Is a virus not responsible,
but rather bad animal husbandry?

H5N1 is “a time bomb which is only waiting to be detonated” according to Anthony Fauci, director of the US administrative body, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. WHO (World Health Organization) and the [German] Federal Consumer Protection Ministry also convey this gloomy evaluation. WHO recommends, as a precaution, to stock up on Tamiflu and Relenza – medications which should help against the Bird Flu. The Robert Koch Institut [Berlin, Germany] advises conventional influenza vaccinations. Epidemic experts warn that one should equip himself prophylactically with protective masks, at best 60 pieces per person. The concept of a pandemic wanders like a ghost through the media. Altogether allegedly 130 illnesses were confirmed in humans. 100 million animals were killed on the basis of suspected Bird Flu.

However what is this general panic? The science journalists Torsten Engelbrecht, David Crowe and Jim West looked for evidence of the accounts of worldwide spread. They asked the Consumer’s Ministry for the sources of the warnings. On inquiry they were referred to the Friedrich Löffler Institut [Greifswald-Insel Riems, Germany] which published four studies that had been released in American professional journals. However, according to the statement of the journalists, these studies were not verified whether the disease symptoms could have another cause than the supposed H5N1 virus. Also it developed from them, that up to now no pure H5N1 virus material is present, so that the existence of the dreaded virus can under no circumstances be regarded as indisputably valid. Furthermore, the studies would have shown that it could not be clarified whether H5N1 can release a pandemic, because at present there would be no scientific method which could judge this.

The molecular biologist Stefan Lanka, Ph.D. vehemently rejects the virus model as an explanation of the Bird Flu. According to his view the disease symptoms are “100 percent identical to deficiency symptoms and poisoning of the mass animal husbandry”. It is well known for a long time that in today’s mass animal husbandry many animals perish daily as a consequence of heterologous keeping of livestock. In order to divert the consequences, a virus would be given as the cause.

However this raises the question: Why are migratory birds regarded as deliverers of the Bird Flu, if the disease is a phenomenon of mass animal husbandry? According to Dr. Lanka the migratory bird theory comes from the colorful fairytale world. His simple question is: Why should these animals fly thousands of kilometers for weeks in this diseased condition? To throw further doubt on Dr. Lanka’s view one could argue: Why do regional increases of the illnesses occur despite worldwide common incorrect animal husbandry, if there is no viral transfer? Dr. Lanka explains the allegedly massive infestation with the fact that in the environment of a diseased chicken, all other members of the same species in its surroundings are also gassed.

Taken from 12.10.05 Journalist of Nov. 05, Newsletter Klein-Klein Verlag

A confidential article for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published February 15, 2006

From an editorial in Raum & Zeit
Volume #24, Issue #139, January/February 2006
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, OIRF

© Copyright 2006, Raum & Zeit, Wolfratshausen, Germany

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