The Latest STAUFEN-Pharma Test Series Packs

TR 192 Escherichia verotoxinbildend, Sdf. NosD4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 191 Bacillus thuringiensis, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200[Bio-pesticide]

TR 190 Pullularia pullulans, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30 ), 60, 100, 200[Aureobasidium p.]

TR 189 Penicillium notatum, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 188 Grippe 94, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200[Influenza]

TR 187 Aspergillus ochraceus, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 186 RS-Virus, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200[Respiratory syncytial virus]

TR 185 Grippe 93, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200[Influenza]

TR 184 Candida parapsilosis, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30)

TR 183 Herpes virus Typ 6, Sdf. Nos.(D6 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 182 Hepatitis C, Sdf. Nos.(D6 to 200), 400

TR 181 Parkinson, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 180 Malassezia furfur, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200[Pityriasis versicolor]

TR 179 Grippe 91, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200[Influenza]

TR 178 Sporothrix schenckii, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 177 Rickettsia MS, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 176 Morbus Boeck, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200[Sarcoidosis]

TR 175 Condylomata acuminata, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 174 Hypercholesterinaemie, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 173 Messing-Elektrode, Sdf.(D6 to 30), 60, 100, 200, 400[Brass electrode]

TR 172 Grippe 90, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200[Influenza]

TR 171 Acidum salicylicumD3, 4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 170 Geotrichum candidum, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 169 Cryptococcus neoformans, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 168 Aspergillus fumigatus, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 167 Weisheitszahn 48 masc., Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200[Wisdom tooth]

TR 166 Weisheitszahn 38 masc., Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200[Wisdom tooth]

TR 165 Weisheitszahn 28 masc., Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200[Wisdom tooth]

TR 164 Weisheitszahn 18 masc., Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200[Wisdom tooth]

TR 163 Weisheitszahn 48 fem., Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200[Wisdom tooth]

TR 162 Weisheitszahn 38 fem., Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200[Wisdom tooth]

TR 161 Weisheitszahn 28 fem., Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200[Wisdom tooth]

TR 160 Weisheitszahn 18 fem., Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200[Wisdom tooth]

TR 159 Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Sdf. Nos.(D5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 158 Kerosin, Sdf.(D6 to 30), 60, 100, 200, 400

TR 157 Xyde neu, Sdf.(D6 to 30), 60, 100, 200, 400[Dichlofluanid]

TR 156 Xyde, Sdf.D5, (6 to 30), 60, 100, 200, 400

TR 155 Xyl, Sdf.(D6 to 30), 60, 100, 200, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000[Xylamon]

TR 154 Coxsackie B6, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 153 Coxsackie B5, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 152 Coxsackie B3, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 151 Coxsackie B2, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 150 Coxsackie B1, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 149 Herpes simplex Typ 1 + 2, Sdf. Nos.(N/A)[Alternative = KuF Series DA 32]

TR 148 Coxsackie A2, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 147 Grippe 89, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200[Influenza]

TR 146 Torulopsis glabratis, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 145 Campylobacter pylori, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 144 Aspergillus niger, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 143 Grippe 88, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200[Influenza]

TR 142 Hepatitis non-A non-B, Sdf. Nos.(D6 to 200), 400

TR 141 Gardnerella vaginalis, Sdf. Nos.D4, 5, (6 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 140 Borrelia, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 200)[B. burgdorferi = Lyme disease]

TR 139 Grippe 87, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200[Influenza]

TR 138 Branhamella catarrhalis, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 137 Hepatitis A, Sdf. Nos.(D6 to 200), 400

TR 136 IgE, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 135 Salmonella typhimurium, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200, 400

TR 134 Viscum album (gew. auf Psidium guajava), Sdf.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 133 Grippe 86 mono., Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200[Influenza]

TR 132 Grippe 86 tri., Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200[Influenza]

TR 131 Caesium chloratumD4, 5, (6 to 30), 60, 100, 200, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000

TR 130 Bleomycin, Sdf.(N/A as Series Pack)[D6 to 400 available individually]

TR 129 Epstein-Barr, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 200), 400

TR 128 Cytomegalie, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

TR 127 Nocardia asteroides, Sdf. Nos.D4, (5 to 30), 60, 100, 200

NOTES: The above reflects the most recent Test Series (TR) packages from STAUFEN- Pharma in Germany, the worlds largest producer of homeopathic nosodes and isodes. Like their regular KuF Series, each TR pack contains ten assorted ampules in graduated decimal potencies (D = X). Here, the lowest and highest of series package range is given in (round brackets). Numbers left of these brackets give any individually available lower ampule potencies; numbers to the right give individually available higher ampule potencies; with five ampules of any such specific potency as minimum individual order size. “Sdf.” designates a specially made preparation at pharmacy or physician request, which thus cannot be listed in their catalogs. N/A means not available. My personal additional comments appear in [square brackets]. Usage of these invaluable TR’s is covered in my GEA/MORA seminars, along with ordering advice and a complete listing.

An Exclusive Informational Release for OIRF Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published February 1995

© Copyright 1995, Dr. Walter Sturm, BC Canada

About the author

Thanks to an eidetic memory and a near Mensa level IQ, Dr. Sturm had the ability to research huge quantities of printed materials (in seven languages) and then absorb and correlate the information without error or confusion. A dynamic speaker with an innate talent for teaching, he was able to meticulously share his knowledge and depth of understanding with the participants. Dr. Sturm was able to bring you right up to date with the very latest German discoveries based on his regular attendance at German language Symposia and conferences as well as the most recent German language publications.

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