Appendix I

Covid-19 and Injections(1)

Anti-Spike Drops – contents

The most important intervention for quick relief and protection from the toxic spike proteins is the combination delineated in detail below. Please combine all of these remedies, feel free to add your own favourites, and make a master vial so that you can easily copy them for your clients.

My team and I have tested it on hundreds of people, and found it to be effective for every common symptom, and many unexpected symptoms, such as exacerbation of previous health problems, or pain at the site of old injuries.

Although there are many other things to discuss in the context of Covid and the associated injections, I am placing this information first, because in my opinion, it is the most important.

Homeopathic remedies

Thuja 30K
Quentakehl D3, D4, D5, D6
Ferrum phos 30K
Hamamelis injeel forte
Arnica D2, D4, 4CH
Crotalus horridus 30 K
Bothrops lanceolatus inj forte
Coenzyme compositum
Ubichinon compositum
Echinacea compositum
Millefolium injeel forte
Calendula 200K
Mucokehl D3, D4, D5, D6, D7

Organ preps

Bone marrow
Nodi lymphatici
Vena cava
Vena saphena magna
Heart (Cor)
Lungs (Pulmo)
Olfactory bulb

Brain stem
Limbic system
Spinal cord
Medulla oblongata
Substantia nigra

“A” mode vibrations (in MT1)

Ivermectin 12mg
AstraZeneca and Pfizer injections potentised to 30C (These were included before the BioKat test set update which includes all 4 of the covid injections. I have now added Abar vibrations of those patterns now that they are in the test sets.)

“Ai” mode

Covid-19 vaccine Moderna
Covid-19 vaccine BioNTech (Pfizer/Comirnaty)
Covid-19 vaccine AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria)
Covid-19 vaccine Johnson & Johnson (Janssen)
Graphene oxide


The goal of this combination is to protect the most vulnerable organs and prevent or eliminate the most prominent adverse effects of the spike proteins (such as bleeding, clotting, shingles, inflammation)

Dose: 4 drops under the tongue before and/or after being around someone who has had the covid injections, or when symptoms present (headaches, dizziness, abdominal pain, bleeding, etc). Can be used preventatively.

For people who have been injected, take 4 drops under the tongue 2-3 times a day, or whenever symptoms present.

This is a work in progress. Feel free to make your own changes as more information becomes available.

What if your loved one got the Covid injection?

This section will concentrate on the practicalities of how to stay in good health after the injection has come into your life, one way or another.

How to protect yourself from shedding

It seems that there are two main nanoparticles that are shed or otherwise transmitted to people who have not received the injections:

  • Spike proteins, which attach to ACE2 receptors and cause inflammation and clots. Because the recipient of the injections has had their DNA modified to produce these proteins at any provocation, we (and they) will never know when they will shed or transmit the spike proteins to us.
    Note: the Salk Institute has found that the spike proteins cause all of the Covid symptoms, even in the absence of any virus!(2) The so-called “variants” might simply be spike proteins being produced, rather than actual mutations.
  • Graphene oxide, which becomes magnetic at body temperature. The DNA does not produce this, so it is only shed after the injection. It is not known if it continues to shed over a short or long period into the future. It is strongly suspected to interact with electromagnetic fields such as 5G. Booster shots are expected to make it more reactive.

We’re still gaining information, so I will have to update this document in the future, but at the moment, here are the best practices to protect yourself.

How to help those who have received the injections

Those who have had the injections need to do all the things in the table above.

As I understand it, the graphene oxide can be broken down and there is probably no mechanism for it to reassemble (this is current knowledge but could be disproved in the future). Obviously, if a person has booster shots, they will need to take NAC again. We don’t yet know how long it takes to break down the graphene oxide.

The spike proteins will be produced on and off for the rest of their lives (or until their DNA has been returned to its original state). They will need to constantly be alert for Covid symptoms, inflammation, bleeding, heart problems, and/or pain anywhere in their body. Immediately after the injection, the spike proteins go into the inner linings of the blood vessels, causing microclots in most people, as found by Dr. Charles Hoffe(3) Therefore, Ginkgo, Vitamin E, Vitamin B3 will help, as will homeopathic Arnica at low potency.

The spike proteins then accumulate in the ovaries, testes, spleen, lungs, heart and brain. Those seem to be the main accumulation sites, although they also go to the spinal cord, bone marrow and other tissues. They should take the anti-spike drops immediately if there is discomfort in any of these organs.

When the spike proteins go to the lungs, they can cause pulmonary artery hypertension, by making microclots in the capillaries that are meant to receive the de-oxygenated blood from the right side of the heart. If the heart is unable to pump the de-oxygenated blood into the lungs, the blood pressure on the right side goes up and fluid eventually accumulates in the abdomen as the heart wears out. Therefore, whenever a covid-injection recipient has their blood pressure tested, they must insist that it is measured on both the right arm as well as the left arm. If the pressure in the right side is higher, the physician needs to address this as a matter of urgency. Dr. Charles Hoffe says that his patients that have had this type of hypertension in the past have died within 3 years.

It has been found that latent viruses are being activated in some people who have had the injections. In particular, shingles and flu-like viruses are increasing. It is vital that they keep their Zinc, Vitamins C, D and Quercetin levels up, so that their immune system can repeatedly fight the spike proteins as well as the latent viruses which reactivate.

Much more information will come to light as the injections are tested on the world’s population. I will update this document as I learn more.

10-remedy homeopathic kit

I have created a small homeopathic kit, which you as a therapist can easily duplicate for your own clients. It is useful for people who have had the injections, those who have not had them, and those who are never exposed to anyone who has had them.

Homeopathy works by matching symptoms, regardless of where they originate, so this kit comes in very handy in everyday life. Each vial is a combination of homeopathic remedies to address certain symptoms and therefore can be used for many more symptoms than are indicated.

If a person has had any of the mRNA or Viral Vector Covid injections, spike proteins will be produced whenever the new DNA is triggered to produce them. This is expected to happen when the person is exposed to any virus (especially corona viruses), or when the person is exposed to spike proteins which have been shed from other people who are producing them.

The spike proteins produce all the symptoms of COVID-19. This was determined by the Salk Institute.(4)

The dose is 3 pilules in a glass of water. Stir or swirl a few times. Sip the water every 5 minutes for as long as the symptoms persist. For life-threatening symptoms, do this on the way to the hospital.

The table below describes the ten vials in this kit.

The contents of each remedy combination are listed below, so that you can assemble them yourself to make kits or remedies for your clients, even if you do not have training in homeopathy.

Protocol for those who will have the Covid-19 injections

There are no guarantees in health, and most people realise that to undergo experimental genetic modifying technology is risky. This section should not give a false feeling of reassurance. At best, some of the damage can be mitigated. No one knows how much, but if you are forced to have the injections, it’s better to do something to support the body, rather than just hoping for the best.

Before Injection
  • 2 weeks before to 2 weeks after: Immu-plus(5) twice a day
  • Day before injection: Bothrops 30 once
  • Vitamin C 2000 mg twice a day
  • Vitamin D 2000 IU twice a day
  • Zinc 30-40 mg twice a day with food
  • Quercetin 1 daily
  • N acetyl-cysteine 1000 mg
Day of injection
  • Camphora forte – one dose soon after injection
  • Anti-spike drops – hourly after injection
  • Vitamin C 2000 mg twice a day
  • Vitamin D 2000 IU twice a day
  • Zinc 30-40 mg twice a day with food
  • Quercetin 1 daily
  • N acetyl-cysteine 1000 mg
After injection
  • For 5 days, then take on 5 Sundays: Bothrops 30 once a day
  • Anti-spike drops twice a day (2nd dose 10 minutes after the Camphora forte)
  • Camphora forte 1 dose each evening (10 minutes before the Anti-spike drops)
  • Vitamin C 2000 mg twice a day
  • Vitamin D 2000 IU twice a day
  • Zinc 30-40 mg twice a day with food
  • Quercetin 1 daily
  • N acetyl-cysteine 1000 mg
Long term
  • Anti-spike drops 2-3 times a day
  • Vitamin C 2000 mg twice a day
  • Vitamin D 2000 IU twice a day
  • Zinc 30-40 mg twice a day with food
  • Quercetin 1 daily
  • N acetyl-cysteine 1000 mg

If symptoms occur

Use the 10-remedy homeopathic kit for whatever symptoms arise. Note that symptoms could arise 6 months or more after the injections. You will need to stay alert for them, because your DNA will be triggered to create spike proteins at random times.

An Exclusive Reprinted Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published January 2022

© Copyright 2021, Marguerite Lane, ND, Australia

About the author

Marguerite Lane, ND is the founder, owner, and operator of Chiron Health Care, which has operated in Sydney, Australia for over 18 years. She is a naturopath whose main modality is Bioresonance using the BioKat MV Bioresonance device, which is the fifth generation of MORA technology.

She has translated two MORA Bioresonance Therapy textbooks from German into English. An international speaker, Marguerite has worked in the USA, Germany and Australia. She is a naturopath member of the International Physicians Association for Biocybernetic Medicine, attending conferences in Germany regularly.

She has spoken at international medical conferences, including “Curing the Incurables”, organised by Dr. Simon Yu, in St Louis, Missouri, USA. She has videotaped the course, “MORA Therapeutic Possibilities: Getting the Best out of your Bioresonance Technology” available from Praxis2Practice, formerly the Occidental Institute Research Foundation.

She was on the Medical Board of Advisors and the Board of Directors of the Occidental Institute Research Foundation (until it closed its doors at the end of June 2018).

She is also a member of the following organisations:

Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS)

Australian Homeopathic Association

She has a Bachelor’s degree in Health Science / Naturopathy from the University of New England, Australia and a Bachelor’s degree in Business from Pennsylvania State University, USA. She also holds an Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy, and diplomas in Nutrition and Botanical Medicine.

Marguerite is a fluent German speaker and holds a Certificate from the international Goethe Institute.

BioResonance Therapist’s Handbook, by Marguerite Lane, ND is now available!!! Based on Classical BioResonance Technology and the MORA and BioKat devices. A practical instruction manual for getting the best results from your BioResonance devices.
Available for purchase at this link


  1. I do not call them “vaccines”, because true vaccines are protective and do not manipulate the DNA.
  2. In the new study, the researchers created a “pseudovirus” that was surrounded by SARS-CoV-2 classic crown of spike proteins, but did not contain any actual virus. Exposure to this pseudovirus resulted in damage to the lungs and arteries of an animal model—proving that the spike protein alone was enough to cause disease.” Accessed 23 August 2021.
  3. Dr Charles Hoffe uses the D-dimer test to discover whether patients have formed microclots. He found 62% of his patients had formed them in the first 7 days after injection. He explains it in this 8-minute video:
  4. “In the new study, the researchers created a “pseudovirus” that was surrounded by SARS-CoV-2 classic crown of spike proteins, but did not contain any actual virus. Exposure to this pseudovirus resulted in damage to the lungs and arteries of an animal model—proving that the spike protein alone was enough to cause disease.” Accessed 23 August 2021.
  5. Immu-Plus is Organoimmune by Medicine Tree plus. Here’s as close as I could get with the BioKat test sets: Aconite Homaccord (HA), Echinacea comp, Berberis inj forte, China 30, Coenzyme comp, Hydrastis D4, Immunaktiv, Lymphomyosot, Mucosa comp, Nux vomica HA, Pekana Apo-Hepat, Apo-Pulm, Mundipur, Tonsilla comp, Ubich comp, Iron-phos D3, Potassium phos D3, Mag phos D3, Agnus castus 4C, Cistus Canadensis spl, Thymus D4-D30, Lien D4-30, Medulla ossium suis inj fort, Nodi lymph D4-D30, Phytolacca D4-D12, Sanguis suit injeel forte.

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