Cancer & Mistletoe Therapy Seminar

The Institute will be presenting the first ever North American seminar on Mistletoe preparations on April 1st & 2nd. Mistletoe preparation are used in cancer therapy as adjuvants. Used after surgery or in combination with chemo and radiation therapy they have been used for some time throughout Europe.

Mistletoe preparations are homeopathically or anthroposophically prepared extracts from various semi-parasitic Viscum album plants. They are the only recognized and proven “alternative“ cancer remedies in Germany. Biological cancer therapy without considering their use is unthinkable.

Various types of mistletoe preparations are currently available throughout Europe from a number of different manufacturers. O.I.R.F. is pleased and excited to be presenting this seminar and to be introducing practitioners to these powerful remedies.

An Announcement for OIRF Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published February 1995

© Copyright 1995, Occidental Institute, BC Canada

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