Brief Announcement Regarding Medical Electronics

Among the most progressive companies with whom I was able to hold discussions, was Mr. Dieter Jossner and Medical Electronics. This 40+ year old company has consistently provided us with the highest quality German-made devices for both medical and wellness BioPhoton applications.

In view of the impending new regulations and ISO certification procedures for medical devices, Mr. Jossner figuratively told them to “forget it”. He has slightly altered or modified every single device in his extensive catalog, completed development of several newer devices and opted to maintain the “wellness” and CE certifications only.

Some of the changes are truly innovative – like being able to disconnect the head of your BioPhoton “therapy” device, attaching a power pack and moving it around to another room or position. Some of the newer devices are focused on helping us cope with the coming invasive 5G and he has also added another new laser.

Although all of these devices are now “wellness” devices, they are still manufactured to the same strict “medical” guidelines and procedures of the past – but without all the added cost and complexity of the new regulations. This “therapy” method will survive – thanks to the ingenuity and passion of Mr. Jossner.

I will personally continue to act as a liaison with Medical Electronics (no, he still will not interact through the internet or email) to ease your orders for all of the smaller wellness devices like the FIT 915 goggles and the UBS 315 plate for enhancement of liquids and so on. However, I have also been given permission to assist with the larger devices. What used to be the Hyper Photon HPT 3D is now the Hyper Photon 3000 (with re-movable head) and can be shipped directly to your door as a wellness or spa device. Claims for it are of course modified and now include such things as baldness and cosmetic applications like skin enhancement. But it doesn’t change the medical effectiveness that we have known for decades!

As the days and weeks go by and we approach the Christmas and New Year Holidays, I will steadily work away at modifying my Praxis2Practice website to show the full range of Medical Electronics devices (with explanations and manufacturer descriptions) and develop a new price list. In the meantime, if you are already considering some of the larger products please contact me for pricing and delivery.

An Important Announcement for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published November 2019

© Copyright 2019, Praxis2Practice Consulting, BC Canada

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