Stand by for Designer Pain Pills

From NewsMax/October 2008

In the not-too-distant future, the pain reliever you take may be fine-tuned to your body.

Dr. Dennis Patin, an associate professor of clinical anesthesiology at the University of Miami Medical School, says future pain medications will be tailored to work within the genetic roadmap of each person.

“We’ll use samples of blood or body tissue to identify how a person metabolizes a drug, and what medication . . . is precisely best for an individual,” he asserts. This approach, known as nanomedicine, also could make pain relief a more exact science. A nano particle is small enough to reach where other medicines can’t go. “If nanomedicine can deliver a medication directly to where it is needed, without going to other parts of the body, then drugs should be more effective and have fewer side effects,” Patin explains.

Patin says pain relievers could be based on marijuana-like substances called endocannabinoids. “There’s been a societal taboo against studying these compounds,” he says. “But there are naturally occurring receptors in the body for marijuana molecules.”

Comment from CLWS: Hello! . . . “Nanomedicine”? Homeopathy? “Identify how a person metabolizes a drug, and what medication is precisely best for an individual”? EAV/VEGA/BE-T-A? Wow, what a concept. Hmmm.

An Informational Release for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published October 2008

© Copyright 2008, OIRF, BC Canada

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