The Investigation by IMGEAV

Background and Strategies

Besides measurement of static measuring values the examination by IMGEAV also contains the more complex measurement of the dynamic indicator. The static values (indicator values of 0, 50 and 100 scale units) are measured with fixed resistances and are also easily understood by the user. However the indicator dynamic can only be shown in the laboratory. It is tested on 4 electrically simulated “artificial” acupuncture points with measuring values of 53, 68, 82 and 90, by which the most important statement in EAV, the dynamic of the indicator increase and drop, is compared in a curve diagram.

These standards resulted in a new evaluation of EAV devices by which the static measuring curve dating back to more than 40 year old books and partially still to the tube devices was reworked and was expanded through measurement of the indicator dynamic.

Consequently according to present day knowledge/theories it is not sufficient for EAV to calibrate the devices according to static measurement as some manufacturers do. The specific dynamics of the indicator, which plays an important diagnostic role in EAV theory, is more crucial.

The author of the initially mentioned article has spoken about this phenomenon from the beginning – that the EAV user had the feeling with a device change that the device is “different” or that it would behave differently – and attributes this to the static measuring values. According to our long term experience the indicator dynamic is the most meaningful characteristic to seriously compare EAV devices with each other.

Virtual Remedies

EAV understands as its main focus the diagnostics and has the research work of Dr. Voll to thank for the development to nosodes. Remedies produced by Staufen Pharma in test ampules can specifically indicate areas to be explored. Within the framework of the individual AMG-Novellen(1) more and more nosodes were taken off the market. However, to guarantee the continuity of EAV differential diagnostics alternatives had to be developed. Only the use of virtual test systems made new EAV perspectives and a time acceleration possible for use in the everyday practice. The first practical comparative testing was carried out in 1995 with a device commissioned by the IMGEAV. The base was represented by the originally input substance information.

Within the framework of a broadly positioned study the Staufen Pharma Company from Göppingen has checked different virtual test systems in test series against each other. The quality of the expensively developed input processes (from 1995) have been proven by a wide margin.

For about 5 years Staufen Pharma has offered a system of their own production of the test ampules no longer available on the market (least producible).

The optimization and market launch of the reference-formed information transfer systems through the research of Dr. Ludwig allows EAV and its associations to expand with international standards.

Unfortunately in the general crisis technically invalid (unfair) advertising measures are used without long term experience and lead to market uncertainty within currently established complementary medicine.

Dipl.-Ing. Eduard Abrams
Kindling GmbH Medizintechnik

A NOTE FROM THE DIRECTOR: Again, the preceding article taken from a recent Naturheilpraxis journal issue was particularly interesting. The Kindling Company has been the “approved” (by the IMGEAV – international medical EAV society) manufacturer of EAV devices for several years and replaces the previous approvals granted to the Pitterling Company. All of us using EAV diagnostically are already working with the indicator drop or their so called “dynamic indicator”. Please refer to the Medication Testing report translated by Dr. Sturm years ago for further details on this aspect. There are many devices on the market that meet these standards of the industry (the recently discontinued RM-10/S unit being only one of them), but the Kindling Company is the currently (politically) approved manufacturer.

Also of interest is their study in regard to the “virtual remedies”. The study done in 1995 has been well accepted and has been confirmed by numerous other sources. That study remains the most commonly quoted study and forms the basis for several versions of electronic (not radionic!) test samples that have been developed. In spite of the “noise” claimed by some to be incorporated into the Med-Tronik Electronic Test Set software, it remains the most comprehensive and reliable virtual test sets on the market. CLWS

A Translated Article for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published February 2010

From a “Reader’s Letter” in Naturheilpraxis, 12/2009
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, OIRF

© Copyright 2009, Dipl. Ing. Eduard Abrams/Kindling, Hildesheim, Germany

About the author


  1. Arzneimittelgesetz Novellen (Deutschland) were new medicine regulations from 1976

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