New [German] Measles Protection Act

Nosode Therapy –

An Alternative to the Vaccination?

By December of this year children, people in certain professions and refugees must comply with the new Measles Protection Act. They must provide a vaccination certificate, a proof of antibodies or a medical certificate. For those who do not wish to vaccinate themselves or their children, but so far have no immunity, there is now hope. Homeopath Lars Friedrich reported to the Homeopathy Online Congress United to Heal about a nosode therapy with which an immunity can be achieved in a homeopathic way.

Lars Friedrich has observed how this method is used in countries such as India. There it is relatively common to give people nosodes to protect them from certain pathogens. – Nosodes are homeopathic preparations of illness materials like for example pathogens. – Friedrich could only explain the successes with nosodes in that the nosodes initiate a sequence of events which lead to the formation of antibodies. Two years ago he himself began to deal in detail with nosode therapy. When he saw that this also worked for him, he initiated a working study group in order to gather experiences and information to a greater extent. Now many experienced therapists collaborate here, and according to his statement Friedrich receives a lot of positive feedback from patients. He admits, you have to display some patience only under some circumstances. It does not always achieve a sufficient formation of antibodies after the first treatment with nosode therapy. Sometimes several stimuli are necessary until the immune system reacts as desired. So if you want to be able to produce the antibody proof by a certain date, at best you should begin the nosode therapy three or four months before, he explains.

How does Nosode Therapy Work?

Friedrich has a relatively simple explanation for the effect of nosode therapy: “What we do with nosode therapy is: We provoke the life force, we set a very light artificial disease, which additionally stimulates the immune system to let the processes run out that take place with measles disease.” And how does the immune system know so quickly what it must do even though no disease is present? Here Friedrich refers to genetics and epigenetics: “Only a very small part of our hereditary material is of human origin. The rest is viral RNA.” We have therefore collected viral RNA over many generations, among them also measles – thus the nosodes do not reach a blank sheet. “I assume that through the artificial disease stimulus of the nosodes, our immune system gets the blueprints from this library to build up the antibodies.” According to Friedrich, the fact that these antigen blueprints exist is highly suggested by today’s findings in genetics.

As far as it concerns Corona, Friedrich believes it is also possible to stimulate the organism to develop antibodies by means of nosode therapy. Within his working study group there are first attempts to do so. Friedrich is [pleased to hear from] homeopaths who are interested in cooperating with the study group.

An Exclusive Translated Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published October 2021

From an article in Raum & Zeit, Volume 40, Nr. 233, Sept/Oct 2021
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2021, R&Z, Germany

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