No Way for a Good Purpose

How charitable are foundations? The untouchable aura of generosity surrounds institutions with this form of organization.

For some of them, this is a wonderful camouflage to steer the world according to their questionable ideas. The corona crisis offers an abundance of illustrative material for this.

Foundations have a good reputation. Thus, most people automatically think of benefactors using their hard-earned money to do good. But is it really like that? Are there really always only altruistic reasons behind the establishment of a foundation? If you look more closely, it becomes apparent that many rich and powerful people have established foundations and are very present in the public eye with these foundations. Is a foundation perhaps a good opportunity to have an influence on society and at the same time saving taxes as a result?

Saving Taxes with a Foundation?

If you search on the internet for a foundation and tax saving model a schizophrenic almost amusing picture appears: Because right away you find many law offices that propose the establishment of a foundation for their wealthy customers in order to save taxes and at the same time you find – between the offers from the law offices – articles from the so called quality media which consistently claim the foundations are not an opportunity to save taxes. How do the journalists of the quality media come to this absurd idea, where nevertheless a single phone call with a law firm is sufficient to prove the opposite? Is this perhaps due to the fact that backers of the large German media houses are also working with the foundation model and have an influence over it?

Burda, Bertelsmann, Berliner Charité

And actually: The most powerful families in the media business operate several foundations “on the side”. Thus, for example the Mohn family directly maintains several foundations, which substantially control the Bertelsmann Group, one of the largest media houses worldwide. It looks similar in the Burda [publishing] firm. But not only the powerful families in the media area romp about in the foundation business. Because here you will actually find the most powerful people from all branches.

For example, in the course of the current corona crisis the influence of the Charité Foundation on the appointment of Christian Drosten* at the Beliner Charité is interesting. The Charité Foundation is under the control of the Quandt family. The Quandt family is one of the richest and most powerful families in Germany and is the main owner of BMW**. “On the side” by means of the Charité Foundation they have an influence on the work of the Berliner Charité.

Thus Stefan Quandt is the Deputy Chairman of the foundation’s board and Jörg Appelhans (a personal advisor to the Quandt family since 2000) is one of two board members of the foundation. Johanna Quandt was the founder of the Charité Foundation and is the mother of Stefan Quandt, the Deputy Chairman of the foundation board. Through the excellence initiative of Johanna Quandt and the Charité Foundation the position for Christian Drosten was created and financed.(1)

You often find members of other powerful families on the foundation boards – these are the institutions which should control the executive boards of the respective foundations. It seems as if all these powerful families are working together through their foundations. If you look more closely, it even appears for example as if agreements were reached by these people at large meetings like the World Economic Forum or the Bilderberger Events, and then are later implemented through their foundations and are brought into society. Besides foundations, another means for doing this is NGOs, or Non-Governmental Organizations. However, these NGOs are often controlled by foundations.

NGOs in the Hands of the Foundations

A good example is the Open Society Foundation, a foundation of the billionaire George Soros, that enforces its goals primarily by financing NGOs. For example, several Antifa groups (NGOs) in the USA are financed through the George Soros Open Society Foundation.(2) By the way, those are exactly the Antifa groups that caused the most serious riots in 2020 in order to prevent the re-election of Donald Trump.

John Davison Rockefeller, Sr. (1839-1937), US-American entre­preneur, first billionaire in world history (in 1916, calculated in US Dollars) and is considered the richest person in modern times. Rockefeller co-founded the oil refinery that be­came the Stan­dard Oil Com­pany in 1870.

The foundation model has been there for a very long time for the most powerful families of the world. Likewise is the concept that these foundations make an impact on global political matters and then present themselves as benefactors and philanthropists. One of the first was John Rockefeller. In 1911 John Rockefeller and his Standard Oil Trust, the world’s largest public corporation at that time, were actually at an end. The US Supreme Court had actually found him guilty of corruption, illegal business practices and extortion. The trust ought to have been broken up.

Rockefeller’s Large-scale Coup

In the general public John Rockefeller was one of the most hated people at the time. His reaction: He established the Rockefeller Foundation and put all his money into it. With that he immediately killed several birds with one stone. On the one hand, the foundation could be used to “save” the funds from his oil trust and at the same time he could protect these funds from tax. On the other hand, the foundation was a good way to change his public image. From then on he even designated himself as a philanthropist and claimed to have established his foundation exclusively for the benefit of humanity. So that people believed this, the newly established foundation took the largest media outlets in the US into consideration with generous funding and as a result they began to change Rockefeller’s public image through media propaganda.

Start of the Pharmaceutical Industry Age

But that’s not all. Then Rockefeller also used his foundation to quasi-found what today is commonly described as the pharmaceutical industry. Then under the guise of the Rockefeller Foundation worldwide pharmaceutical investments were made. This new enterprise was called the pharmaceutical investment business. As a result Rockefeller invested primarily in manufacturers of patented synthetic drugs. Until then the much more effective natural remedies were mostly used to treat illnesses. However, hardly any money could be earned with them. Thus the foundation invested even more strongly in the synthetic production of drugs.

Even though natural medicines were very popular in the US at the time and were used by half of all physicians and hospitals and also in all medical colleges, and a more holistic view of medicine was practiced, the Rockefeller Foundation managed to reverse the trend – in favor of the pharmaceutical industry, its power and his wallet, and to the detriment of the people. And by the way, he had help from his friend Andrew Carnegie. Another plutocrat and self-appointed benefactor. Carnegie had earned his money with the monopolization of the steel industry. And he also established a foundation. Both of them through the Carnegie Foundation sent a man named Abraham Flexner throughout the USA. The Objective: A report about the status of the medical colleges and hospitals in the entire land. You can imagine how this report, the so-called Flexner Report, turned out.

Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) US-American tycoon in the steel indus­try. Carnegie was one of the richest people of his time. He was also famous as a philanthropist, donating a total of more than $350 million US Dollars, which corresponds to about $9.7 billion today.

The report spoke about the backwardness of American medicine and that it was absolutely necessary to modernize and also to centralize American medicine. Holistic medicine, natural medicine and homeopathy were ridiculed, physicians who used them discredited. At the same time, research in synthetic remedies was funded with over 100 million dollars. An unbelievable amount for this time. Thus Rockefeller achieved his objective. The Flexner Report and the actions from it were the birth of so-called “modern medicine” and from that the birth of the pharmaceutical industry. You must already be a real psychopath if as a person it makes no difference to take onto your back the destruction of a good-functioning medicine and instead supply them with often harmful poisons just to become “more powerful and richer than God.” However this history indicates well what power can be exercised through foundations and also how the founders of these foundations proceed while doing so. By the way there was a worldwide event more than 100 years ago that hugely accelerated Rockefeller’s agenda – the establishment of the chemical pharmaceutical industry – and enforced it throughout the whole world: The Spanish Flu!

William “Bill” Henry Gates, III (*1955). US-American entre­preneur. Founded the Microsoft company with Paul Allen in 1975 and today is considered to be the fourth richest person in the world with an estimated fortune of 144 Billion US Dollars. Since 2008 he is active in the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which he established.

Parallels to today are of course purely coincidental. However, the current Corona Pandemic and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation automatically come to mind. And there are even more parallels between Bill Gates and John Rockefeller. Since as with Rockefeller, Bill Gates’ popularity ratings were also at ground level in 2000 due to his lousy business practices. And his company Microsoft, like John Rockefeller’s oil trust in his time, also appeared prior to fragmentation due to unfair business practices. Pictures from the hearing before the US Senate at that time show a psychopathic-seeming Bill Gates. But like Rockefeller Bill Gates thereupon established a foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. And like Rockefeller, Gates provided the media with millions of dollars in donations to change his public image.

Like Rockefeller, Gates referred to himself from then on as a philanthropist and likewise started investments into the pharmaceutical industrial complex through his foundation. Like Rockefeller Bill Gates also pursues a certain agenda with his investments. Yet, we will see this is even bigger and more comprehensive than Rockefeller’s agenda in his time. Nonetheless, both foundations, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation still work closely together today. Also with the current Corona crisis. For example with the digital Project ID2020 Alliance. In addition to the Rockefeller Foundation, Microsoft and others, GAVI also ranks among other sponsors of this project. GAVI is an amalgamation of all vaccine manufacturers and was established with money from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, abbreviated BMGF. The ID2020 Alliance does research on a transnational digital identity for every person, which should include as much data as possible and since 2018 also works together with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.(3) It is also planned to use this digital identity as a vaccine certificate. By the way, in 2010 the Rockefeller Foundation already published a paper which in an astonishing way had predicted in a “Lock Step Scenario” almost all reactions of the governments in today’s Corona P(l)andemic.(4) David Rockefeller, former head of the Rockefeller clan and son of John Rockefeller is credited with the following quote: “We find ourselves on the brink of a global upheaval. All that is needed, would be a crisis of great magnitude and the nations will affirm the New World Order.”(5)

For example, the BGMF thus invests enormously in almost all vaccine manufacturers worldwide.

Exorbitant Profits with Corona Vaccines

However an even greater role in the Corona Crisis is played by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which is closely connected with the Rockefeller Foundation. For example, the BMGF thus enormously invests in almost all vaccine manufacturers worldwide. In an interview on CNBC(6) Bill Gates shows off about the gigantic profits which he and his foundation achieve through investments in vaccinations. He speaks of a 20:1 profit. Per million invested he thus gets back 20 million.

By the way, only a few months before the beginning of the Corona Crisis in September 2019 the BMGF invested a full 55 million Euro into the Mainz[, Germany] company Biontech.(7) Yes, exactly the company that now manufactures and sells one of the Corona vaccines. Luck? A good nose? Or prior knowledge? We can call it coincidence once, even if there really are many such coincidences in this context.

So in August 2019, thus again only shortly before the outbreak of the Corona Crisis, the BMGF negotiated a 100 Billion Dollar deal(8) for identification of contact persons with a Democratic Congressman who then acted as the sponsor of the bill. Here it concerns the law “H.R. 6666 – COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act”. These explosive revelations were revealed in the Thomas Paine Podcast and in the Moore Paine Show on Patreon, incidentally by exactly the very two investigators who during a congressional hearing in 2018 exposed the massive tax fraud of the Clinton Foundation, another foundation with very dark sides. The law H.R. 6666 was then also passed during the Corona Crisis.(9)

Money Governs the Corona Crisis

Months before the outbreak of the Corona Crisis the Gates Foundation already invested great sums into one of the main vaccine manufacturers for Corona (who in spite of 12-years research until then had still brought no product to market), already negotiated contracts for contact tracing before the outbreak of the crisis and then again organized the Event 201 a few months before Corona together with the World Economic Forum and the Johns-Hopkins University, where the worldwide outbreak of a Corona Virus was simulated and the worldwide reactions to it were discussed. Should we still call this coincidence? Incidentally the Gates Foundation also massively invested in shares of the Tech-Giants Google, Twitter, Apple and Amazon shortly before the Corona Crisis.(10) While Bill Gates then spread virus panic in the media, demanded lockdowns and contact tracing, these companies have recorded exorbitant profits.

Thus the spread of the virus panic runs in the media also for the purpose of the BMGF, after all he has invested a lot of money in vaccines, a substantial part of the money of the foundation goes directly into the leading so-called quality media. A study in the Columbia Journalism Review(11) clearly shows how Bill Gates influences the media all over the world. From the BBC, the New York Times and The Guardian to the German papers Der Spiegel and Die ZEIT. All were generously taken into consideration by the BMGF. Thus for example, Der Spiegel received 2.5 Million Euro, the Die ZEIT a half million Euro.(12) Investments mostly run through NGOs.

So that no Fake News (Fake News from the viewpoint of the BMGF) appears in the media or on the internet, BMGF also invested a part of their donations into the scene of the so-called Fact Checker. There is a very exposing study from the USA which shows who is really behind the Fact Checkers and how big the influence of the BMGF is on this.(13)

Melanie Margaret Brinkman (*1974) German virologist, Professor at the Technical University of Braunschweig and Advisory Board Member of the Society for Virology.

In addition to the media, the Gates Foundation through their donations also has a massive influence on the official Institutes of all countries which are listened to by the politicians for the Corona Crisis. Whoever is surprised for example about the over and over again propagated, but absurd and in nature not at all feasible No-Covid Strategy [for treatment], you only have to look at who produces it and who pays for it. The No-Covid Strategy comes primarily from the German Helmholtz Institute and is driven decisively by the female [version of] Karl Lauterbach, namely Melanie Brinkmann.

If you are aware of the sums the BMGF has paid to the Helmholtz Institute, some things become clear. Over 10 million dollars in 2005. In 2019 there was even more than 2.5 million. By the way, the highest German health authority, the Robert Koch Institute can also be happy about money from BMGF.(14) Just like Christian Drosten’s employer, the Berliner Charité.(15) Also in other countries the BMGF has considerable influence on the official Institutes there. Thus several Swiss newspapers recently reported about questionable investments from BMGF in Swissmedic, the Swiss licensing and supervisory authority for medications and medical products.(16)

The secret WHO boss is Bill Gates
Jakob Simmank, Zeit Online, 4.4.2017

Influence on the WHO

We have already seen: That the influence of the Gates Foundation on the Corona Crisis is huge. But it goes even further. Because additionally the BMGF is significantly involved in the World Health Organization, the WHO. Consequently, that organization gives the worldwide rules for handling Corona, and it is that organization which proclaimed this crisis in the first place. Even in 2017 – before funding from BMGF arrived – the German weekly newspaper Die ZEIT headlined: “The secret WHO boss is Bill Gates(17) and worried about the independence of WHO. Today, after [receiving] their generous donation, they would no longer write it that way. But they were right. Because the BMGF is the largest private funder of WHO. 10 percent of all money funding the World Health Organization comes from the Gates Foundation. By the way, a further approximately 8 percent comes from the vaccine alliance GAVI, which as we have already seen was established with funds from the Gates Foundation. With this the sphere of influence of the BMGF increases to almost 20 percent of the WHO.

By the way, anyone who was surprised at the judgement of the European Court of Human Rights when they approved a compulsory vaccination in April 2021,(18) you also stumble across the Gates Foundation here. As a result the French lawyer and leader of the European Center for Law and Justice, Grégor Puppinck, uncovered significant financial relationships between George Soros (through his Open Society Foundation), Bill Gates and the European Court of Human Rights (EGMR). Both are among the largest financiers of the Court.(19) Adieu to independent justice. It is a scandal of the first order which is completely concealed by our quality media.

So the BMGF really tries to advance its agenda in the matter of vaccines at all levels. If you consider that worldwide governments are already announcing that in the future you must be re-vaccinated against Corona every 6-12 months, it becomes clear that here the Gates Foundation is trying to establish a new era of vaccinations. Similar to the case of Rockefeller, here as well a psychopathic megalomania becomes apparent. However the insanity of Bill Gates seems even greater, even more comprehensive than Rockefeller. Because if you look at which other projects the BMGF puts its donations into, you almost get dizzy.

Gene Projects of the Gates Foundation

So, the BMGF cooperates with BGI Genomics, a genomics company linked with the Chinese Communist Party. It is now uncovered in the USA that the company coming from China collects, stores and further processes the biometric data of US-American citizens. They get into the data by way of the massively used Corona Tests. The BMGF seems to be less interested in protection of this most private data.

In another project the BMGF finances to a considerable extent the release of genetically modified mosquitos. Together with the British company Oxitec they would like to release the genetically modified mosquitos in Florida. The goal is the extermination of the female population in order to restrict the transmission of virus illnesses.(20) People like Bill Gates actually believe they have understood nature and can play God without the slightest respect for creation. In order to also obtain approval for such an experiment in Europe, the BMGF alone has spent 1.3 million Euros on lobbying the EU Parliament.(21) The goal was the evasion of a judgement by the European Court of Justice on new genetically modified organisms (GMO). According to the wishes of the BMGF, organisms obtained through biotechnological procedures should be exempted from the GMO regulations. With enough money, apparently even unambiguous court rulings no longer play a role. However Bill Gates has even more “mosquito projects”. Thus the BMGF also gives money to Prof. Hiroyuki Matsuoka from the Jichi Medical University in Japan, in order to research the so-called “flying syringes”. This expression refers to the genetically engineered production of mosquitos which inject people with vaccines if they sting.(22) Then a refusal of a vaccine is no longer possible. Prophylaxis becomes the biological warfare.

Climate Protection Projects of the Gates Foundation

The BMGF also has its fingers in the game in other areas of life. Thus money also flows into projects for the production of artificial meat. According to Bill Gates synthetic food should help to fight against climate changes. In his opinion rich countries should switch over to 100% synthetic beef. Nevertheless, for him it is not about vegetarians and vegans with popular meat alternatives like soy and seitan, but rather about the application of new genetically modified technologies like for example changing DNA code sequences of soy and peas so that an absolutely new product comes out which looks and tastes exactly like real meat.

We must then pay for the artificial meat with a credit card or a microchip. In addition to Citi, Mastercard, the Omidyar Network, USAID and VISA, the Gates Foundation is one of the main sponsors of the “Better Than Cash Alliance”. A worldwide association for the abolishment of cash. Supported by governments, companies and international organizations that would like to accelerate the transition from cash payments to digital payment methods. Also the German Federal Government has supported the “Better Than Cash Alliance” with a total of 500,000 Euros in the years 2016-2018.(23)

Additionally, The Gates Foundation is still investing in the project which wants to darken the sun. Also for climate protection of course. In order to achieve this millions of tons of lime mixture should be sprayed into the stratosphere***. The sunlight should be reflected by it in order to slow down global warming. There were already the first experiments with experts from Harvard University.(24)

Against Unelected State Leaders

BMGF even intervenes in education and would already like to impose their eccentric worldview on our children by means of their foundation money. Thus BMGF has put one million Euros into the education initiative “The Education Trust” out of Oakland.(25)

This education initiative has published a teaching recommendation with which teachers can expose their own “unconscious racism”. It has been found that math is racist. Yes, you read that correctly. Because on average white children perform better than black children, teachers should avoid asking students for the correct solution to arithmetical problems in class. The reason: this strengthens “white supremacy” and therefore is racism. As we have seen for example with large foundations such as the Rockefeller Foundation, the Open Society Foundation of George Soros and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the establishment of a foundation can exert an enormous influence on the fate of the world. As a result nations have almost no influence over the activities of these organizations. Worse still, the influence of these foundations is so great that most nations work closely with them. As if they were heads of state, the leaders of these foundations, like for example Bill Gates, are invited to events such as the World Economic Forum to discuss their plans with the world’s political leaders. By the way, the World Economic Forum is also a foundation, one of several of the self-proclaimed starry-eyed idealists Klaus Schwab. It is high time to decisively curtail the influence of these people elected by nobody and to smash the affiliated foundations. The world does not need megalomaniac robber barons, but rather people to whom healing and improvement really lies in their heart.

An Exclusive Translated Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published December 2021

From an article in Raum & Zeit, Volume 40, Nr. 233, Sept/Oct 2021
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2021, R&Z, Thomas A Hein, Bingen, Germany

About the author


  4. Report Rockefeller Foundation 2010, Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development;
  5. David Rockefeller 1994 before the US-Business-Council
  9. Text – H.R.6666 – 116th Congress (2019-2020): COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE):
  12. All payments/donations of the BMGF can be seen here:

Translator Footnotes:

* Prof. Dr. Christian Heinrich Maria Drosten, born 1972 in Lingen, Germany is a German virologist whose research focus is on novel viruses (emergent viruses). During the COVID-19 pandemic, Drosten came to national prominence as an expert on the implications and actions required to combat the illness in Germany.
** It is rumored that during the CODEX transformations bringing about the almost complete destruction of the homeopathic houses, that the Quandt group bought out Heel, and is why that firm is now basically limited in the homeopathic market and no longer produces many (or any) ampules and test sets. CLW
*** Chem trails?? CLW

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