July 2021
Here in our part of Canada summer has exploded with extreme heat, hundreds of raging wildfires, our beautiful blue skies clouded with hazy smoke and the so-called easing of virus restrictions.
Sadly, however it seems that with these changes in restrictions, a whole new form of division and separation is growing. Now it seems that differences of race, gender, religious affiliation and political belief have little meaning and are finally blended into a strong and self-righteous diversity. And who is this incredibly socially aware group to whom we can look for guidance and equality? Well, of course that is those who are “fully vaccinated”. Once you are “fully vaccinated” the world of the New Normal is opening its doors to you. Domestic and international travel is but a phone call away, you are welcome almost everywhere without a mask, quarantines are a thing of the past, visiting Grandma, going to church or hugging your friend is once again acceptable because you are now “safe” and “clean”.
But our new form of segregation involves all of the rest of us who are now labeled as “anti-vaxers”, “unsafe”, “unvaccinated”, “conspiracy theorists” and so on and on. Thus labelled we are now considered as a threat to everyone around us. Because we are “vaccine hesitant”, we must be contagious, and it is definitely our fault that the pandemic is not ended and now the new variants are more deadly than ever and everyone will need more and more boosters to overcome our blatant disregard for our fellow human beings ? ? ? Really?
To date, Canada has managed to avoid mandating the vaccines and the vaccine certificates/passports of some other countries. However, the coercion and propaganda to get everyone vaccinated has ramped up to historical and overpowering levels. If the TV news is to be believed(?), at least 80% of Canadians have received at least one dose of one of the leading vaccines (Moderna, Pfizer or Astra Zeneca). And for the majority, their reasons for accepting the jab? Well, they range from “I want to go back to work”, “I want to go back to school”, “I want to travel”, “I want to visit my Grandma or my grandkids” to “Dr. Fauci says it’s important”. Not because they don’t want to get sick, or that the vaccine will protect them. But because . . . “everybody needs to get it”.
Quite frankly, none of the historical precedents for the obvious propaganda and coercion tactics being utilized by our current global politicians and so-called “health” authorities, have ever led to any kind of freedom or democracy. In many cases they have led to revolution and war, and have decimated populations and countries, some for decades and some never to return.
We are still very much in that millennial time of transformation I’ve talked about before. Will we be able to come through the current chaos and find those moments of positive Kairos, or are we destined to repeat the historical events of the past leading to destruction and violence?
As I approach a time of work on intensely challenging (for me anyway) projects and some planned family time over the hopefully quieter summer months, I feel an urgency to try to find a way to bring the two divisive sides back together. We cannot insist that no one get this vaccine – as the saying goes “that horse has already left the barn”. However, nor can we ignore those who choose to get it for whatever reason. Afterall, it is the patient’s choice. As healers and practitioners of natural and energetic medicine, we must be prepared to help everyone. For the “unvaccinated” let us continue as in the past – if we can get the remedies and devices so necessary for this work. For the “fully vaccinated” we will need to take the already known inflammatory, neurological, infertility and vascular consequences of the jab into consideration of all therapies. It would seem that we should be primarily concerned with avoiding or defeating the cytokine storm that will likely result from new infections.
But let us beware. We cannot help anyone, if we choose the path of defying the authoritarian regulations. We must be vocal, however by attempting to circumvent or falsify their “rules” we simply open ourselves for persecution and ridicule. Be true to our own energetic and natural approach first.
Quoted from the July 19 email notice from National Center for Homeopathy:
“To recap: On July 14 a story appeared about an arrest of a naturopathic physician in California by federal authorities. The naturopath has allegedly been forging COVID-19 vaccination cards for her patients. She has also been providing homeoprophylaxis for COVID-19. The case seems to center around the fraudulent cards.”
Note the last line – although they will follow up with the usual disclaimers about homeopathy, the case is concerned about her fake vaccination cards. Take heed!!!
I close borrowing a chuckle from GreenMed Info (https://www.greenmedinfo.com/newsletter) – Kermit does have a point:
An Exclusive Commentary Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published July 2021
© Copyright 2021, Carolyn Winsor, P2P, Penticton, BC Canada
July 2021
Here in our part of Canada summer has exploded with extreme heat, hundreds of raging wildfires, our beautiful blue skies clouded with hazy smoke and the so-called easing of virus restrictions.
Sadly, however it seems that with these changes in restrictions, a whole new form of division and separation is growing. Now it seems that differences of race, gender, religious affiliation and political belief have little meaning and are finally blended into a strong and self-righteous diversity. And who is this incredibly socially aware group to whom we can look for guidance and equality? Well, of course that is those who are “fully vaccinated”. Once you are “fully vaccinated” the world of the New Normal is opening its doors to you. Domestic and international travel is but a phone call away, you are welcome almost everywhere without a mask, quarantines are a thing of the past, visiting Grandma, going to church or hugging your friend is once again acceptable because you are now “safe” and “clean”.
But our new form of segregation involves all of the rest of us who are now labeled as “anti-vaxers”, “unsafe”, “unvaccinated”, “conspiracy theorists” and so on and on. Thus labelled we are now considered as a threat to everyone around us. Because we are “vaccine hesitant”, we must be contagious, and it is definitely our fault that the pandemic is not ended and now the new variants are more deadly than ever and everyone will need more and more boosters to overcome our blatant disregard for our fellow human beings ? ? ? Really?
To date, Canada has managed to avoid mandating the vaccines and the vaccine certificates/passports of some other countries. However, the coercion and propaganda to get everyone vaccinated has ramped up to historical and overpowering levels. If the TV news is to be believed(?), at least 80% of Canadians have received at least one dose of one of the leading vaccines (Moderna, Pfizer or Astra Zeneca). And for the majority, their reasons for accepting the jab? Well, they range from “I want to go back to work”, “I want to go back to school”, “I want to travel”, “I want to visit my Grandma or my grandkids” to “Dr. Fauci says it’s important”. Not because they don’t want to get sick, or that the vaccine will protect them. But because . . . “everybody needs to get it”.
Quite frankly, none of the historical precedents for the obvious propaganda and coercion tactics being utilized by our current global politicians and so-called “health” authorities, have ever led to any kind of freedom or democracy. In many cases they have led to revolution and war, and have decimated populations and countries, some for decades and some never to return.
We are still very much in that millennial time of transformation I’ve talked about before. Will we be able to come through the current chaos and find those moments of positive Kairos, or are we destined to repeat the historical events of the past leading to destruction and violence?
As I approach a time of work on intensely challenging (for me anyway) projects and some planned family time over the hopefully quieter summer months, I feel an urgency to try to find a way to bring the two divisive sides back together. We cannot insist that no one get this vaccine – as the saying goes “that horse has already left the barn”. However, nor can we ignore those who choose to get it for whatever reason. Afterall, it is the patient’s choice. As healers and practitioners of natural and energetic medicine, we must be prepared to help everyone. For the “unvaccinated” let us continue as in the past – if we can get the remedies and devices so necessary for this work. For the “fully vaccinated” we will need to take the already known inflammatory, neurological, infertility and vascular consequences of the jab into consideration of all therapies. It would seem that we should be primarily concerned with avoiding or defeating the cytokine storm that will likely result from new infections.
But let us beware. We cannot help anyone, if we choose the path of defying the authoritarian regulations. We must be vocal, however by attempting to circumvent or falsify their “rules” we simply open ourselves for persecution and ridicule. Be true to our own energetic and natural approach first.
Quoted from the July 19 email notice from National Center for Homeopathy:
“To recap: On July 14 a story appeared about an arrest of a naturopathic physician in California by federal authorities. The naturopath has allegedly been forging COVID-19 vaccination cards for her patients. She has also been providing homeoprophylaxis for COVID-19. The case seems to center around the fraudulent cards.”
Note the last line – although they will follow up with the usual disclaimers about homeopathy, the case is concerned about her fake vaccination cards. Take heed!!!
I close borrowing a chuckle from GreenMed Info (https://www.greenmedinfo.com/newsletter) – Kermit does have a point:
An Exclusive Commentary Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published July 2021
© Copyright 2021, Carolyn Winsor, P2P, Penticton, BC Canada
About the author
Carolyn L. Winsor
Carolyn’s decades-long involvement with the work of OIRF has given her the tools and skills to offer you unique and valuable insights into the ongoing developments in this always expanding field. Her Biological Medicine background includes:
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