Chemtrails Are Now Called Geoengineering

Which condensation trails are still real? How much unmanipulated weather do we still have? Raum&Zeit reported about chemtrails as early as 17 years ago, thus about strips in the sky which are formed by the application of chemical substances. As so often with the disclosure of confidential machinations these observations immediately operated as a conspiracy theory. Meanwhile exactly such technologies which were already explained at that time in connection with Chemtrails are increasingly in the focus of official research and discussion under the name of geoengineering.

We all recognize it when air condenses. If it is cold outdoors, our warm breath of air becomes visible. We also know the phenomenon of the so-called condensation trails which airplanes sometimes pull behind themselves. The principle is the same: Hot, water-vapor-containing exhaust gases from the aircraft engines meet the cold air. With an airplane these are carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitric oxide and soot which are created with the combustion of jet fuel. They get into the atmosphere. As a result in a short time they form into ice crystals, which are visible behind the engines of the aircraft as white cloud strips. These ice crystals form because the water vapor condenses into tiny droplets on the soot particles which then immediately freeze in the cold surrounding air. Because this process of freezing requires a short time, a typical short gap is always observed between the engines of the aircraft and the condensation trail. As a rule such contrails occur at -40°C. The exact temperature depends on the respective situation of the humidity, the air pressure, the kind of fuel and other factors. Depending on the environmental conditions these contrails disintegrate within seconds, at the latest however within one to two minutes. Like with a breath of air. However, have you observed even once that you can retrace the air you breathed the whole way you’ve walked for half an hour? No? Because according to official statements this is possible with contrails.

The Trails that Do Not Dissolve

For more than twenty years other contrails have also been observed in the sky. Contrails that do not dissolve. Contrails that remain visible from horizon to horizon. For hours. Often these trails seem to literally precipitate over time. Along the whole length of the trail – like fringes on a blanket – “condensed” air molecules fall downwards. In other cases it is even observed that these trails are widening more and more instead of dissolving after a short time. For hours they go further and further apart, connecting with other trails drawn parallel to them that also become wider in order to finally become an ugly milky soup that destroys the beautiful blue sky. The people who deal closer with this phenomenon call these trails Chemtrails, because it must be assumed from these facts that these are not normal condensation trails. but rather must possess a special chemical composition in order to produce the observed phenomena. People who do research on Chemtrails are publicly vilified as conspiracy theorists. A popular means to discredit people who ask uncomfortable questions. Therefore we should take a closer look in any case, because these trails in the sky cannot be discussed away. Anyone who oftentimes looks upwards can observe the described phenomena. And because it is so obvious, they try to represent that these completely unnatural sky phenomena are normal with all kinds of far-fetched arguments. Thus so called experts, like for example meteorologists, explain to us that these trails are quite normal Cirrus clouds. Indeed, for the untrained eye these Cirrus clouds can be confused for certain forms of Chemtrails. Yes, however as further described above, the Chemtrails still show many other strange phenomena which cannot be explained with Cirrus clouds. Moreover, whoever is a little older knows that the sky looked different in former times. Or, just remember the first Corona lockdown in March 2020 when suddenly for a few weeks the sky looked normal again. White fluffy clouds instead of milky soup.

Research by a US Airforce Staff Member

Is this really only due to the fact that fewer airplanes have flown or, which is also used gladly as an argument from the official side, that a different jet fuel composition is used today? Or are the so called conspiracy theorists right and there is more to it? Are Chemtrails not a crazy conspiracy theory at all? Are toxic chemicals really sprayed over our heads which can then slowly fall down and can finally make us sick because we inhale them? Let us take a look at what Kristen Meghan, a bio-environmental engineer and former staff member of the US Air Force has to say. As a non-commissioned officer she worked for over ten years for the US Armed Forces and was responsible for hazardous substances. It was her job to measure the exposure of military personnel and to protect staff members from hazardous substances. When reviewing a permit for hazardous substances she found large amounts of barium, aluminum oxide and strontium. She had already heard about Chemtrails, however regarded it as a conspiracy theory. Nevertheless these were exactly the materials that were always mentioned in connection with Chemtrails. Additionally the name of the supplying company was not listed. Mysterious. Kristen Meghan followed up the matter and on her own initiative took air and soil samples in the [flight] approach path on the air force base. There she found large amounts of barium, aluminum and strontium. While aluminum appears naturally in our soils, this does not apply for barium and strontium. The values she determined were staggeringly high. The personnel of the air force base were exposed to about 100-times the permitted value limits for these hazardous substances. When she brought this to the attention of her commander, she was threatened. “I was told: If I was to inform the staff members about this, which I was legally obliged to do, that they were exposed to these hazardous materials, that my commander has the right to lock me up for up to 120 days in a psychiatric clinic without asking me any questions . . . I left the Air Force as a Whistleblower. I got death threats, I was persecuted, my telephone was monitored, journalists stood on my doorstep, I was unemployed.(1) Would her report to her commander have had such results if there was nothing to the matter? Besides Kristen Meghan there are also other Whistleblowers. Scientists, pilots, etc. who could not remain silent. There is no way around it. Chemtrails are not a crazy conspiracy theory. Chemtrails are real.

Aluminum, Barium and Strontium Greatly Increased

The results of the soil samples that Kristen Meghan investigated are confirmed by many other tests from many different countries. It even appears that the values increased in the soil in recent years parallel with the rising number of Chemtrails and meanwhile surpass the permissible limit values for many miles almost everywhere. The main focus of the spray actions seems to be the North American continent, Europe and Australia. On the days in which especially a lot is sprayed and afterwards the typical milky cloud layer covers the sun, the temperature can drop by up to 5°C. Additionally we then inhale the toxic substances from the spray actions. Consequently it looks entirely as if we not only have poisons in our food, like for example Glyphosate which demonstrably generates cancer but still is not forbidden, but as if we are also being given highly toxic substances in the air we breathe.

In the official linguistic jargon the application of Chemtrails and the matching manipulation of the weather is called geoengineering.

Recommendations of a German Doctor

The German physician, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, who successfully practiced in the USA for many years, is regarded worldwide as a recognized expert on poisonous materials in the body. Meanwhile, people who have been harmed by Chemtrails appeared more often in his practice, so that Dr. Klinghardt was also forced to take a closer look at the history. His summary sounds frightening: “If I want to force humanity to its knees, I would splash your food with Glyphosate, I would pollute the air with aluminum and if this is still not quite enough then I would add yet a little bit more aluminum into the vaccines. With this I can manage to dumb you all down and bring you to extinction over two to three generations. What I still need additionally are certain electromagnetic frequencies . . . to cripple your detoxification functions. And it is exactly these frequencies which come to us through the mobile phone transmissions. If it were malicious, I would say behind the whole thing stands an intelligent group of bad, bad scientists. And politicians.”(2) Fortunately, Dr. Klinghardt has found very effective natural remedies in order to again detoxify poisons, for example aluminum, from the body. With the frequency the Chemtrails are sprayed at the moment, it can only be recommended to detoxify the body regularly. In the same lecture by Dr. Klinghardt from which the above quotation comes, the doctor also reported about a patient of his, who is a producer in Hollywood. This producer reported that he has received 60 million Dollars in order to retrospectively incorporate typical Chemtrails into old Hollywood films from Disney. People should think that this already existed before.

The big question is: What motive lies behind the trails in the sky? In the meantime on Wikipedia you find reports of geoengineering projects which have the goal of reducing the incoming solar radiation. Introduced here is application of calcium carbonate, aluminum oxide, barium titanate, bismuth iodide as well as sulphur dioxide. As early as 2011 you can find a study from the Federal Environmental Agency on climate protection by means of geoengineering,(3) in which it dealt with the extensive application of sulphur dioxide. But the matter goes even further:

Weather Manipulation Branch of Research Established

It appears as if the chemical materials which are sprayed not only serve as an insidious poison but also additionally help to manipulate the weather. There have been attempts at weather manipulation for a long time. Thus already as early as 1952, the Royal Air Force of the British Armed Forces already made attempts to influence the weather with “Operation Cumulus” by inoculating the clouds with silver iodide and salt. The result was one of the worst flash floods which arose in Great Britain up to that time. After a 24-hour flood-like rain which brought 250 times the average monthly precipitation, 90 million tons of water and thousands of tons of rocks plunged onto the village of Lynmouth and destroyed houses, bridges, shops and hotels. 35 people died in the so-called Lynmouth disaster. The Royal Air Force immediately classified “Operation Cumulus” as secret and the British government referred to the disastrous catastrophe as the “Hand of God”. A natural event that unfortunately could occur in rare cases.

[At this point in the original German article, there was a picture of a large NEXRAD installation. See CLW]

In the meantime the technology for manipulating the weather has considerably improved. Meanwhile there are hundreds of patents which have the goal of influencing the weather in different ways. Nevertheless, the application of chemical materials into the atmosphere almost always plays an important role. In official linguistic jargon the application of Chemtrails and the matching manipulation of the weather is then called geoengineering. In addition to the chemical materials in the atmosphere systems such as HAARP, an antenna forest of the US Armed Forces in Canada plays a role with weather manipulation. By means of this system high frequency radio waves are sent into the ionosphere, in order to electrically charge them over the radiated power. HAARP was the first known system of this kind. In the meantime however there are many more such systems worldwide. Also NEXRAD [weather] radar seems to be able to bombard the chemically generated cloud layer from a distance of at least 200 to 300 kilometers with specific frequencies. From that fact there are now so many of these NEXRAD radar and the HAARP-like systems worldwide, one must assume that it is possible to manipulate the weather with almost comprehensive blanket coverage. Meanwhile the bombardment of the clouds with specific frequencies can be observed with your own eyes almost daily. The clouds appear wavy, and the waves have different distances depending on the frequency which is used at that moment. This takes place when the aerosols applied by airplanes, which can also contain nanometals, are controlled by high frequency radio waves and are ionized as a result. The atmospheric humidity is thus compelled to preferentially bind itself to the resulting ions and thus to condense into artificial, chemical clouds. As a result the described wave forms and usually static structure can be recognized. As already further described above, the temperature under this artificial cloud cover can thereby drop by several degrees Celsius. Moreover the nanoparticles and the other chemical components are a great danger to people and the environment.

Moreover, manipulation of the weather can become a veritable weapon.

The Weather as a Weapon

In an article in the Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung (FAZ)(4) a study by the American Air Force from 1996 about weather manipulation is mentioned. The title of the study: “Owning the Weather in 2025”. The study comes to the conclusion that the American Armed Forces can modify and control the weather. Meanwhile this means that manipulation of the weather can also be used as a weapon and also certainly will be. On the YouTube channel Wetteradlers [Weather Eagles see this link CLW] you can see many examples of weather manipulation in practice. There it is explained very well and in great detail on the basis of satellite images how the weather manipulation proceeds in the respective case. An example from July 19 this year is succinct.(5) It was a sunny day, no clouds to be seen over Germany. Based on satellite images you can see how over and over again a pulsed radar becomes visible here in the direction of the city of Kassel from the West between 9AM and 5PM – and suddenly two hours later, about 7PM, violent thunderstorms formed out of nowhere exactly along the line where the pulsed radar appeared the whole day. Without even a single cloud being visible before. Also all around the flood disaster this summer in the Ahr Valley there are strange anomalies. Beforehand, active NEXRAD radars could be observed. Here specialists would once again have to take a more exact closer look at the development.

Weather Manipulation is Like Climate Change?

For the media and the politicians the matter is clear: The flood catastrophe in the Ahr Valley is because of climate change. Without regard to losses, the disaster was used for their own political purposes. However, if the flood really was the result of weather manipulation, this throws a new light on the official representations of climate change. Because in this way it looks as if climate change must be held out over and over again as an excuse for weather manipulation. Cynics would say that the words “weather manipulation” and “climate change” are synonymous. Just like Raider* and Twix. Anyone who is able to manipulate the weather and would like to keep this a secret, of course needs an excuse. And anyway here the quite highly pushed climate change offers itself. Local, artificially generated weather manipulations can thus be wonderfully blamed on climate change. Additionally you can sell the geoengineerig as climate protection measures.

Changes in the weather in one place can have disastrous effects in another place.

From Conspiracy Theory to Official Truth

It seems that the topic of artificial trails in the sky should be slowly taken out of the conspiracy theory corner and brought into public consciousness through the fight against climate change. Thus for example, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has announced it would like to help with climate change by darkening the sun. Millions of tons of lime mixture should therefore be sprayed into the stratosphere. The sunlight would thereby be reflected and global warming slowed down. There were already experiments with experts from Harvard University.(6) In Germany the OHB SE, the first publicly-listed German Technology and Space Company established a network of expertise on the topic of geoengineering on April 29, 2021.(7)

Indeed, it must be said: It is a really clever idea, to sell people the manipulation of weather as climate change and at the same time the tools for weather manipulation as measures against climate change. Therefore it remains to be emphasized: Chemtrails exist, and they are a danger to humans as well as the whole ecosystem entirely because of the numerous poisons. The weather manipulations which are often carried out by means of chemical materials in the atmosphere are almost as dangerous. Changes of the weather in one place can have disastrous effects in another place. Moreover, manipulation of the weather can become a veritable weapon.

Thus it is high time that more people become aware of these things and the whole extent of the history comes out of the conspiracy theory corner and is no longer just a part of this matter which the backers need to cover up their weather manipulations before the public.

An Exclusive Translated Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published March 2022

From an article in Raum & Zeit, Volume 40, Nr. 235, Jan/Feb 2022
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2022, R&Z, Thomas A Hein, Bingen, Germany

About the author

* CLW Note: Raider (pronunciation like rider in German) was a top-selling chocolate bar in Germany. The decision to rename Raider to Twix in 1991 was therefore accompanied by a massive and memorable national advertising campaign featuring the slogan “Raider heißt jetzt Twix—sonst ändert sich nix” which can be loosely translated as “Raider is now Twix—nothing else has changed.”
While this campaign took place years after the 1986–87 events depicted in the movie Dark, it was ubiquitous to the point that “Raider heißt jetzt Twix” entered German slang. In modern use, it tends to be a critical or disparaging remark about something that has only changed in name, not substance, as with some public policy measures or political organizations.


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