Please follow this link to see The Reply to Dr. Pizzorno

An Editorial Commentary for Members
From IMCJ and THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Re-Published April 2009

Article originally published by:
Integrative Medicine Journal
Vol. 7, N0. 6, Dec 2008/Jan 2009

© Copyright 2008, Dr. Joseph Pizzorno and IMCJ

About the author

As an intellectual, political, and academic leader in medicine for over four decades, he has been widely honored, such as with the Linus Pauling Award by The Institute for Functional Medicine. Most recently, in 2019, he received the Stanley Wallach Award from the American College of Nutrition. In 2018, he received the Leadership Award from the Integrative Healthcare Symposium and the Visionary Award from the Academy of Integrative and Health Medicine.

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