raum&zeit Point of Health

Germany in Corona Fever

Strengthen the Body’s Defenses
Physically and Psychologically

Spring and sunshine invite us to plunge into life again after winter. However, fear of the virus and the official measures do not make it easy for us to let in the sun. The physician and psychotherapist Ruediger Dahlke casts his renowned clear, cryptic view of this momentary unusual situation and recommends:

  • Let us treasure the use of natural healing methods.
  • Let us learn to give hearing to the controversial voices of scientists, politicians and physicians and find solutions together.
  • And most important, let us train to remain in inner peace.

From Ruediger Dahlke, MD, Cyprus

This fever was decreed by the government. Practically all mainstream media and the public (il)legal television stations cause fear and panic through almost unanimously negative news – with few exceptions. The Munich Evening Paper asked me for a constructive interview and in Austria I was allowed to spread hope in the “LUST aufs LEBEN” [Magazine]. Actually, this year I am convinced that Spring will also put an end to the flu wave – like every year. The fact that we should now lock down and crouch in our rooms is a grotesqueness, but not the only one.

According to the Robert-Koch Institute, Germany looked back to 25,150 flu deaths in March 2018. Luckily, this year we are a long way off from such figures. At that time why did everything remain calm and now this uprising? For the same reasons as Bird and Swine flu? In 2018 was it simply too early for “staging” another flu [vaccine]? The Bird flu washed out with the medically ineffective but rich in side effects vaccine for it. Accordingly also Tamiflu, a medication at first rejected from the US Certification Authority, [flushed] billions of tax money into the cash registers of the pharmaceutical industry. The Swine flu with clearly less victims than other flu waves made the exaggeration very clear. Many clinic staffs refused the vaccination. The fact that so many saw through the game might have saved us a similar fuss two years ago. Now it is obvious once more so far as: Vaccination fatigue is [being] driven out of the population with the combined political and mainstream media forces. However, the economy is largely made flat which probably only ruins small and medium companies. To the advantage of the largest?

As can be proven, fear weakens resistance.

Argumentative Curfews

In the meantime, courageous physicians publicly contradict the Corona evaluation of the government. And World Physicians President, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, does not support the so called lockdown with: “I am no friend of the lockdown … Italy has imposed a lockdown and achieved a contrary effect.”(1)

I find three points blatantly not considered enough. First: As can be proven, fear weakens resistance. A study proved: If Doctor A prescribes a Beta-Blocker for a patient and mentions impotence as a side effect, 30 out of 100 patients will acquire it. If Doctor B withholds it, there are only 2. This Nocebo Effect clarifies what politics is doing to people at the moment.

Help from Natural Healing Methods

The even greater scandal from my point of view is how coolly politics and mainstream media claim everything is so bad and there is no medicine against it, except hand washing and social isolation. Fear and scaremongering not only weakens the resistance of millions of people. The only effective remedies, namely those of the natural healing methods, are also still withheld, passed over and where this is impossible are made [to appear] ridiculous. Am I too sensitive, or is this incitement of the masses?

Nevertheless, an abundance of scientific studies proves how well remedies and methods of Complementary Medicine strengthen the immune system. Now they are so necessary! This encouraged me – in the not yet publicly formulated scandal – to the book “Schutz vor Infektionen; Immunkraft steigern” [Protection from Infections; Building Up the Immune Strength]. Written in 7 days of day-and-night work in the middle of March, it is full of my well-known methods and remedies for building up resistance, including studies. A small courageous publishing company has just brought it out as a book as well as an E-book, even though this Issue of Raum&Zeit appears. We can do so much sensibly, only not with school medicine.

The medicines of Complementary Medicine* are enough for the short term – beyond complete fasts until dietary change to fully vegetarian in terms of “Peace Food”

Vast Sums of Money for a Vaccine

The union of vaccine producers has already demanded two billion Euro in advance in order to have a vaccine at the earliest next year. Because school medicine has no medicine, they more urgently than ever need complementation, that is adjuvant Complementary Medicine.

Their medicines* are enough for the short term – beyond complete fasts until dietary change to fully vegetarian in terms of “Peace Food”. As can be proven, all these measures lower the CRP value, the inflammation marker of the organism that indicates infection readiness. And there is still another abundance of measures from walking barefoot to take up freely donated electrons from Mother Earth that replaces the antioxidants, from sufficient sleep up to meditation exercises such as attentiveness (new-German “Mindfulness”). Their successes proven through studies due to the viral spread in the USA. Forest bathing is scientifically proven with Japanese studies. And moreover, there are an abundance of natural healing medicinal plant remedies from all over the world.

Fatal “Sense of Spahn”

How can we overlook all this and even more, ignored, hushed up, only because Pharma financially gets nothing from it? I can only explain this to myself with lobbyism and sponsorship. The fact is known that the German Health Minister [Jens Spahn] was already connected closely with Pharma before. His actions make it even more clear. To the approximately 30,000 dead per year in Germany from multi-resistant germs on account of hospitalism and the antibiotic orgies in mass animal breeding houses: no word. However, for the death rate of the irrelevant measles “problem” basic law is annulled! Now on the occasion of the virus problems he recommends a vaccination for over 60-year old’s against (pneumococcal) bacteria, which even school medicine knows that vaccinations weaken the immune system in the beginning. It was a concern for him to quickly make all Germans organ donors. Is it by chance that in Switzerland immune suppressives are
Nr. 1 in pharmaceutical intake? Can we afford such politicians and media in such times? And can we afford all the hushed-up medicines and methods these people and their backers love to ignore?

Remain Confident

And then there is still the third point, the “Shadow Principle”: Will not fear mongering, social isolation and economic decline trigger a wave of misfortune? It is to be expected that isolated people become depressed, at the worst perhaps something to do with fear and desperation because of economic hopelessness. How many lives did Black Friday 1929 cost, and there it only concerned the economy?

However, I would by no means like to sabotage the above ordered measures, but on the contrary encourage you to see them more positively instead of as the captivity of the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” [newspaper]. Officially, how can we also understand quarantine as a retreat like our “rest team” here in TamanGa**? Curfews can also be seen more nicely: We have nowhere to go anymore, but particularly we may still enjoy outside in nature, the now so necessary fresh air and the strength of the engaging sun. Simply put: only voluntary walks in Mother Nature. And there is also good news because for the fourth day in succession (as of 23.3.2020) we have better numbers, i.e. that the speed of spreading in Germany and Austria further decreases – and above all and even more clearly in Italy.

Is it the strength of the state ordered isolation or the natural spring sun? I do not know, but what I do know in my good 40 years as a physician is that the light of the sun and its warmth so far ends every flu wave. This makes me hope. As usual this is probably valid “as well as also”.

We do not have to go anywhere anymore, but we are still expressly allowed to go out into nature.

Listen to All Sides

What is really going on cannot also be more clearly comprehended by me as a physician. In the meantime, many colleagues criticize – to some extent vehemently – the official dominant interpretation and the measures taken. But: What happened to the 120,000 inhabitants of the town of Bergamo or the provincial town of Nebro – luckily not the whole of Italy but only a small part – is not nothing. In the meantime, twice as many people as usual die per day. In any case this is a serious flu effect. How would it be to simply listen to both sides and remain very alert? Is there a reason to abandon the field only to projections and a stream of virologists, if others determined an entirely different opinion?

5G and Smog in Wuhan

What I consider certain: The reason it has not already become so bad for us, as it was in Wuhan and generally in all large Chinese cities and in northern Italy, is because both are strongholds of environmental pollution and additionally whose health care systems are not comparable with those of the German-speaking countries. In addition, is it a coincidence that the 5G Network is fully installed in Wuhan?

Together to Look at the Whole

Mistakes were made on both sides, simply because mistakes are human. To put Bergamo and its environment as entirely standard is certainly an error, because that information is missing.

From the side of mainstream media to say and to write that we have nothing to hope for except vaccinations and chemical pharmaceuticals is an even more dangerous mistake, because this will claim world-wide victims. Thus, they are also missing information about all the resistance-building healing remedies of Mother Nature.

Perhaps for a start – for the protection of our immune systems – we could see it in this way: Mistakes are missing information. If these mistakes were accepted maliciously, afterwards we should clarify how we unfortunately missed it with the Bird and Swine flu.

Now however, we could well choose our way through the misery with “as well as also” and accept the best that both sides have to offer: Isolation measures from the “Father State” and the healing remedies and methods of Mother Nature.

If we see it as positively as possible, we have to go through there. Pharma is helpless. We trust the immune system. We help it on the jump. We take the quarantine as a possibility for internalizing.

According to our tradition I advise: Have respect but “do not be afraid”.

An Exclusive Translated Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published June 2020

From an article in Raum&Zeit, Volume 38, Issue #225, May/June 2019
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2020, Dr. med. Ruediger Dahlke, Germany

About the author

Translator Footnotes:

* In the box and paragraph above, Dr. Dahlke clearly states that the medicines of Complementary Medicine will suffice for the short term. I would like to believe that his intention is that Complementary Medicine remedies will bring about healing in a short time – until a changeover to his recommended dietary guidelines can influence and strengthen the immune system. But – I have translated verbatim and leave the statement as written in German into your understanding.

** Dr. Dahlke’s health resort and retreat in Austria.

Author Footnote:

  1. general-anzeiger-bonn.de, 18.3.20

Literature from Ruediger Dahlke on this Topic:

  1. Neuerscheinung: “Schutz vor Infektionen – Immunkraft stärken – natürlich nachhaltig” (Terzium)
  2. Krankheitsbilder-Deutung: “Krankheit als Symbol” (Bertelsmann), “Krankheit als Sprache der Seele”, “Krankheit als Weg”, “Das Alter als Geschenk”, “Krebs – Wachstum auf Abwegen” (alle Goldmann-Arkana)
  3. Ernährung: .Peacefood”, “vegan für Einsteiger”, “Peacefood – das vegane Kochbuch”, “Peacefood – vegan einfach schnell”, “Peacefood – Ketokur”, “Das große Peacefood Buch” (alle GU), “Geheimnis der lebensenergie”, Lebensenergie-Kochbuch (beide Arkana), “Vegan schlank” (www.heilkundeinstitut.at).
  4. Fasten: “Das große Buch vom Fasten” (Arkana), “Jetzt einfach Fasten” (ZS), Bewusst Fasten (Urania)
  5. Basis: 1. “Schicksalsgesetze”, 2. “Schattenprinzip”; “Lebensprinzlpien” (alle Goldmann-Arkana)
Notation from raum&zeit:

On account of the acute viral and political situation at the moment it could not be foreseen what would still be added at the time of publication of this Issue. We therefore refer our readers to our online-affinity at our Homepage https://www.raum-und-zeit.com/gesundheit/coronavirus over which we can react daily or we ask for patience until the next Issue #226.

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