The Underestimated Danger

Many people associate the term electrosmog with mobile [cell] phones and Wi-Fi, but rarely with the interior of a car crammed with electronics. E-cars and hybrids in particular expose the occupants to a high level of electromagnetic intensity. Christian Dittrich-Opitz on EMF stress in the car and how to get rid of it.

Nowadays a car is full of on-board electronics. Additionally, there are mobile phones which almost everyone always has with them today and which radiate more strongly in a moving object than at rest. This is because a car is a Faraday cage and in such a cage the radiation of all electrical devices is reflected in the interior and thus amplified for the occupants. As well, the E-car has an electric drive.

Investigations by the RECON Institute in Freiburg, Germany under the direction of Dr. Schneider have proven that even a 15-minute drive as a passenger in an E-car can trigger massive stress reactions, which indicate a clear deterioration of the HRV (Heart Rate Variability) and an increase of the stress hormones cortisol(1).

Beat and Rhythm

HRV is a very good parameter for a person’s self-regulation. A healthy heart has a variable rhythm that for example becomes faster with inhalation and slows down again when exhaling. But under stress, the rhythms of the heartbeat become more and more mechanical and uniform, basically the rhythm (the repetition of something similar) approaches a beat (the repetition of exactly the same thing). In their monotony beats are important in many technical processes, but life exists in smooth adaptation to the moment.

Cortisol is an activating hormone that we need in the morning to wake up and that can be used meaningfully for example when it is released before intense physical activity. But the increase in cortisol levels in something as passive as driving a car is very unfavorable. It is not for nothing that high cortisol levels are considered a major risk factor for many chronic diseases and obesity. Cortisol which is not invested through intense physical activity leads to a strong stimulation of the so-called lateral habenula that is called the brain center of disappointment among today’s neurologists(2). An overactive lateral habenula increases physical sensitivity to pain and simply makes you unhappy.

A reduction of cortisol levels by 30 percent in 15 minutes is a sensation!

“Beyond Matter:” as a Solution

In the study from the RECON Institute placebo-controlled studies were used to test whether panels from the company Beyond Matter which were attached to the inside of car doors would reduce the body’s stress reactions to a ride in an E-Car. The astonishing discovery was that with the Beyond Matter panels a 15-minute ride in the same type of vehicle that had caused the above described massive stress responses, now even significantly improved stress levels!

Compared to the measurement before the start of the ride, HRV improved by 19 percent and cortisol levels decreased by 30 percent. It is important to know that a scientific study has shown that a four-day program in mindfulness meditation lowers cortisol levels by about 25 percent(3). A reduction of 30 percent in 15 minutes is a sensation.

The research shows clearly that Beyond Matter goes far beyond shielding or neutralizing the harmful effects of electrosmog. It is really possible to transform the effects of strong technical electromagnetic fields so that they actively support the human body in its self-regulation and promote stress reduction.

Can You Neutralize E-Smog?

Even though there are many offers for the neutralization or suppression of electrosmog in circles of holistic health education, many experts of BauBiology, but also some holistic physicians, are skeptical when it comes to the possibility of reducing the harmful effects of electrosmog.

Today many different technologies are offered to protect against electrosmog. Most of them are essentially attempts to utilize the operating principles that have very good effects in the vitalization of water or on living bodies – such as harmonic frequency fields or interference according to the bioresonance principle – to modify technically generated EMFs.

The problem with this however, is that in contrast with water or living organisms, a technically generated EMF has no inherent striving to order. Water organizes itself under natural conditions as research from Viktor Schauberger to Gerald Pollack have impressively demonstrated. Therefore water can absorb the effects of harmonizing frequency fields just as it is known to react to words. Our bodies are constantly repairing and healing themselves and well-chosen minimal impulses such as those of homeopathy can significantly stimulate these self-healing powers. But a broken device cannot be repaired with homeopathy and also cell phone radiation does not react to loving words. Technology and life are fundamentally different and this also applies to technically generated EMFs.

We Are Bioelectric Beings

Yes, it is precisely the difference between the technical production and the natural origin of electromagnetic waves that makes electrosmog a harmful factor in health. We are physically considered as bioelectric beings in constant interaction with the earth’s magnetic field, the sun and the cosmic background radiation. The connection to natural EMFs is just as important to us as living water and high-quality food.

The technically generated EMFs irritate the voltage-controlled ion channels of the cells and ultimately lead to a massive formation of free radicals as a result of an uncontrolled influx of calcium ions intro the cell(4). It is exactly this unnatural characteristic of technical EMFs that they produce dissonance in living systems that is also the reason why they cannot be harmonized or neutralized in the conventional sense. However there is another operating principle that can convert EMFs: dark energy.

The Key to Effectiveness

Our well-known physical universe with waves and particles is represented in the Vedic number theory with the positive numbers from one upwards. The Vedic numbers are our current numbers which were brought from India to the Muslim world by al-Khwarizmi (Latin Algorism) the Persian mathematician and founder of algebra in the 9th century and are therefore called Arabic numbers.

Vedic mathematics was the first number system with a zero and negative numbers, representing what astrophysicists nowadays call dark energy or matter. The zero, which is not a number in itself but gives the numbers the space to make complex mathematics possible, corresponds to the range that Max Planck discovered by stating that all waves and particles exist in a quantum of time and then do not exist for just as long. This pulsation between existence in the form we know and the dissolution into a potential state theoretically makes it possible for particles and waves to be fundamentally transformed, namely if an effect is exerted in the potential state.

Ingenious Trick

In terms of technical EMFs dark energy is able to shape an electromagnetic wave in Planck’s time fractal in such a way that it now acts resonantly and no longer dissonantly on living systems back in its waveform. The Beyond Matter technology uses exactly this operating principle. EMFs from technical sources are basically unchangeable within their wave nature in our physical universe. But like everything else, the EMFs dissolve into the zero point in an incredibly fast pace – the state of pure potentials – and then come back in waves. And it is precisely in these gaps where, as Max Planck put it that the laws of physics are not valid, a wave can be completely influenced because it has no characteristics of its own.

Dark energy has limitless potential for transformation as evidenced by the power of black holes which dissolve stars and create new ones. One of the most brilliant mathematicians in history, the Indian Srinivasa Ramanujan, wrote a theorem on his deathbed that he said he didn’t know what it meant but that his Devi (feminine form of the divine) gave it to him. Today we know that Ramanujan’s theorem described the functions of black holes, which also provides an explanatory model for the effect of dark energy on electrosmog.(5)

Finding Catharsis

Mobile communications and 5G are facts of today’s society that will influence our living environment for an indefinite period of time. It is important to acknowledge the harmful effects of electrosmog because our bodies are bioelectrically organized, and technical EMFs significantly disrupt this organization. But it is also not very helpful to be busy with a problem again and again, and to be emotionally aroused again and again because of the dubious machinations of industry and politics on this topic.

With Beyond Matter a technology is available that has been scientifically tested specifically concerning EMF exposure of the human body. In addition to the E-car study, corresponding studies were also carried out on the effect of mobile phones with the same result. Today, in an electromagnetically unhealthy environment, you can produce a healthy electromagnetic basis of life and find catharsis on this topic.

An Excluisve Translated Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published May 2023

From an article in Raum&Zeit, Volume 41, Nr. 243, May/June 2023
Machine Translation by Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2023, R&Z, Christian Dittrich-Opitz, Berlin, Germany. All rights reserved.

About the author

Beyond Matter Panels and Pouches

NOTE from CLW: Inclusion of this information is not a personal recommendation. Here is website information (Mr. Google will happily translate for you and they do ship internationally):
Personally I find this intriguing after my recent purchase of a plugin hybrid vehicle, and it certainly seems more promising than other shielding and protection products I have looked at. For now, I use my NeuroSync NSA 07e unit from Medical Electronics set on the “Global” frequency when driving longer distances in the car.
One of the major recommendations for protecting yourself while driving in any vehicle is to turn off all internet, WiFi and Bluetooth connections, and put your cell phone into airplane mode, especially during longer trips.

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