It’s Official!!

We are moving!

The final papers have been signed and our current big commercial building has been sold. We renovated and designed these offices especially for our purpose just over eleven years ago, but time has passed while priorities and needs have changed.

We have located a new home which is much smaller and more convenient for our working and home environment. Moving days will be the last weekend in July and there will likely be some disruptions in our phone and internet service as everything is transferred over.

Packing and preparing and boxing and all that neat stuff has begun and we will necessarily be away from our desks during the coming days and weeks. The best way to stay in touch is by email, which we will watch and monitor as closely as possible. We’ll pick up the phones whenever we can work our way out from under the piles!

We are asking for your patience and understanding as we move through this period of change and transition. Carolyn will be participating in two seminars during the transition (Elaine thinks it’s an excuse for me to get out of packing, but . . .):

  • Simon Yu’s AMA seminar, St. Louis, June 23-25, 2017, and
  • MORA Practicum seminar, Toronto, July 6-10, 2017

We anticipate that our phone and email addresses will remain the same, and will keep you posted on any changes and the new location address as we move closer to the big day. I had great fun looking at all the cartoons and clip art in the “moving” theme and although my beloved little Missy is no longer with us, I couldn’t resist including this great picture (somebody else’s cat!).

Stay tuned for breaking news!

Another Exciting Announcement for OIRF Supporters
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published June 2017

© Copyright 2017, Occidental Institute, BC Canada

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