Massive Experiment in Gene Therapy

Whether the RNA vaccine from BioNTech or the Adenovirus DNA vaccine from Astra-Zeneca – the risks are horrendous! Cancer and autoimmune illnesses are pre-programmed, coagulation disturbances and thromboses have already massively appeared. What is the population getting into?

Bringing foreign DNA or foreign RNA into human cells harbors the possibility of their non-reversible installation into the human genome.

In principle, the use of the word “vaccine” for the Corona vaccines is deceptive, and in the public promotes an unjustified expectation of a protective effect with little or no risk.

Vaccine or Gene Therapy Product?

According to the definition of the Europäischen Arzneimittelagentur, EMA [European Medication Agency or EMA], the techniques applied with these vaccines, namely bringing DNA or RNA through vehicles into human cells, actually represents a medical gene therapy. Therefore, the vaccines are medical gene therapy products.(1) The biological qualities of our cells are changed for therapeutic purposes to support a treatment of an illness. In the case of the Corona vaccines either a modified Adenovirus (AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson) or a lipid nanoparticle (BioNTech, Moderna) is generated as a vehicle to package the foreign DNA or RNA for transport into the body. Subsequently, the foreign DNA or RNA causes the production of SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins in our cells. Because the foreign spike proteins are now produced in our own cells, by definition these cells are now “genetically altered” cells. Additionally, bringing foreign DNA or foreign RNA into the human cells, harbors the possibility of their non-reversible installation into the human genome. This again harbors the potential for dangerous side effects which could only be partially confirmed or excluded through long term observation.

Is Our Genome Permanently Changed by the Vaccines?

It has been known for over 30 years that we can integrate foreign (viral) RNA and DNA into mammalian host cells. This can happen through various mechanisms, which are interesting not only for tumor virology and gene therapy, but also for the role of viral DNA as an evolutionary mechanism. So it could be proven in multiple ways academically, that the genetic material of a variety of different Adenoviruses, like they use in the vaccines from AstraZeneca or Johnson & Johnson, can be introduced into the DNA of the human cell.(2) The site of the viral DNA integration into the host cell genome can not be controlled.

It is important to know that the integration sites in the genome of the host cell were verifiably active transcriptionally which means the integration takes place exactly at the site of the DNA, at which very important genes for the cells are read. The genotoxic effect resulting from it can manifest itself in many ways:

  1. Gene Inactivation:
    Bringing in foreign DNA can occur within a gene and can disturb this gene. This can lead to the loss of important cellular gene products (proteins) and with it the potential for the origin of illnesses including cancer.
  2. Gene Activation:
    Viral promoters and the introduction of viral DNA into regulatory elements of the genes can stimulate the production of proteins. This can also lead to the formation of cancer cells, which can mature into clinically manifested tumors. Today, the viral DNA integration is an important paradigm in tumor biology.
  3. Gene Regulation:
    The reading of genes is strictly regulated. The necessary regulation mechanism for it can be affected by the installation of foreign DNA so that the production of proteins can be up- and down-regulated. The effects of possibly undesirable results are unpredictable.
  4. Chromosome Damage:
    Another very important observation of the integration of the Adenovirus vectors into the cells is that the appearance of genome damages like deletion of whole chromosome segments and transformation of the genes. As a rule this leads to especially catastrophic secondary damages which exceed those of the activation or inactivation of the individual genes in severity.
  5. Autoimmune-like Disease:
    The integration of the spike proteins into the host cells can lead to a lasting expression of these antigens and by that increase the risk of the origin of an autoimmune-like disease.

There are no long term studies available.

Meanwhile, science knows that not only viral DNA but also viral RNA can be integrated into the human genome without bringing its own reverse transcriptase for circumscription of RNA into DNA.(3) The appearance of cancer cells from the new vaccine technology has not been investigated with any of the vaccines conditionally authorized in Europe. There are no long term studies.

Accordingly, the possible origin of tumors is not investigated or known. The valid recommendation from the American drug agency, the FDA, says that for gene therapy products which can have the potential to integrate themselves into the genome, it is necessary to have a long term observation study of up to 15 years. Moreover, this also includes investigating whether new malignancies or hematological illnesses develop, whether previously existing neurological illnesses worsen, or whether rheumatological or other auto-immune illnesses or potential product related infections develop.(4) None of this has occurred at all with the four vaccines only conditionally authorized in Europe. The decision of the EMA not to require genotoxicity studies is thus irresponsible and not comprehensible.

The decision of the EMA not to require genotoxicity studies is thus irresponsible and not comprehensible.

Other Causes of Thrombosis
and Coagulation Disorders

The Role of the Adenovirus Components

(AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson)

Additionally, observations in preclinical studies are still coming in. In rhesus monkeys it was proven that also the adenovirus vectors (without spike protein coded information) can trigger thrombosis and thrombocytopenia. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is still little understood. However, it was shown that the adenovirus binds directly over the coxsackie and adenovirus receptor on the surface of the thrombocytes, and can trigger their activation and aggregation. Secondly, it was shown that the adenovirus vectors also bind with the coagulation factor X, which suggests a mechanism for direct activation of the plasmatic coagulation cascade with possibly disastrous consequences.

Various mouse models have also contributed to provide insight into the cause of the thrombocytopenia. With an injury to the vascular wall collagen is exposed during circulation which leads to the fact that the thrombocytes are collected at the injury site and are activated. This is mediated by the protein Von Willebrand Factor, that contributes to the adhesion of the thrombocytes to the injured vascular wall by binding both to the collagen as well as to specific receptors on the surface of the thrombocytes. It was shown in this mouse study that the adenovirus triggered the adhesion of the thrombocytes in the endothelial cells, and initiated the blood coagulation.(6) One such uncontrolled activation and recruitment can lead to thrombosis, tissue damage and the loss of organ functions. If this develops at several places at the same time coagulation factors and blood platelets are also consumed in the plasma, a state which is called disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). The result is a simultaneous, diffuse and abnormal coagulation and bleeding as we now see in many vaccinated people.

The Role of Lipid Nanoparticles

(BioNTech and Moderna)

The lipid nanoparticles (LNP) can also be enclosed in the blood by plasma proteins and form a protein/LNP complex. This complex provides for an increased cellular activation and by that to thrombotic complications and coagulation disturbances. With healthy people the clot formation and the fibrinolytic system are highly regulated in order to ensure the hemostatic balance, and every dysregulation can lead to a disturbed or weak clot formation (poor hemostasis and re-bleeding), or to a too strong occlusive clot growth (thrombosis). There are an increasing number of studies that report about the fact that technically manufactured nanoparticles can shift the hemostatic balance by a disturbance of the coagulation systems, which can lead to serious life threatening conditions like deep vein thrombosis and DIC. Thus for example, a frequent complication about DIC with cancer by intravenous administration of certain nanoparticles like cationic dendrimers was reported, which if untreated can lead to multiple organ failure and even to death.

New Vaccination Technology, More Auto-Immune Illnesses?

Up until now, only components of a virus or the whole virus as a dead vaccine were injected into humans during vaccination. After injection the components, mostly proteins from the virus envelope, were recognized by our immune system as foreign bodies. As a result the inoculated person produces specific antibodies and reactive T-cells which neutralize the virus protein and ultimately are removed from the body. It is important to know that with this conventional vaccination technique the cells in the body were never attacked as a result. The virus proteins were always found only in the lymph vessel system, which unites later with the blood vessel system.

With the new DNA and RNA vaccine technique, the vaccine does not now consist of individual virus proteins, but rather of the information for the production of virus proteins by our cells. By means of Adenovirus (Astra Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson) and lipid nanoparticles (Moderna and BioNTech) the information is smuggled into our body’s cells and the virus proteins are produced. The virus protein, here the spike proteins, then sit on the cell surface and present themselves to our immune system. The immune cells interpret the spike proteins on our cells as foreign bodies and produce an immune response not only against these spike proteins, but thereby also attack the individual cells. This is exactly the problem with this new vaccine technique: By means of antibody formation and also primarily through reactive cytotoxic T-cells the individually genetically modified cells are combatted against the spike proteins and are ultimately destroyed. Afterwards, the broken body cells must likewise be taken away by the scavenger cells of the immune system and removed as waste. As a result, all proteins that were components of the previously living cells function as auto-antigens. For people with a malfunctioning immune system (immunosuppressed people or people already with autoimmune illnesses) it can reach a misinterpretation of these auto-antigens.(5) Then the immune system reacts with a disproportionate production of auto-antibodies against the body’s own proteins from the destroyed cells. The consequence would be further tissue damage. Persistent tissue damage leads to establishment of an autoimmune illness. Many autoimmune illnesses known to us are due to faulty immune responses.

Risk of Coagulation Disturbances

With the injection of the vaccine deeply into the muscle of the upper arm small blood vessels are also injured. Depending on how severe the injury is, more or less vaccine enters the blood stream. Both the lipid nanoparticles (RNA vaccines) as well as the Adenovirus (DNA vaccines) can penetrate into the endothelial cells that line the inside of the blood vessels. This absorption probably occurs most effectively at places with sluggish blood flow. The endothelial cells then also produce the spike proteins that are attacked by the T-cells. The consequences are profound. The endothelial cells are destroyed, the blood vessel walls are perforated and micro-bleeding occurs. Thrombocytes are activated and staunch the bleeding by clot formation in the holes. This can occur in many different places in the body and in a most unpredictable manner. Thrombocytes are used up through the emergence of the clots. Therefore a waste of thrombocytes (thrombocytopenia) in the blood often also appears in addition to the occurrence of blood clots.

Overall it must be feared that the vaccines strongly promote vascular injuries and clot formation in small vessels and veins in the whole body in several ways. Coagulation disturbances can also affect the health of the nervous system. Thus in a preclinical study by Johnson & Johnson cases of facial paralysis, cerebral bleeding and Guillain-Barre Syndrome were associated with the vaccine.

Since the authorization of the vaccines, numerous cases of different thromboembolic incidents as well as vascular occlusions from protracted blood clots were observed in vaccinated people, which motivated the temporary suspension of its use in up to 15 countries, many of them EU members. Some countries have completely rejected the resumption of for example AstraZeneca. It must be emphasized here that such coagulation problems are caused because of the auto-attack of the immune cells against the spike proteins, and the formation of these spike proteins is exactly the goal in all of the conditionally authorized vaccines in the EU. In this respect the risk of a severe blood clotting disturbance exists with all similar vaccines.

Since the approval of the vaccines, vascular occlusions from protracted blood clots were observed in vaccinated people.

The Formation of Spike Proteins from the Vaccination is the Problem

However, the spike proteins also harbor other dangers. Science has discovered that they can lead to an imbalance of the renin-angiotensin-hormone system and to a change of the function of the mitochondria in the endothelial cells. In the area of the lung this incident consequently leads to lung damage, which you would actually like to prevent with the vaccination against SARS-CoV-2.

In addition, the spike proteins are responsible for fusion of cells together. The fusion of the cells leads to giant cells (syncytia) with several cell nuclei which can trigger pathological incidents. Small quantities of spike proteins are already sufficient to set this fusion cascade into motion.(7)

In summary, it can be said that the SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins which are produced by the vaccine in our cells, can cause considerable damage in the cells and in the human body in many ways. Every one of the conditionally authorized vaccines in Europe induce the biosynthesis of these spike proteins in our body’s own cells. This new and untested technique harbors the great risk for severe damage after the vaccination for previously healthy people. Thus, it is medically and ethically not defensible.

The authors are [well known and respected] by the R&Z editorial staff, but for straightforward reasons wish to remain anonymous.

An Exclusive Translated Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published September 2021

From an article in Raum & Zeit, Volume 39, Nr. 232, July/August 2021
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2021, R&Z, Germany

More information on the subject of vaccinations:

  • Fakten zu Viren, Körper und Impfungen; Wie neue Corona-lmpfstoffe funktionieren sollen; raum&zeit Nr. 227, 5.8-13 und
  • Nebenwirkungen des Corona-Impfstoffes von BioNTech; Wie gefährlich sind die Nanopartikel der Lipidhülle?; raum&zeit Nr. 231, S. 14-19


  2. L. Stephen et al.: „Chromosomal integration of adenoviral vector DNA in vivo”. J Virol 84, 9987-9994 (2010).
  3. Zhang et al.: „Reverse-transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U.S.A. 118(21) (2021)
  5. Suurmond and B. Diamond: „Autoantibodies in systemic autoimmune diseases: specificity and pathogenicity”. J Clin Invest. 125(6):2194-202 (2015)
  6. Othman, et al.: „Adenovirus-induced thrombocytopenia: the role of von Willebrand factor and P-selectin in mediating accelerated platelet clearance”. Blood 109, 2832-2839 (2007).
  7. A. Theuerkauf et al.: „Quantitative assays reveal cell fusion at minimal levels of SARS-COV-2 spike protein and fusion from without”. iScience. 24(3):102170 (2021)

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