25 years – Med Tronik GmbH in Friesenheim

The beginning of MORA®

Even a few years before the formation of Med-Tronik GmbH [Ltd.] the engineer and specialized teacher Erich Rasche drew attention to himself with pioneering developments within the field of electromagnetic oscillations in the specialized area of medical instrument technology: In 1976 with the TSE Test-Sender-Receiver for the wireless transfer of medication information he established proof that medications work not only by their material substance, but also informationally via their micro-magnetic field.

In 1977, encouraged by these insights, Erich Rasche developed a device for therapy with the body’s own information without medications. Named after the inventors Dr. Franz Morell and Erich Rasche, MORA® Bioresonance Therapy is still today the valid brand name of the Med-Tronik firm founded in Friesenheim in 1979.

The product guide

Numerous developments of medical-biophysical instruments for diagnosis and therapy within the field of complementary holistic medicine, among them some “world innovations” supported by the BMWA* and AiF**, were decisive for the steady growth of the company in the following years. The summarized chronology:

  • MORA® II diagnostic and therapy device, later MORA® III, or
    MORA® IV
  • Magnetic field devices INDUMED and MAGNETOSETTE according to Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig
  • The MORA® COLOR device for the therapeutic application of converted beat frequencies of visible colors
  • RM-1O/S – a portable Electro-Acupuncture measurement device
  • PUROLUX® – a drinking water purification device for private households
  • The MORA® Super Plus with two-channel technology even today is the only computer-controlled diagnosis and therapy device and is the top version of the MORA® device family
  • The ELH (ELectronic Homeopathy) software programs for digital storing of medication information
  • PERFORMANCE 2001 meridian measurement device for the differentiation of the body’s own currents at acupuncture points, as with an ECG
  • Close cooperation with the French hydrologist Prof. Louis Claude Vincent led to development of a computer-controlled BE-T-A (Bio-Electronic Terrain Analysis) measuring device for the physical measurement variables pH, rH2 and R in the body fluids blood, saliva and urine.
  • CENTURY – Computer-controlled Electro-Acupuncture measurement device with PC software and bi-directional communication with a PC

The company grows

The first MORA® and TSE devices were manufactured by Erich Rasche in 1977 in the basement rooms of his private residence in Heiligenzell after the end of the workday between 6:00 and 10:00 PM. On the occasion of a [recent] internal company anniversary celebration Erich Rasche honored three coworkers who are still active today and who were involved from the first hour.

With the foundation of the company in 1979 the firm with ten coworkers was shifted to Friesenheim on Sportplatzstraße 1, with a business area of approximately 180 square meters.

In the meantime the present day GWG mbH*** was established after the development of the PUROLUX® drinking water purification device for private households. In 1986 both companies moved into their own, new 1000 m2 large factory building on Daimlerstraße. In 1996 an extension was constructed and the business area was expanded to 1900 m2, of which 300 m2 are allotted to the seminar center alone.

Today the 35 person Med-Tronik/GWG team develops, produces and sells –supported by 26 international agencies world-wide – medical-biophysical devices for doctors and naturopaths of complementary holistic medicine. This requires a comprehensive education of the therapists and users, which is guaranteed by experienced instructors in the modern training center in Friesenheim.

Competent consultation, high-grade quality, comprehensive therapeutic care, constant optimization and continual further development of medical hardware and software are further characteristics which justify Med-Tronik’s world-wide good image and their internationally recognized leading position.

New markets and the future

In the year 2000 a new market segment of performance sport was added with the start of development of LACTWARE®, a software for analysis of the measuring data for athletes during a special performance test.

Also this development was financially supported by the BMWA*/AiF**, exactly the same as the newest products, which will shortly be ready for introduction on the market: QUICKWATER for spontaneous, biological drinking water purification according to the principle of an automatic Espresso maker and OXI-MED® for fast and simple measurement of oxidative stress in human blood.

In the meantime, Med-Tronik purposefully strengthened the already dominant export business and developed the new wellness/fitness markets, or that is to say pharmacies. Through this diversification the dynamic, innovative company simultaneously sets itself new challenges and protects itself against the predictably bad developments within German health policy.

Rating according to the Basel II [International Accord], the very difficult to understand tax policy and meanwhile the immense expenditures to guarantee the highest certification requirements in accordance with DlN EN ISO 9001:2000 (particularly within the medical product area in accordance with DlN EN ISO 13485:2003) represented additional challenges for the Med-Tronik management.

Nevertheless, company head Erich Rasche looks into the future full of confidence, strengthened by his unique coworker team and by the family oriented culture of the company which has been experienced and valued as such by customers from all over the globe.

* BMWA: Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Arbeit is the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor
** AiF: Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen is the German Federation of Industrial Cooperative Research Associations
*** GWG: Gesellschaft Wasser und Gesundheit mbH is the Society for Water and Health, Ltd.

An exclusive translated article for Affiliates
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published April 18, 2005

From an article in Naturheilpraxis, Volume 57, No. 9, September 2004
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie and LogoMedia
Translation and redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, OIRF

© Copyright 2004, Med-Tronik, Friesenheim, Germany

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