I am a proud Canadian. I am not indigenous, nor have my ancestors lived on this land for thousands of years. I am only the fourth(+) generation of my family and ancestors living here. Although I was not a part of the history that indigenous peoples lived and suffered, I feel that I understand how some of the events and practices came into being by looking at the cultural and societal mores of those times. I wanted to believe that we have made immense changes for the better (maybe not enough, but it is progress), and that those practices from the past would never be repeated or perpetrated again in our more modern times. I thought our progress in understanding and ending racial and discriminatory practices was creating a country where we could openly practice inclusion and acceptance.
Additionally, I am not an anti-vaxxer. I agree there are many who are particularly vulnerable to this virus, and they should definitely take the current vaccines. I am however very concerned about the events and protocols that have been instituted in my beloved and supposedly free and democratic country. Working as a semi-retired alternative medicine consultant, I have spent nearly two years researching and following the current pandemic situation from multiple standpoints and sources. Within the parameters of this commentary, I will not get into the midst of the arguments regarding the validity of the virus threat, the possible treatments and this new form of vaccine itself.
What concerns me is the authoritarian response of our elected officials, and our appointed (and highly paid) health authorities. It is true that there are laws and rulings on the books that give these officials authority in situations of emergency. However, these laws and rulings are very time sensitive and were never intended to be utilized and enforced over long periods of time. Since many of the measures instituted since March of 2020 are still controversial in terms of effectiveness, it is time that the people we have elected to represent us and those we have hired and trusted to “take care of us” look at what is working and how to change what is not.
It is my understanding that fully vaccinated individuals are still vulnerable to the virus. The Health Canada website clearly states that the vaccines are 62-95% effective “protecting trial participants against COVID-19”. If fully vaccinated individuals can still contract the virus (recent statistics from the UK indicate that 40+% of Delta Variant cases are fully vaccinated, plus the alarming data emerging from Israel), then they too have the ability to spread the disease if they are not treated properly and do not stay at home when ill.
That said, my primary concern is the recently implemented “vaccine passport” system which began on September 13 in our beautiful province of British Columbia. I simply do not understand why such a system is necessary. And then to state there will be “no exceptions” – not even for medical, religious or dissenting scientific reasons!! – is (I hope) totally unconstitutional. There are those people:
- Who have had COVID over the past two years. Generally, as they recovered (and 99+% do recover), they have developed a natural immunity to this virus. They do not need to get a vaccine for an illness to which they are already immune.
- Who have had severe, extreme or even anaphylactic response to past vaccines. Who will accept the liability and responsibility for the reactions of these people – or anyone else – with this current vaccine? Certainly not Health Canada, the FDA or the Pharmaceutical companies.
- Who have autoimmune or degenerative illnesses, clotting disorders, etc. whose symptoms will be exacerbated by the new vaccines.
- Who are healthy and do not have additional co-infections or illnesses. After much consideration some have chosen not to be injected with this newly defined (in most places still considered as experimental) vaccine.
- Who believe they do not need to get a vaccine since there are effective and inexpensive treatments for the virus, and, since there is such a high recovery rate along with natural immunity. The benefit to risk analysis for healthy individuals to get the injection is simply not within acceptable limits.
The majority of people are not currently ill. We all learned quickly as children that if we didn’t feel well, we got to stay home from school. Is there any one of you that would currently go to work or a restaurant or … if you had a cold or sniffly nose? I think not. So for healthy people – people with no contagious, infectious or communicable diseases, no COVD, HIV, Ebola, Zika, or SARS, no STDs, etc. – why are we being segregated and discriminated against by not being allowed to enter our place of worship, a restaurant or a gym without a “vaccine passport”? How can such a healthy person transmit a disease they do not have to someone else who (especially if they are vaccinated) is supposed to be immune?
I see three very alarming aspects of the mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports that have nothing to do with the effectiveness of the vaccine:
- I quote Mary Holland, president of the American Children’s Health Defence: “Mandating any medical procedure to the citizens of this country for any reason is unconstitutional and violates the Nuremberg Code*. Even if the procedure or product has a good safety profile – which these vaccines definitely do not – it would be a mockery of the democratic principles upon which our country was founded to declare vaccination a requirement for employment or patronage of businesses . . .”
Or education, or worship . . . That Bonnie Henry (BC’s Chief Medical Officer) will not allow any exceptions – even for medical, religious or scientific reasons – is simply not acceptable in a democratic country, or under internationally recognized human rights principles.
- Implementation of a certificate or passport that reveals our personal, private and confidential health information is a huge invasion of privacy, especially when there is no indication of who will monitor, collect, utilize or retain that information (Mr. Google?). The old excuse “I don’t mind, I have nothing to hide” is irrelevant with the disclosure of this most private and confidential information.
- The necessity to show your vaccination papers for entrance to a public or indoor space immediately creates a segregation of healthy people solely into the mandate-compliant or mandate-non-compliant. It creates a group of “inferior” citizens who are now subjected to discrimination, isolation and punishment. What is next? Must the unvaccinated wear a “triangle badge” on their shirt to publicly identify their non-compliance?
In a supposedly free and democratic country, this vaccine passport system creates a group of second class citizens that has nothing to do with our race, faith, ancestry, gender, gender orientation or any other classification. Suddenly the only people who are “free” to live their lives are those who have chosen to submit to an invasive medical procedure whether they need it or not. What has happened to the Principles/Codes created during the Nuremberg Trials after World War II that clearly stated individuals do not have to submit to (experimental) immunization or therapeutics without fully informed consent?
If under some mysteriously expanded health regulations it is now mandatory for us to present proof of our confidential health status and information in order to enter a restaurant or attend our kids’ hockey games, what has happened to our individual rights to privacy, confidentiality and respect?
Perhaps instead of a “vaccine passport” that simply attests to our compliance under these long lasting emergency measures, we should be looking at a “health passport”. Especially if those who are vaccinated are still susceptible to infection with COVID, why is it not sufficient to present a passport that shows several aspects of our status:
- Fully vaccinated (with all currently required boosters), healthy or tested negative
- Partially vaccinated, healthy or tested negative
- Recovered from COVID, immune or tested negative
- Unvaccinated, healthy or tested negative
This type of format would at least follow some of the similar systems in place globally (like France and other parts of Europe). But more importantly still, why won’t our politicians and their highly paid health appointees trust the intelligence of the people who elected them and pay their salaries?
At this point in time, for me to personally accept the vaccination would have to be under duress and coercion, and completely against my informed understanding of this virus and the newly defined vaccines. Is this what our medical and healthcare system so highly touted by Mr. Justin Trudeau has become?
Carolyn L. Winsor,
Healthy, but still unvaccinated.
And just a few more comments of caution:
We currently live, work, play and worship in a time where individuality and freedom (especially freedom of speech) seems to be reserved for the very wealthy, and those who have worked their way into political positions of power. Regardless of our approach within the medical or healing field, it behooves us to retain our curiosity, skepticism and practicality when looking at new methods and approaches.
Within the current virus situation of the orthodox medical field, there is one narrative. One approach and no room for dissent or choice. No therapy, just a vaccine. Whenever only one perspective is “allowed” and all others are silenced or censored, we must critically understand why no dissent is permitted. Likewise, within our amazing field of energy medicine, it also behooves us to maintain our skepticism and our role as a practitioner when listening to the latest “guru” or “authority” with the answers to “all” of our troubles and health issues.
Whether the focus is on energy medicine and the limitations set on us by orthodox medicine or is on the orthodox version of “science” based on chemistry instead of physics and frequency, we primarily need to remember that politics and money play at least as important a role as efficacy.
Thus, we also need to think of how the product the latest authority is “selling” us is making money for his pocket. Occidental Institute was a legitimate non-profit organization whose goal was to teach you effective alternative assessment and treatment methods, and to try to spread the message of these forms of energy medicine. As Praxis2Practice, I personally literally have almost nothing to offer to you other than my experience, knowledge and informational analysis. To try and emphasize this point, here is a quote from Page 107 of the fictional novel, “The Savior” by JR Ward (emphasis at the end is mine):
“Sarah had never met the fabled Dr. Robert Kraiten in person. Her hiring had been coordinated through her lab supervisor. But she’d seen the man speak, both at company-wide annual meetings, and on the Internet. He had a TED talk which had been widely circulated throughout BioMed, on the limitless horizons of bioengineering.
“We are still in the dark ages of medicine . . .” was how he’d opened his speech. After which he’d gone on to point out that things like organ donation with its immune system problems and the Draconian chemotherapy protocols for cancer patients were going to be akin to the leeches, tubercular sleeping porches, and lack of sterilization of the past. Fifty years from now, he maintained, replacement parts for the human body were going to be grown in labs, cancer was going to be battled at the molecular level by the immune system, and ageing was going to be a matter of choice rather than inevitability.
Sarah could see some of what he was saying. What she hadn’t liked about him was his messianic affect, like he was a self-proclaimed pied piper with all the answers, leading a drop-footed, dumber populace to the promised land of science of which only he was aware.
Then again, the man was worth how much? Having billions could make a megalomaniac out of anybody.”
Fiction or Prediction?
An Exclusive Editorial Commentary for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published September 2024
© Copyright Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P, BC Canada
September 2021
Let me begin with a brief explanation and apology. The weeks of August and early September have been life transforming. My Mom and I managed to safely make our road-trip trek to Edmonton and back home only to find that it will be our last vacation or “escape”. Our Prime Minister called a snap general federal election to be held today (Sept. 20); new outbreaks of COVID have intensified even though nearly 80% of the eligible provincial population has received at least one jab; Health Canada changed the temporary (Interim) authorization of all four vaccines (Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson) into fully authorized application for ages 12 and older; implementation of stringent vaccine mandates for employment, health care, education, worship and many non-essential services; claims of hospital wards overflowing with unvaccinated COVID patients; all protests and demonstrations against the restrictions and vaccinations have been vilified; and the introduction of “vaccine passports” means that the unvaccinated are totally locked down and portrayed as “infectious carriers of disease” bankrupting and overwhelming our health care system.
On a personal level I have scrambled to prepare our home for a long term of isolation, and made arrangements for the majority of our shopping to take place online. Professionally and personally I have felt compelled to write. To voice my concerns, my dissent and my frustration at a transformation in our lives and this country that is my home.
And this is the apology. The following commentary (the ladies who worked with me in OIRF used to call these “one of Carolyn’s rants”) is put together from two editorials and one article that I methodically keyed into the computer over several late nights. One of the editorials was submitted to our local newspaper, receipt was acknowledged, and then it simply disappeared never to be published. No point in submitting the second one. The article was started and saved for use with other publications and perhaps a lecture. But as all these outlets, formats and avenues closed, my frustration grew. Forgive me, but it felt more appropriate to share this with those of you who can help me keep this voice heard and this message present and uncensored.
In the coming months, I will continue to send you as much information as I can gather on treatments and assistance that we can provide for all of our patients – vaccinated or not.
As one of our federal political candidates has so succinctly stated:
“This won’t stop until we say NO!”
I am a proud Canadian. I am not indigenous, nor have my ancestors lived on this land for thousands of years. I am only the fourth(+) generation of my family and ancestors living here. Although I was not a part of the history that indigenous peoples lived and suffered, I feel that I understand how some of the events and practices came into being by looking at the cultural and societal mores of those times. I wanted to believe that we have made immense changes for the better (maybe not enough, but it is progress), and that those practices from the past would never be repeated or perpetrated again in our more modern times. I thought our progress in understanding and ending racial and discriminatory practices was creating a country where we could openly practice inclusion and acceptance.
Additionally, I am not an anti-vaxxer. I agree there are many who are particularly vulnerable to this virus, and they should definitely take the current vaccines. I am however very concerned about the events and protocols that have been instituted in my beloved and supposedly free and democratic country. Working as a semi-retired alternative medicine consultant, I have spent nearly two years researching and following the current pandemic situation from multiple standpoints and sources. Within the parameters of this commentary, I will not get into the midst of the arguments regarding the validity of the virus threat, the possible treatments and this new form of vaccine itself.
What concerns me is the authoritarian response of our elected officials, and our appointed (and highly paid) health authorities. It is true that there are laws and rulings on the books that give these officials authority in situations of emergency. However, these laws and rulings are very time sensitive and were never intended to be utilized and enforced over long periods of time. Since many of the measures instituted since March of 2020 are still controversial in terms of effectiveness, it is time that the people we have elected to represent us and those we have hired and trusted to “take care of us” look at what is working and how to change what is not.
It is my understanding that fully vaccinated individuals are still vulnerable to the virus. The Health Canada website clearly states that the vaccines are 62-95% effective “protecting trial participants against COVID-19”. If fully vaccinated individuals can still contract the virus (recent statistics from the UK indicate that 40+% of Delta Variant cases are fully vaccinated, plus the alarming data emerging from Israel), then they too have the ability to spread the disease if they are not treated properly and do not stay at home when ill.
That said, my primary concern is the recently implemented “vaccine passport” system which began on September 13 in our beautiful province of British Columbia. I simply do not understand why such a system is necessary. And then to state there will be “no exceptions” – not even for medical, religious or dissenting scientific reasons!! – is (I hope) totally unconstitutional. There are those people:
The majority of people are not currently ill. We all learned quickly as children that if we didn’t feel well, we got to stay home from school. Is there any one of you that would currently go to work or a restaurant or … if you had a cold or sniffly nose? I think not. So for healthy people – people with no contagious, infectious or communicable diseases, no COVD, HIV, Ebola, Zika, or SARS, no STDs, etc. – why are we being segregated and discriminated against by not being allowed to enter our place of worship, a restaurant or a gym without a “vaccine passport”? How can such a healthy person transmit a disease they do not have to someone else who (especially if they are vaccinated) is supposed to be immune?
I see three very alarming aspects of the mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports that have nothing to do with the effectiveness of the vaccine:
Or education, or worship . . . That Bonnie Henry (BC’s Chief Medical Officer) will not allow any exceptions – even for medical, religious or scientific reasons – is simply not acceptable in a democratic country, or under internationally recognized human rights principles.
In a supposedly free and democratic country, this vaccine passport system creates a group of second class citizens that has nothing to do with our race, faith, ancestry, gender, gender orientation or any other classification. Suddenly the only people who are “free” to live their lives are those who have chosen to submit to an invasive medical procedure whether they need it or not. What has happened to the Principles/Codes created during the Nuremberg Trials after World War II that clearly stated individuals do not have to submit to (experimental) immunization or therapeutics without fully informed consent?
If under some mysteriously expanded health regulations it is now mandatory for us to present proof of our confidential health status and information in order to enter a restaurant or attend our kids’ hockey games, what has happened to our individual rights to privacy, confidentiality and respect?
Perhaps instead of a “vaccine passport” that simply attests to our compliance under these long lasting emergency measures, we should be looking at a “health passport”. Especially if those who are vaccinated are still susceptible to infection with COVID, why is it not sufficient to present a passport that shows several aspects of our status:
This type of format would at least follow some of the similar systems in place globally (like France and other parts of Europe). But more importantly still, why won’t our politicians and their highly paid health appointees trust the intelligence of the people who elected them and pay their salaries?
At this point in time, for me to personally accept the vaccination would have to be under duress and coercion, and completely against my informed understanding of this virus and the newly defined vaccines. Is this what our medical and healthcare system so highly touted by Mr. Justin Trudeau has become?
Carolyn L. Winsor,
Healthy, but still unvaccinated.
* Fifty Years Later: The significance of the Nuremberg Code
This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.
Taken from the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejm199711133372006
And just a few more comments of caution:
We currently live, work, play and worship in a time where individuality and freedom (especially freedom of speech) seems to be reserved for the very wealthy, and those who have worked their way into political positions of power. Regardless of our approach within the medical or healing field, it behooves us to retain our curiosity, skepticism and practicality when looking at new methods and approaches.
Within the current virus situation of the orthodox medical field, there is one narrative. One approach and no room for dissent or choice. No therapy, just a vaccine. Whenever only one perspective is “allowed” and all others are silenced or censored, we must critically understand why no dissent is permitted. Likewise, within our amazing field of energy medicine, it also behooves us to maintain our skepticism and our role as a practitioner when listening to the latest “guru” or “authority” with the answers to “all” of our troubles and health issues.
Whether the focus is on energy medicine and the limitations set on us by orthodox medicine or is on the orthodox version of “science” based on chemistry instead of physics and frequency, we primarily need to remember that politics and money play at least as important a role as efficacy.
Thus, we also need to think of how the product the latest authority is “selling” us is making money for his pocket. Occidental Institute was a legitimate non-profit organization whose goal was to teach you effective alternative assessment and treatment methods, and to try to spread the message of these forms of energy medicine. As Praxis2Practice, I personally literally have almost nothing to offer to you other than my experience, knowledge and informational analysis. To try and emphasize this point, here is a quote from Page 107 of the fictional novel, “The Savior” by JR Ward (emphasis at the end is mine):
“Sarah had never met the fabled Dr. Robert Kraiten in person. Her hiring had been coordinated through her lab supervisor. But she’d seen the man speak, both at company-wide annual meetings, and on the Internet. He had a TED talk which had been widely circulated throughout BioMed, on the limitless horizons of bioengineering.
“We are still in the dark ages of medicine . . .” was how he’d opened his speech. After which he’d gone on to point out that things like organ donation with its immune system problems and the Draconian chemotherapy protocols for cancer patients were going to be akin to the leeches, tubercular sleeping porches, and lack of sterilization of the past. Fifty years from now, he maintained, replacement parts for the human body were going to be grown in labs, cancer was going to be battled at the molecular level by the immune system, and ageing was going to be a matter of choice rather than inevitability.
Sarah could see some of what he was saying. What she hadn’t liked about him was his messianic affect, like he was a self-proclaimed pied piper with all the answers, leading a drop-footed, dumber populace to the promised land of science of which only he was aware.
Then again, the man was worth how much? Having billions could make a megalomaniac out of anybody.”
Fiction or Prediction?
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published September 2024
© Copyright Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P, BC Canada
About the author
Carolyn L. Winsor
Carolyn’s decades-long involvement with the work of OIRF has given her the tools and skills to offer you unique and valuable insights into the ongoing developments in this always expanding field. Her Biological Medicine background includes:
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