Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies (OICS) opened its doors on July 2, 1972 in Weston, Ontario Canada with a partially completed Extension Training Program for Modern and Traditional Acupuncture, becoming the first recognized training organization for acupuncture in North America. With moves to Montreal, Quebec Canada and then on to Miami, Florida USA, “The Institute” expanded to include a full-time staff of eight, completed the Extension Training Program, sponsored month-long resident training programs and developed many advanced programs and resource materials.

That thirty-one lesson acupuncture program was expanded with several supplementary lessons and materials, and is still used as a basic curriculum in some current acupuncture schools and is a valued resource for all acupuncturists. That full program is available in digital format through the Occidental Institute Research Foundation.

As part of the research and background for this Modern and Traditional Acupuncture Program and the subsequent Master of Acupuncture Course, many materials from French and German sources were translated and incorporated. Following here are some pictures taken at the First World Acupuncture Symposium held in Montevideo, Uruguay in March of 1978(!). Here’s a peek at some of that amazing history.

The Opening Ceremonies

Here’s our Canadian delegation:

Dr. Tibor Davidovics and Dr. Walter Sturm

And some of the International Luminaries:

Dr. Nguyen van Nghi of Vietnam and then in France
The Institute’s esteemed and honored mentor and consultant.

Dr. van Nghi and Dr. Sturm during a break

“No! No! – Listen!”

Dr. Wu Wei Ping

Dr. Maurice Mussat of France representing
The Confederation of French
Acupuncture Societies.
Dr. Borsarello on the far left side.

Dr. Wu and his interpreter

And lots of certificates and awards

Dr. Sturm presents OICS membership/award certificates to:

Prof. Dr. Nguyen van Nghi (France)

Dr. Powell (England)

Dr. Yoshio Manaka (Japan)

Prof. Dr. Rolf von Leitner (Germany)

Dr. Sturm receiving the British
Association Badge from Dr. Powell.

During this time, our founder Dr. Walter Sturm attended many international meetings including one of the first International meetings in Las Vegas, Nevada USA in February, 1975. (Sorry no pictures from that one found). That conference was also attended by many of the famous “greats” of acupuncture from that time including Dr. Nguyen van Nghi, Dr. Wu Wei Ping, Dr. Yoshio Nakatani, Dr. Alfred Chamfrault and Dr. Jean-Claude Darras.

Even in these early years, Dr. Sturm was participating in lectures and training in North America, France and Germany expanding his knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as German Electro-Acupuncture. He attended conferences and lectures where he personally met and learned from Dr. Johannes Bischko, Dr. Reinhold Voll, Dr. Franz Morell, Dr. Helmut Schimmel, Burkhardt Heim, Prof. Fritz-Albert Popp, and so many, many others.

The legacy of materials and resources developed and written by Dr. Sturm are all currently available in digital format through Occidental Institute Research Foundation and Praxis2Practice Consulting.

A Little Bit of History for OIRF Members & Supporters
From the First International Acupuncture Symposium
March 1978, Montevideo  Uruguay

© Copyright 1978, Occidental Institute, BC Canada

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