August 23, 2021

In spite of the influx of journals, emails and newsletters during my time away from my desk, I have stuck with my determination to avoid doing another translation this month. I have however received a number of very interesting links and commentaries from around the world. It seems that the countries where the most stringent restrictions and most “effective” vaccination campaigns have been waged, are the countries with the most virus challenges during the current times. Here are a few important links from our colleagues.

From M.L. in Australia:
Dr. Vernon Coleman (a physician and respected journalist for many years, who calls himself “an old man in a chair”) has been a voice of reason throughout this craziness. He considers this his most important video ever, and after having watched it, I’d have to agree. He brings up points close to the end that could wake people up if they are still on the fence.
Please share this to as many people as you know, because they and/or their loved ones might still be on the fence.


ithout comment from Dr. Z.G. in Australia:

    You can follow a lot of uncensored and uncut “alternate” interviews and information on including the Health Ranger from Natural News. This network is not linked with Google, YouTube, etc. and thus is not subject to their arbitrary censorship.
    Stew Peters talked with Dr. David Martin in an historical interview with inarguable fact-based exposure that should be seen by the entire world as an absolute end to the COVID narrative.

And here, I quote (without permission, but also here are the links for you to look up yourself)

Message from Indigenous Indian Chief White Eagle, from 16/3/2020:

“This moment humanity is going through can be seen as a portal and as a hole. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you. If they repent of the problem and consume the news 24 hours a day, with little energy, nervous all the time, with pessimism, they will fall into the hole.
But if you take this opportunity to look at yourself, rethink life and death, take care of yourself and others, you will cross the portal. Take care of your home, take care of your body. Connect with the middle body of your spiritual house, all this is synonymous, that is to say the same. When you are taking care of one, you are taking care of everything else.
Do not lose the spiritual dimension of this crisis, have the aspect of the eagle, which from above, sees the whole, sees more widely. There is a social demand in this crisis, but there is also a spiritual demand. The two go hand in hand. Without the social dimension, we fall into fanaticism. But without the spiritual dimension, we fall into pessimism and lack of meaning.
You were prepared to go through this crisis. Take your toolbox and use all the tools at your disposal. Learn about resistance with indigenous and African peoples: we have always been and continue to be exterminated.|But we still haven’t stopped singing, dancing, lighting a fire and having fun. Don’t feel guilty about being happy during this difficult time. You don’t help at all by being sad and without energy. It helps if good things emanate from the Universe now. It is through joy that one resists.
Also, when the storm passes, you will be very important in the reconstruction of this new world. You need to be well and strong. And, for that, there is no other way than to maintain a beautiful, happy and bright vibration. This has nothing to do with alienation. This is a resistance strategy. In shamanism, there is a rite of passage called the quest for vision. You spend a few days alone in the forest, without water, without food, without protection. When you go through this portal, you get a new vision of the world, because you have faced your fears, your difficulties…
This is what is asked of you. What world do you want to build for yourself? For now, this is what you can do:

  • Serenity in the storm.
  • Calm down and pray. Everyday.
  • Establish a routine to meet the sacred every day.
  • Good things emanate, what you emanate now is the most important thing.
  • And sing, dance, resist through art, joy, faith and love.” Link unavailable (this is very beautifully done! – but now only available for subscribers)

That’s it for this month.


An Exclusive Commentary Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published August 2021

© Copyright 2021, Carolyn Winsor, P2P, BC Canada

About the author

  • Founding director, administrator and executive director of Occidental Institute; the first English language acupuncture “school” in North America founded 1972 which over the years developed into the largest educational and promotional advocate of Biological Medicine until its closing in 2018.
  • 35 years experience with medical and technical translation and literary research in English, French and German.
  • Participation in every seminar, workshop and tour program sponsored by OIRF
  • Participation in more than 35 Medicine Week Congress programs as well as events too numerous to count sponsored by German instrumentation, homeopathic and research organizations
  • Training and certification in multiple Biological Medicine Methods including BioResonance Therapy, EAV, AMA, VEGA, Mayr Therapy, Ionized Oxygen Therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, BioPhoton Therapy, the so-called Global Diagnostics and many others.
  • As a teacher, lecturer and author she has already trained hundreds of practitioners from diverse English-speaking countries.
  • Her passion and insight provide an overall view of the most effective German Biological Medicine diagnostic and therapeutic methods

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