Homeopathy as the Biological
Nanomedicine of the Future?

Potentized Remedies can be Highly Effective

Homeopathy has been controversial since it was discovered by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann, and was developed as a gentle alternative to the established orthodox medicine. Some see it as a fraud with completely ineffective pseudo-drugs, while others see it as an individually effective therapy method largely without undesirable side effects. Nevertheless, what they are not aware of is: Thanks to the most modern technology it is becoming more and more clear that the homeopathic globules and drops do not simply contain nothing, but that they contain natural nanoparticles which can effectively support our organism at a quantum-physical level and are also cost efficient.

Fig. Homeopathy can look back at more than 200 years experience
in the production of natural, harmless nanoparticles.

About twelve years ago I witnessed an impressive therapy success. My table tennis colleague Walter (name changed) suffered for weeks with a piercing stomach ache. After a gastroscopy a doctor had urgently advised him about an operation, because the inflammation was well advanced and was now a preliminary stage for stomach cancer. With this information Walter came to me and asked whether or not I knew of an alternative treatment possibility.

Cured instead of Surgery

As luck would have it, I had interviewed the Swiss naturopath Natale Ferronato about two months before, who had impressed me with his diagnosis and therapy methods. In spite of his already older age at that time, he accepted to receive us. Immediately in his greeting he questioned Walter whether he had once suffered a poisoning – the illness signs in his face indicated it.

When he answered in the negative, Ferronato took his Biotensor – a single handed [dowsing] rod developed by Dr. Oberbach – into his hand and received the result that the poisoning must date back about 20 years ago. My colleague replied that at that time they would have had a problem in the office with a high formaldehyde load. After testing with the Biotensor Ferronato came to the conclusion that this weakened the left side of Walter’s body and his stomach ache was the result of his formaldehyde poisoning at that time.

This finding alone was remarkable – generally what physician could have recognized this connection? Nevertheless, the following therapy was even more impressive. Again with the help of the Biotensor Ferronato established five of the numerous plant extracts before him from which in each case he took the measured number of milliliters, put them in a vial and diluted them. Three times at 15 minute intervals Walter received in each case five drops of this mixture in the mouth. Then the therapy was finished and – whether you believe it or not – Walter subsequently never again had a stomach ache, and also no more high blood pressure.

This almost unbelievable experience gave me the clear impetus to write the book “Natale Ferronato – Ein Vermächtnis für die Zukunft der Heilkunde” [“Natale Ferronato – A Legacy for the Future of Medicine”]. In it countless other examples are described how this naturopath known far beyond Switzerland could help even severely ill patients with plant extracts and homeopathic remedies. They illustrate how much exactly diluted substances can give our organism the decisive impulses to again bring itself into healthy balance.

Successful Homeopathic Cancer Therapy

In a similar way the book “Die Krebsrevolution. Wege aus der Angst durch integrative medizin” [“The Cancer Revolution. The Pathway out of Fear through Integrative Medicine”] by the Spanish-German physician Dr. Miguel Corty Friedrich also shows that suitable homeopathic substances can cost efficiently help even with severe illnesses and without undesirable side effects. It describes the purely homeopathic cancer therapy developed by the Banerji Indian physician family over more than three generations, which can also offer almost unbelievable success rates with many cancer types – and in fact not only on account of a single case, but rather on the basis of more than 40,000 perfectly documented patient data. For pancreatic cancer, for which a five-year probability survival rate of only 5-8% exists with a conventional treatment, with these patients who were treated according to the suitable Banerji Protocol, it amounts – believe it or not – to 90%.

The book shows not only how successful a pure homeopathic treatment of cancer can be, but also it gives a clear indication of its likely functioning principles. Based on the research from the Indian Dr. E. S. Rajendran who analyzed various homeopathic substances of different dilutions under the electron microscope, Corty concluded that homeopathy acts as a biological nanomedicine.

In the meantime, Corty translated it into German Rajendran’s book published in 2015, in which he states and explains his five years of research. It published in 2019 under the title “Nanodynamik” and indicates clearly that homeopathic substances do not simply contain nothing, but rather nanoparticles of various sizes downward to quantum dots respectively quantum points. A nanometer (nm) is one small billionth of a meter, that is the 5,000th part of a red blood cell or about 100,000-times smaller than the thickness of a sheet of paper. Nanoparticles represent accumulations of atoms or molecules, which are smaller than 100 nm; quantum dots are even smaller than 10 nm and include a few hundred atoms in different arrangements. Such small particles – and especially the quantum dots – exhibit a relatively seen much vaster surface and completely different electromagnetic properties than larger, macroscopic objects and they are determined less by chemical, but far more by their own quantum-physical characteristics. As such they are subject also to the probability function, i.e. they can accept different but clearly defined states. Besides, they can be connected through quantum entanglement with each other.

In modern nanotechnology meanwhile, you make use of the properties of nanoparticles in different ways and for instance coat a surface with it which is subsequently water-repellant or shows color changes. On the other hand, in medicine for example it is tried to infiltrate chemotherapeutics more specifically into tumor tissues by means of nanoparticles. Also the modern Corona vaccination contains nanoparticles. However, these technical nano-applications have inherent enormous risks. It is unclear what such artificially made nanoparticles cause in the environment just as well as also in our organism, particularly in a mid- to long-term perspective.

Homeopathic Quantum Medicine

It is another way in homeopathy. In the meantime there exists – on the basis of the discoveries of the German physician Samuel Hahnemann – more than 200 years experience in the production of natural, harmless nanoparticles.

In homeopathic manufacturing processes mineral or metallic source substances are carefully ground, mixed in precisely defined ratios with milk sugar, and then in numerous steps diluted and additionally vigorously shaken in order to energetically enrich them. Likewise homeopathic remedies are produced from herbal and animal source substances in various dilution ratios and steps. At the same time, such natural source materials can be used which are highly toxic in undiluted form – particularly herbal or animal poisons – and within the framework of drug testing cause similar symptoms in healthy people like those appearing in sick people. Thus also there is Hahnemann’s principle of “similar heals similar”.

In the same way Rajendran could illustrate with his research the traces of the source substances are also in the homeopathic dilutions which were produced from them, provable namely in the form of nanoparticles and quantum dots with characteristic shapes and forms. This is applicable for high dilution LM potencies. Oddly enough, rather more and more complex particles showed up than in the less strongly diluted homeopathic substances. Additionally, increasingly elements appeared in the high potencies that were not contained in the source substances. Furthermore, it was interesting that in the dilutions that are not conventional in Homeopathy, no nanoparticles existed and in the medical alcohol that Rajendran examined as a controlling solution, none at all.

Functional Principles in the Threshold of Matter and Energy

Because nanoparticles have been proven even in homeopathic high potencies, it seems reasonable to conclude that they are based on basic functional principles – the smaller the nanoparticles are the more additional elements, especially in the high potencies, emerge unexpectedly in the threshold between matter and energy.

By the way, earlier investigations by the German biochemist, Dr. Karin Lenger, also made this clear. She showed that homeopathic substances radiated photons; these are the smallest subatomic particles with wave characteristics and which also play an important role with cell communication – similar to the nanoparticles and quantum dots which work right into the cells and even into the genes, not the least in the sense of epigenetic influences.

Instead of rejecting or even demonizing homeopathy, science and medicine would do well to examine all this new knowledge and as a result to orient research to further track down the secrets of homeopathy. Because with this great wealth of experience, this represents exactly that individualized medicine for which at least in principle orthodox medicine now also increasingly strives – however forehand with questionable resources, a huge side effect potential and too often enormous costs. Homeopathic therapy on the other hand would be linked with hardly any existing undesirable side effects with a far lower expense.

Questioning Established Positions

In other words it is high time, in view of the many positive experiences patients have repeatedly had with homeopathy beyond over two centuries, to question the positions of established medicine and also with their sacrosanct instrument the controlled double blind study. Because these are orientated to chemically functioning drugs, with which all patients are treated in the same manner and mostly only symptom related – but not in an individualized, cause-related medicine. A synthetic headache medication, for example, which blocks the pain receptors, and with it so-to-speak the pain “spirits away”, nevertheless in action and in truth only the symptoms are suppressed and the cause is not treated, and can be relatively easily tested against a placebo pill. This is much more difficult with causally functional therapies like homeopathic remedies with which not every test patient needs the same “globules”, but rather that or this which he receives and does justice to the previously carefully fathomed causes of his pain.

In order to fathom these much deeper and more sustained effects of a therapy, mere double blind studies are not sufficient. On the contrary, more result-oriented investigations are necessary in which individual case studies should again receive their proper place. And even if homeopathic remedies were only placebos – which they are not – in any case they additionally help that less synthetic drugs (with their very long lists of regarded side effects allowed in the package information insert) are consumed.

Keywords: Inflammation, oncology, nanomedicine, Banerji protocol, quantum physics, quantum medicine, research, biochemistry

An Exclusive Translated Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published July 2021

From an article in CO’Med, Volume 27, May 2021
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2021, Hans-Peter Studer, D.Econ., Switzerland

About the author

Book Tips

For further reading I would like to recommend three books, which can surely deepen your knowledge:

  • E.S. Rajendran: Nanodynamik, Nanowissenschaften, Homöopathie, Physik, Nanomedizin. edition winterwork, Borsdorf 2019, ISBN 978-3-96014-551-6.
  • Miguel Corty Friedrich: Die Krebsrevolution. Wege aus der Angst durch integrative Medizin. Europa Verlag, München 2016, ISBN 978-3-95890-048-6.
  • Hans-Peter Studer: Natale Ferronato – Ein Vermächtnis für die Zukunft der Heilkunde, Osiris Verlag, Speicherschwendi 2016, ISBN 978-3-907504-08-6, direkt erhältlich bei www.osirisverlag.ch (versandkostenfrei).

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