A Challenge in a Question, and
TFIM Conference Report
March 2021
Dear Colleagues, Supporters and Friends,
I have just participated on one of the best conferences! The Forum for Integrative Medicine held their annual meeting the weekend of March 5-7, 2021, and what a lineup of speakers and presenters we heard. It was amazing.
I do understand that many of you are not interested in my comments about this conference, and if that is the case for you then please skip to the Part II commentaries following. All of you know that I have been struggling for months with the ethical and moral obligations of discussing the new mRNA vaccines with patients, friends and family. And that I have railed against the useless and ineffective orthodox treatments that have caused more fatalities than was ever necessary.
Many of the presentations during this conference delved deeply into the micro-physiological and chemical aspects of testing and treating COVID and many other viruses and the related neurological illnesses. Honestly – many lectures were well beyond my sphere of knowledge and capability, and I do recognize my limitations in this. On the other hand, many find this level of detailed knowledge necessary for their own sufficient understanding in order to form their own treatment approaches. For those practitioners like myself, it is more important to understand the concept of their research in order to process and utilize the results of that research. In other words I’m more than happy to leave that level of research to those with the skill, knowledge and intellect to continue this necessary work.
And yet I still struggle with how we can continue to better and more naturally treat our patients during this pandemic situation. How do we decide which recommendation or advice to offer our patients with regard to these mRNA vaccinations? These are not the vaccinations of the past with inactivated viruses trying to make antibodies, but rather will alter our genetic makeup to hopefully help the body fight the spike proteins of the corona viruses. The most unknown and scary aspects are that once injected the vaccine cannot be turned off and cannot be removed. The consequences and side effects are totally unknown or properly researched. Reports of allergic reactions, infertility and even death are certainly sufficient for me to decide I’d rather wait and see what happens before volunteering.
So what do we do? What do we tell our patients? Our friends? Our family? These were the kinds of questions swirling in my mind as I sat at my computer that weekend listening to these eminent practitioners and researchers. And you know what? I sat through the entire three days of lectures, and on Sunday as we all reached our limits of sitting and listening and taking notes and wishing for Sunday dinner, it was the very last few minutes of the nearly 24 hours of lectures that startled me and guided me to an important realization. I ask you to please at least look through the printed (with his permission) copy of the question posed by Prof. Dr. Theoharis Theoharides in the closing minute of this conference. It was more than worth the wait! CLW
TFIM Highlights, Part I
As I scanned through the list of about 400 names on their Slack forum I managed to recognize quite a few of you as OIRF/P2P docs, and there were attendees from all over the world. I urge all of you to watch for future conferences and to make sure you are on the contact list for this organization. Follow this link for more details: https://forumforintegrativemedicine.org/
It was a long grueling three days of staring at the computer screen and listening to the voices droning on. It feels so impersonal when the speaker has no idea who is out there listening to him, and we in the audience have no real interaction with the presenters, exhibitors or other participants.
From an administrative standpoint, Scott Forsgren did a great job of keeping this meeting running absolutely on time and the only snag in the Zoom presentations was quickly covered by a previously recorded lecture and the missing lecture will be provided to us in video format within a few weeks. Bravo!
As usual for each practitioner or participant there are some speakers that pull us in and let us feast our minds on the new and incredible information, while others are not as interesting. But, overall I was extremely impressed with the speakers, the material presented and the true integration of various diagnostic and treatment methods. I’m sure many participants agree with my conference assessments.
- Evaluation and Management of Complex Patients – Ann Corson, MD: An excellent opening presentation with emphasis on Bartonella and molds, molds, molds.
- Ozone Therapy for Viral Infections – Frank Shallenberger, MD: A highly respected and long time utilized natural therapy.
- Sleep Dysfunction and Insomnia, An Integrative Approach – David Musnick, MD: This lecture was exceptional. The details on why sleep is disturbed, how to change and improve it and some of the effective methods to help patients was invaluable.
- Using Muscle Tone Biofeedback to Better Understand Chronic Illness – Dietrich Klinghardt, MD: The tried-and-true ART Method of muscle testing for patient assessment by the great and always likeable Dr. K.
- Exploring Cell Danger Response (CDR) as a Model for Recovering from Chronic Inflammatory Illness – Neil Nathan, MD
That lecture was followed by another lecture that he called Identifying the Patients You Can Help the Most also from Dr. Nathan: Presented on the basis of his experience this lecture was a guide for everyone, but especially the younger, newer practitioners. We can’t help everyone, and we have to learn to recognize those we can, those we cannot and then “fire” the ones we can no longer continue to help. Exceptional and important information.
- Lessons from the Pandemic, Managing COVID AND COVID Long-Haulers – Kristine Gedroic, MD: This physician has treated more than 450 COVID patients. Only one – yes that’s one (1) – was ever hospitalized and that because he was a cancer patient on chemo therapy. And there were no, none, zip, zero fatalities including the cancer patient. Her primary treatments are the standard Vit. C and D, quercetin and zinc along with the use of hydroxychloroquine and/or ivermectin. Impressed? I certainly was. This was a presentation that kept us glued to our computer screens some 10 plus hours after the opening lecture!
And that was just the first day! Here are a few others that culminated with the lecture by Dr. Theoharides I’ll talk about in a bit . . .
- Unraveling the Mysteries of Neurodegenerative Disease Through the Lens of Functional Neurology – Suzanne Gazda, MD: Links between the Spanish flu and an increase in Parkinson’s; massive changes in our general health due to isolation; causes of inflammation leading to vascular disease, MS, obesity; PANS/PANDAS with high levels of neuronal antibodies attacking the basal ganglia; and . . .
- Morgellons Disease, Infections vs. Delusions – Eboni Cornish, MD: all connected with lyme, babesia, bartonella, etc.
- Modulating Detoxification with Food and Food Compound – Deanna Minich, PhD: using foods for detoxification; higher heavy metals in gluten free diet and mineral deficiency, interesting and excellent information
- Bartonella, Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment Considerations – Robert Mozayeni, MD: Linked with lyme, borellia b. and/or Bartonella. Blot and PCR tests not really good for diagnosis. For PANDAS with dermal striations test not only for strep but also for Bartonella. Treatments with azithromycin and Methylene blue, and post treatment use of liposomal oregano oil. They have developed a special lab for testing for these.
And now, onward for TFIM Highlights, Part II
For me, they saved the best for last – and I do mean the last. Dr. Theoharides gave his full lecture and participated in a Q&A session:
From COVID-19 to Autism: The Role of Cytokine Storms in Chronic Inflammatory Conditions – Dr. Theoharis C. Theoharides, MS, MPhil, PhD, MD, FAAAAI
Professor of Pharmacology, internal Medicine and Psychiatry
Director, Molecular Immunopharmacology and Drug Discovery
Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA USA
Dr. Theo has published more than 450 research papers and quite frankly has too many credentials to even list. This lecture discussed the Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, especially in relation for PANS/PANDAS, as well as diseases that involve Mast Cells Atopic (Allergic-like) Symptoms. Treatments were long-term, straightforward and included glutathione, oregano oil, NAC, caprylic acid, Berberine sulphate, probiotics and others. Detailed information on Mast Cell activation and the various triggers. A brilliant presentation.
Then at the end of the Q&A session “Dr. Theo” stopped Scott from closing his link and said, “please I have a question for everyone before you go”. Given the go ahead to speak this is what those of us who were still listening heard:
My question in a nutshell is as follows:
“Unlike traditional vaccines using inactivated viruses where the body will make antibodies outside the brain, the mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna) and adenovirus (Oxford, J & J) vaccines direct all cells in the body , including neurons and glial cells in the brain, to make coronavirus spike protein.
Outside the brain, the body will make antibodies and neutralize the spike protein preventing infection. However, the antibodies do not cross the protective blood-brain barrier, hence the spike protein produced inside the brain will simply accumulate. My fear is that as the spike protein accumulates in the brain, the microglia, the brain defenders, will mount an inflammatory response against it much like they do against the beta amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease, leading to brain inflammation and mental fatigue. With respect to the mRNA vaccines, one hopes that the mRNA will be degraded or silenced in a short period of time. The adenoviruses, however, incorporate double-stranded DNA inside our genomic DNA, hence the production of spike protein is likely to continue and accumulate for much longer.
How are we going to treat these patients?”
And that, my dear friends and colleagues, is the question I should have been asking all along. Although as practitioners we can inform our patients and make recommendations regarding the vaccines related to COVID and other viruses, in the end it is not our choice or our decision. Our responsibilities include informing our patients about the information and research (if they are interested) and then trusting that they will make an informed decision that conforms with their own beliefs and understandings. It is not our choice to make. The choice to-vaccinate or not-to-vaccinate is solely in the hands of the patients, and should only ever be carried out with their informed consent – and never mandated. Our responsibility lies completely within Dr. Theoharides question: How are we going to treat these patients? Whether they test positive or negative, whether they exhibit symptoms or not and especially whether or not they are vaccinated with any of these experimental vaccines. That is our challenge as we move forward into this new era of desired health and well being.
This is a comment/quote listed on the forum during this conference. I’m not sure I agree completely, but it is an interesting perspective: “Helping, fixing and serving represent three different ways of seeing life. When you help, you see life as weak. When you fix, you see life as broken. When you serve, you see life as whole. Fixing and helping may be the work of the ego, and service the work of the soul.” Rachel Naomi Remen
An Exclusive Commentary Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published March 2021
© Copyright 2021, Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P, BC Canada
A Challenge in a Question, A Two Part Report on the TFIM Conference, by Carolyn Winsor: A commentary concerning what we can discuss with our patients concerning the current virus vaccines; a Part I report with highlights regarding the Forum for Integrative Medicine Online Conference held March 5-7, 2021; and, a Part II TFIM report and commentary on the brilliant presentation and question by Dr. Theoharis Theoharides called From COVID-19 to Autism; The Role of Cytokine Storms in Chronic Inflammatory Conditions.
A Challenge in a Question, and
TFIM Conference Report
March 2021
Dear Colleagues, Supporters and Friends,
I have just participated on one of the best conferences! The Forum for Integrative Medicine held their annual meeting the weekend of March 5-7, 2021, and what a lineup of speakers and presenters we heard. It was amazing.
I do understand that many of you are not interested in my comments about this conference, and if that is the case for you then please skip to the Part II commentaries following. All of you know that I have been struggling for months with the ethical and moral obligations of discussing the new mRNA vaccines with patients, friends and family. And that I have railed against the useless and ineffective orthodox treatments that have caused more fatalities than was ever necessary.
Many of the presentations during this conference delved deeply into the micro-physiological and chemical aspects of testing and treating COVID and many other viruses and the related neurological illnesses. Honestly – many lectures were well beyond my sphere of knowledge and capability, and I do recognize my limitations in this. On the other hand, many find this level of detailed knowledge necessary for their own sufficient understanding in order to form their own treatment approaches. For those practitioners like myself, it is more important to understand the concept of their research in order to process and utilize the results of that research. In other words I’m more than happy to leave that level of research to those with the skill, knowledge and intellect to continue this necessary work.
And yet I still struggle with how we can continue to better and more naturally treat our patients during this pandemic situation. How do we decide which recommendation or advice to offer our patients with regard to these mRNA vaccinations? These are not the vaccinations of the past with inactivated viruses trying to make antibodies, but rather will alter our genetic makeup to hopefully help the body fight the spike proteins of the corona viruses. The most unknown and scary aspects are that once injected the vaccine cannot be turned off and cannot be removed. The consequences and side effects are totally unknown or properly researched. Reports of allergic reactions, infertility and even death are certainly sufficient for me to decide I’d rather wait and see what happens before volunteering.
So what do we do? What do we tell our patients? Our friends? Our family? These were the kinds of questions swirling in my mind as I sat at my computer that weekend listening to these eminent practitioners and researchers. And you know what? I sat through the entire three days of lectures, and on Sunday as we all reached our limits of sitting and listening and taking notes and wishing for Sunday dinner, it was the very last few minutes of the nearly 24 hours of lectures that startled me and guided me to an important realization. I ask you to please at least look through the printed (with his permission) copy of the question posed by Prof. Dr. Theoharis Theoharides in the closing minute of this conference. It was more than worth the wait! CLW
TFIM Highlights, Part I
As I scanned through the list of about 400 names on their Slack forum I managed to recognize quite a few of you as OIRF/P2P docs, and there were attendees from all over the world. I urge all of you to watch for future conferences and to make sure you are on the contact list for this organization. Follow this link for more details: https://forumforintegrativemedicine.org/
It was a long grueling three days of staring at the computer screen and listening to the voices droning on. It feels so impersonal when the speaker has no idea who is out there listening to him, and we in the audience have no real interaction with the presenters, exhibitors or other participants.
From an administrative standpoint, Scott Forsgren did a great job of keeping this meeting running absolutely on time and the only snag in the Zoom presentations was quickly covered by a previously recorded lecture and the missing lecture will be provided to us in video format within a few weeks. Bravo!
As usual for each practitioner or participant there are some speakers that pull us in and let us feast our minds on the new and incredible information, while others are not as interesting. But, overall I was extremely impressed with the speakers, the material presented and the true integration of various diagnostic and treatment methods. I’m sure many participants agree with my conference assessments.
That lecture was followed by another lecture that he called Identifying the Patients You Can Help the Most also from Dr. Nathan: Presented on the basis of his experience this lecture was a guide for everyone, but especially the younger, newer practitioners. We can’t help everyone, and we have to learn to recognize those we can, those we cannot and then “fire” the ones we can no longer continue to help. Exceptional and important information.
And that was just the first day! Here are a few others that culminated with the lecture by Dr. Theoharides I’ll talk about in a bit . . .
And now, onward for TFIM Highlights, Part II
For me, they saved the best for last – and I do mean the last. Dr. Theoharides gave his full lecture and participated in a Q&A session:
From COVID-19 to Autism: The Role of Cytokine Storms in Chronic Inflammatory Conditions – Dr. Theoharis C. Theoharides, MS, MPhil, PhD, MD, FAAAAI
Professor of Pharmacology, internal Medicine and Psychiatry
Director, Molecular Immunopharmacology and Drug Discovery
Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA USA
Dr. Theo has published more than 450 research papers and quite frankly has too many credentials to even list. This lecture discussed the Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, especially in relation for PANS/PANDAS, as well as diseases that involve Mast Cells Atopic (Allergic-like) Symptoms. Treatments were long-term, straightforward and included glutathione, oregano oil, NAC, caprylic acid, Berberine sulphate, probiotics and others. Detailed information on Mast Cell activation and the various triggers. A brilliant presentation.
Then at the end of the Q&A session “Dr. Theo” stopped Scott from closing his link and said, “please I have a question for everyone before you go”. Given the go ahead to speak this is what those of us who were still listening heard:
My question in a nutshell is as follows:
“Unlike traditional vaccines using inactivated viruses where the body will make antibodies outside the brain, the mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna) and adenovirus (Oxford, J & J) vaccines direct all cells in the body , including neurons and glial cells in the brain, to make coronavirus spike protein.
Outside the brain, the body will make antibodies and neutralize the spike protein preventing infection. However, the antibodies do not cross the protective blood-brain barrier, hence the spike protein produced inside the brain will simply accumulate. My fear is that as the spike protein accumulates in the brain, the microglia, the brain defenders, will mount an inflammatory response against it much like they do against the beta amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease, leading to brain inflammation and mental fatigue. With respect to the mRNA vaccines, one hopes that the mRNA will be degraded or silenced in a short period of time. The adenoviruses, however, incorporate double-stranded DNA inside our genomic DNA, hence the production of spike protein is likely to continue and accumulate for much longer.
How are we going to treat these patients?”
And that, my dear friends and colleagues, is the question I should have been asking all along. Although as practitioners we can inform our patients and make recommendations regarding the vaccines related to COVID and other viruses, in the end it is not our choice or our decision. Our responsibilities include informing our patients about the information and research (if they are interested) and then trusting that they will make an informed decision that conforms with their own beliefs and understandings. It is not our choice to make. The choice to-vaccinate or not-to-vaccinate is solely in the hands of the patients, and should only ever be carried out with their informed consent – and never mandated. Our responsibility lies completely within Dr. Theoharides question: How are we going to treat these patients? Whether they test positive or negative, whether they exhibit symptoms or not and especially whether or not they are vaccinated with any of these experimental vaccines. That is our challenge as we move forward into this new era of desired health and well being.
This is a comment/quote listed on the forum during this conference. I’m not sure I agree completely, but it is an interesting perspective: “Helping, fixing and serving represent three different ways of seeing life. When you help, you see life as weak. When you fix, you see life as broken. When you serve, you see life as whole. Fixing and helping may be the work of the ego, and service the work of the soul.” Rachel Naomi Remen
An Exclusive Commentary Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published March 2021
© Copyright 2021, Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P, BC Canada
About the author
Carolyn L. Winsor
Carolyn’s decades-long involvement with the work of OIRF has given her the tools and skills to offer you unique and valuable insights into the ongoing developments in this always expanding field. Her Biological Medicine background includes:
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