For the many MORA and BioResonance practitioners:
Dr. Gottfried Johann Cornelißen
Dentist and Heilpaktiker [Naturopath]
*22.January 1939 † 20.April 2020
Still incomprehensibly for all of us, our beloved husband, father, grandfather and brother has passed away after a full life very rich in creativity.
In quiet, deep grief and great gratitude:
His wife and children and grandchildren
His sons and families
His bothers and sisters and families
As well as all patients, seminar participants and therapists from all over the world.
The burial will take place with the close family circle.
We ask you to please refrain from sending condolence messages and visits.
Warnemunde, April 2020
An Exclusive Announcement for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published February 2021
Copyright 2021, Praxis2Practice Consulting, BC Canada