It seems the past months have been sad ones as we have lost more of the “old rabbits” of our field. For some mystical reason we are seeing ever more losses of those who have been the innovators and the guiding lights of biological medicine. In this issue it is my sad duty to inform you about the passing of two more great men, Dr. med. Dieter Hager and the engineer Erich Rasche.

Such losses seem to lend me words along with the tears. We have lost so many of the “elder” statesmen and women in this field over the past few years that it is brought home to me over and over again how important it is for us to ensure their knowledge and experience is not lost.

Since many of the clinicians and researchers are unable – or even unwilling – to travel to North America, we are left with only publications and seminars (most often only in German) as a means of learning from them. Or, we can go to them!

But the continuation of this legacy into the future is not only on the shoulders of Occidental Institute. Beyond the many companies and organizations offering quality German products in North America, we must ensure that the necessary education, research and information are available to younger and newer practitioners.

For the “39 and holding” crowd like myself that means you have to get out there and teach – share your experience, tutor a student doctor, teach at your naturopathic or professional college, write some articles for The Bridge (or Townsend or Explore or . . .) – but let us make as much information as possible available to our newer practitioners.

For our newer practitioners, it is definitely time for you to get involved. Come to the seminars, take in the Germany Tours, find a practitioner (like any of the docs on our OIRF Board of Advisors) to tutor you, and generally do whatever you can to increase your knowledge and experience base.

Let us all take up the challenge to ensure that the knowledge of these great men and women who have gone before us is not lost. Your support of Occidental Institute with memberships and seminar attendance helps us to continue this work into the future. We thank you for your support and ask you to pause in your busy day to honor these most recent of our losses.


Erich Dieter Hager, MD, PhD

The following comments are taken from a eulogy given at the memorial service on January 15, 2010 in Bad Bergzabern, Germany by Dr. Ralph W. Moss.

Dr. Hager passed away on December 13, 2009 at the BioMed Hospital in Bad Bergzabern, Germany. His memorial service was attended by friends and family from around the world and speakers (besides Dr. Moss) included Harald Brat (local mayor), Kurt Beck (governor of Rheinland-Pfalz), Dr. Friedrich Migeod (chief doctor of the BioMed Hospital) and Dr. György Irmey (of the Society for Biological Defense Against Cancer).

Dr. Hager became the executive medical director of the BioMed-Klinik Hospital in 1989, was editor of the Deutsche Zeitschrift für Onkologie and served for almost 20 years to help establish the use of hyperthermia as a scientific treatment for cancer.

His many scientific contributions, publications and lectures have altered the field of cancer therapy. During Tour #36 last year our group was privileged to visit this amazing cancer facility and heard a short lecture from Dr. Migeod. Dr. Hager will be greatly missed by family and colleagues, and his work and research will be continued at the BioMed-Klinik.

Erich Rasche, Engineer

July 13, 1946 – April 21, 2010

After a prolonged illness Mr. Erich Rasche passed away quietly on that Wednesday evening. As a promising young engineer, Erich worked with his friend and colleague Dr. Franz Morell to bring his concepts and inspiration into the reality that we now call MORA.

The Med-Tronik firm was established in 1979 and Erich remained its active CEO until illness prevented his return early this year. He has always been deeply involved with the innovative designs of the numerous medical biophysical instruments produced by Med-Tronik.

Personally, I remember his smile and his ready laughter. His great gifts to us of MORA, BE-T-A and Purolux will continue on under the guidance of Dr. Eva Rasche and the loyal staff of Med-Tronik.

We send our most sincere sympathies to his family, staff and colleagues.

An Exclusive Article for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published June 2010

© Copyright 2010, OIRF, BC Canada

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