Happy 45th Sapphire Anniversary!!!

Congratulations Occidental Institute

Occidental Institute first opened its doors in Weston, Ontario Canada on July 2, 1972. It’s been a long and winding history from those first heady days of being the first traditional acupuncture school in North America until today’s non-profit research organization dedicated to the dissemination of information about Biological Medicine.

As we celebrate our 45th Anniversary in a few short weeks, I am once again amazed by the number of years that have passed. How did that really happen? Or is it just that time flies when you’re having fun? The other day as I spoke with an acupuncturist from California who worked closely with OIRF when we were located in Florida and California, I was deeply touched to hear firsthand how the research and teaching done by OIRF over the years has influenced his practice and so many others as they implemented the Biological Medicine techniques recommended by this organization.

As a small family-run business, achieving this anniversary of 45 years in continuous operation is an incredible accomplishment all on its own. But, to think we have survived in this field of complementary and alternative medicine in spite of legal and registration obstacles is nothing short of amazing.

I thank you for your support, because we quite literally could not have done it without you. And so, as we celebrate our past, we are entering a summer of transition and change while we move forward to embrace our future. As Canada celebrates 150 years on July 1st and our American friends enjoy Independence Day on July 4th, we hope you will also join with us to celebrate this very special anniversary for Occidental Institute.

An Exciting Announcement for OIRF Supporters
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published June 2017

© Copyright 2017, Occidental Institute, BC Canada

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