August 2020

The flood of information regarding the virus situation continues non-stop, and it frequently becomes a struggle to step back from the day-to-day detail or to perceive the broader global picture. Additionally, because of the powerful censorship of all alternative or divergent information and the ongoing public relations exercise of the mainstream media, it is difficult to peer around behind.

I frequently think back to the “early days” of this crisis that has consumed our attention since the beginning of 2020, and wonder how everything has gone so far off the rails. After reading Eisenstein’s essay “The Coronation” we were all optimistically looking at all the possibilities and pathways that would take us into a “new normal” and a stronger future for alternative and energy healing methods.

As the months have passed, the restrictions and lockdowns and “protective” measures have become draconian and dictatorial. And we have to ask ourselves if these measures are really for our protection and safety, or, if they are a matter of teaching us compliance. In spite of the publications and videos from the brave souls who have continued their outspoken resistance and determination to voice the alternatives, the actions of Big Pharma, Big Tech and WHO/CDC have continued to force feed their message of fear to the global population via a mainstream media that has all but abandoned journalism and truth (by whatever definition).

Dr. Andrew Wakefield has compared the actions of the drug companies to a “criminal conspiratorial mafia”. He accuses the pharmaceutical and technology industries of being “complicit in schemes of mass murder” by promoting the mandatory use of mRNA vaccinations that he calls the “Frankenstein vax”. In essence they are messing with nature by changing our DNA structure. Once delivered, it cannot be removed, cannot be turned off, cannot be switched off and will be carried forward to your children and the next generations. All without testing, and when already more than 400 adverse effects (often systemic side effects) are reported to be listed for them.

I urge you to listen to this interview between Mike Adams (Health Ranger from Natural News) and Dr. Andrew Wakefield to get a better understanding of this information:

In brief he states: In 1986 then President Ronald Regan signed a bill that forever changed the field of vaccination development and distribution. The pharmaceutical industry was simply pulled out of the free market system, and was granted total immunity from liability. In other words, they can develop whatever vaccine they want and test/distribute it without any risk of being held responsible for what they have done. No matter what side effects, adverse reactions, genetic alterations or reactions the injected person suffers (seldom is there actual immunity) they cannot sue or otherwise hold the pharmaceutical company responsible. Thus, those companies have no need or desire to test reliability and effectiveness – usually they would rather not know so you can’t come back on them anyway – and can profitably move forward without risk. And thus is developed the vaccination terrorism of the mRNA vaccinations.

Dr. Wakefield has completed a film called 1986TheAct which is a definitive analysis of the bill and the industry that has developed as a result. The goal of the movie is to change this law. Here is a link that is working for now. Download this movie and share it. Do it today, and support Dr. Wakefield in any way that you can – order a book or pay for the movie or . . .

Another new movie has also recently been released. Here are two links that – at time of publication – are still functioning:
Plandemic: InDoctorNation  OR,

Pretty radical, eh? Well, not really when we look at the force-fed mainstream messages. Can these researchers really use words like “conspiracy”, “criminality”, “complicit” and “murder” to describe the existing virus measures? Think about it. We are all supposed to be healers, regardless of our professional background and training – even and especially the medical experts of the mainstream campaign. Why must we, as alternative energy healers be subjected to this global public relations campaign, from Big Pharma and organizations like the Gates Foundation, that can only serve to increase their profits at the expense of multiple divergent methods? What is happening that now we must watch natural, effective and complementary methods being ignored, censored and ridiculed in spite of their efficacy?

When we see “leaders” such as Dr. Anthony Fauci extolling the speed and efficiency of companies developing vaccines for a condition that can be easily and effectively treated without them, we have to wonder just how many conflicts of interest are guiding his advice. Considering the experiences and research of the microbiologist Dr. Judy Mikovitz, it would appear that his pockets will be well lined both from his position as a spokesperson/advisor and as a pharmaceutical company shareholder. And yet this is the “honored advisor” who is calmly and steadfastly scaring the wits out of almost every layman in the USA and Canada (well, we have Dr. Theresa Tam up here).

But this isn’t all. And I ask again, is this really all that radical or draconian? Rumors, anecdotes, reports from alternative media and government announcements clearly show a level of desperation to maintain control through the mainstream:

  • Rumors of a healthy Montana man who entered Canada to visit family being threatened with fines of hundreds of thousands of dollars and jail time for not complying with the mandatory 14-day quarantine after crossing the USA/Canada border
  • Indications that there are areas being prepared to house persons deemed to be “positive” or “exposed” – the creation of quarantine (camps) in both Australia and New Zealand
  • Many governments pre-purchasing millions of doses of untried and untested vaccines for mandatory vaccination programs
  • Indications that Hawaii has instituted mandatory COVID-19 testing checkpoints on major highways.
  • Britons can now be fined up to £10,000 for organizing “illegal parties”

And so on . . . How is it that unelected “health authorities” have the legal and constitutional power to quarantine, isolate, prosecute and vaccinate healthy people?

But on the other hand, we are starting to see small changes in the reverse direction:

Note: “COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death.

  • The statistical ratio is of course also affected by the number of asymptomatic and unconfirmed cases
  • Reported (but unconfirmed) the CDC has readjusted their mortality rate from the previous range of 12.3-3.4% down to 0.2%
  • GreenMed Info reports: CDC states 161,392 people have died of COVID. However, they also state that in only 6% of those deaths, COVID was the only cause mentioned. The rest had on average 2-3 additional conditions listed as a cause of death.

Do the math: 6% of 161,392 = less than 10,000 deaths across the USA that are attributable solely to COVID.

I opted not to waste my time hunting through bazillions of studies on PubMed and similar sites (where you can find a study to say whatever you’re looking for today) to find even more detailed treatment minutiae for you. You already have tons on treatment information and know that what you are doing in your practice is safe and effective. Instead I have tried to follow the divergent information and publications that will give us an overview perspective – the bigger picture so to speak – of the long term and far reaching implications of the “Corona Crisis of 2020”. You may even want to look back to my recent commentary entitled Kairos for a look at the many aspects of our lives and our nations that have been altered perhaps permanently.

We are adults – well trained, intelligent professionals. We are quite capable of looking at the information and the data and making our own decisions about the directions we need to take to treat, help, advise and reassure our patients and our families. Besides the usual and mainstream dialog, here are a few more links that are important for you to consider.

Sweden (and Switzerland) COVID responses (a short very interesting video)

Vaccine as a depopulation weapon

Wikipedia’s Bias Against Natural Medicine

From Dr. Lee Cowden via Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt:
A few days ago, researchers published online ( a controlled meta-analysis of 68 published studies (41 peer-reviewed) involving 2.66 billion people, showing a 79% reduction in death rate from Covid-19 in those countries which allowed early use of Hydroxychloroquine for treating Covid-19 compared to those countries which allowed very limited or no early use of HCQ. . . .

Lockdowns, Coronavirus, and Banks: Following the Money

As my regular European journals arrived over the summer, there has been a steady stream of articles around the health, societal, political and economic issues surrounding this so-called crisis. I am reading and sorting and translating as fast as I can, and two more articles will publish along with this commentary:

  • Vaccinations Against COVID-19: Considerations of Different Immunization Procedures by Johannes Ebbers, MD, Germany Read more here.
  • The Virus of Freedom’s Oblivion: Where Does the Corona Crisis Lead Us? By Roland RottenfußerIt looks like an apple with thorns on it. In truth however, the Corona Virus could enter into history as the wrecking ball of our democracy and of our rights and freedoms. Comments about the beginnings of a new dictatorship.” Read more here.

But, are these the only pathways left for us now? Must we risk our practice and our personal well being to offer complementary methods to our patients? Are mandatory vaccinations the only pathway back to “normal”? Are we destined to be forever on the fringes of healing simply because a pharmaceutical company cannot patent our methods?

However, the time has come to choose our pathway. We can no longer keep our heads down and keep slogging through our day-by-day practice in hopes it will get better. It is clear to me, that it is time for us all to stand up. To stand up and be counted.

In closing I revert to some of my college-days reading:
When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing – When you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors – When you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you – When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice – You may know that your society is doomed.”
Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, 1957

Speak up my friends,


An Exclusive Editorial Commentary for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published Aug/Sept. 2020

© Copyright 2020, Carolyn L Winsor, P20, BC Canada

About the author

  • Founding director, administrator and executive director of Occidental Institute; the first English language acupuncture “school” in North America founded 1972 which over the years developed into the largest educational and promotional advocate of Biological Medicine until its closing in 2018.
  • 35 years experience with medical and technical translation and literary research in English, French and German.
  • Participation in every seminar, workshop and tour program sponsored by OIRF
  • Participation in more than 35 Medicine Week Congress programs as well as events too numerous to count sponsored by German instrumentation, homeopathic and research organizations
  • Training and certification in multiple Biological Medicine Methods including BioResonance Therapy, EAV, AMA, VEGA, Mayr Therapy, Ionized Oxygen Therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, BioPhoton Therapy, the so-called Global Diagnostics and many others.
  • As a teacher, lecturer and author she has already trained hundreds of practitioners from diverse English-speaking countries.
  • Her passion and insight provide an overall view of the most effective German Biological Medicine diagnostic and therapeutic methods

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