next month’s commentary and article will likely be late in publication.

Be well and be healthy, my friends . . .


An Exclusive Commentary Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published March 2022

© Copyright 2022, Carolyn Winsor, P2P, BC Canada

About the author

  • Founding director, administrator and executive director of Occidental Institute; the first English language acupuncture “school” in North America founded 1972 which over the years developed into the largest educational and promotional advocate of Biological Medicine until its closing in 2018.
  • 35 years experience with medical and technical translation and literary research in English, French and German.
  • Participation in every seminar, workshop and tour program sponsored by OIRF
  • Participation in more than 35 Medicine Week Congress programs as well as events too numerous to count sponsored by German instrumentation, homeopathic and research organizations
  • Training and certification in multiple Biological Medicine Methods including BioResonance Therapy, EAV, AMA, VEGA, Mayr Therapy, Ionized Oxygen Therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, BioPhoton Therapy, the so-called Global Diagnostics and many others.
  • As a teacher, lecturer and author she has already trained hundreds of practitioners from diverse English-speaking countries.
  • Her passion and insight provide an overall view of the most effective German Biological Medicine diagnostic and therapeutic methods

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