How to test “multiples” of a single ampule

In German Electro-Acupuncture (E.A.V., E.A.P.), VEGATESTING, and kinesiological methods that utilize German medication testing concepts, there is often a need to test “multiples” of a single on hand ampule. This is done along classic “loading” principles, or to simulate a one potency lower test ampule [i.e, five 4X amps approximate one 3X ampule].

In the Vegatest-Method for example, protocol requires testing an increasing number of Cauda pankreatis [= Islets of Langerhans] D32 test ampules together at one time, to determine diabetes propensity; yet only one such amp is provided in the VEGA test set. Likewise, there is the need to test multiples of Glomus caroticus D32 in evaluating high blood pressure. However, it is almost impossible to acquire more of these specific test ampules, at any price.

Dentists regularly need to test two to ten ampules of the lowest available suspected nosode potency to confirm a focal situation. This means they have to at least have a package of ten ampules of the lowest available potency of each dental nosode on hand, stored within seated test position reach.

For the same reason, practitioners evaluating malignancy and neoplastic states, need to test up to four or more of the lowest available degenerative nosode potency, to be absolutely certain of a diagnosis, as well as for staging and subsequent therapy control. In any event, this would normally require purchasing (and importing) additional packages of the lowest available ampule potency of a vast number of test remedies.

There is a small supplementary amplifier, which is available as an optional accessory for older MORA-Therapy units. This amplifier can be used completely independently, without having to be connected to a MORA instrument, since it is battery operated (thus also avoiding powerline disturbances). With the addition of a few MORA-Therapy unit accessories such as cup electrodes or a honeycomb, this amplifier turns into what we call a “Remedy Information Transfer Unit” (R.I.T.U.). Just like a MORA-Therapy unit it can electronically transfer remedy information from say, your tested ampules, into a patient or patient take home bottle.

This unit has ten levels of amplification, with each level doubling the amplitude of the previous level. When the R.I.T.U. is set at “1”, the exact input amplitude level is available at the output. At level “2”, the amplitude doubles, so that if a single test ampule is placed into a honeycomb at the input, the equivalent information of two identical ampules would be available at the output (connected to your medication testing instrument). At amplification level “5”, this would be equivalent to five identical ampules, and so on.

This means you no longer need to purchase and store multiples of the lowest available potency for these critical test ampules. That saves money and much storage space, especially if using Vegameditest 704’s.

There are many other time and money saving benefits to the R.I.T.U., as discovered by hundreds of happy owners throughout the English-speaking world. In closing, I would like to mention one feature that I use daily. By connecting the R.I.T.U. between your honeycomb and the medication test input of your testing device, with it set at amplification level “1”, no pathological patient information can flow back into your honeycomb to contaminate your valuable test ampules. The honeycomb is back flow protected, by the one-way only circuitry of the Remedy Information Transfer Unit.

An Exclusive Article for OIRF Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published February 1995

© Copyright 1995, Dr. Walter Sturm, BC Canada

About the author

Thanks to an eidetic memory and a near Mensa level IQ, Dr. Sturm had the ability to research huge quantities of printed materials (in seven languages) and then absorb and correlate the information without error or confusion. A dynamic speaker with an innate talent for teaching, he was able to meticulously share his knowledge and depth of understanding with the participants. Dr. Sturm was able to bring you right up to date with the very latest German discoveries based on his regular attendance at German language Symposia and conferences as well as the most recent German language publications.

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