In previous contributions to “The Bridge” I have written mainly about EAV techniques. In this article I would like to talk about the possibilities offered by the Index scales of the VEGATEST. I am very aware that most readers probably use the VEGATEST rather than EAV. Neither test is superior to the other but they both complement each other very well and a well-rounded practitioner should be able to handle both tests with equal facility.

EAV has the advantage of dealing with raw measurement data that is unfiltered but it does mean that the practitioner needs to learn a minimum of 500 acupuncture points. The VEGATEST requires only one reproducible measurement point but relies on “filtered” data. No matter which test is used, in order to make a comprehensive and detailed assessment of the patient both tests require a great deal of time.

Many or perhaps most bioresonance practitioners use the “Vega” test as a means of diagnosis (1). The test is usually referred to as the “Vega” test because the VEGA Company of Schiltach, Germany was the first to produce an instrument specifically designed for this test procedure. Since then many other companies have produced suitable instrumentation including computer-controlled equipment. The MORA-Super is one such instrument. For this reason, I will no longer refer to the “Vega” test but will use the term “Vegetative Resonance Test” or VRT. This is a better title, originally suggested in Russia that better conveys a sense of the nature of the test.

The VR Test was developed in Germany by Helmut Schimmel, MD, DMD over a period of time in the 1970’s. Schimmel originally studied EAV with Dr. Voll but found that it was difficult to learn and detailed testing became exhausting for both practitioner and patient. After much reflection and experimentation, he started to devise a test that did not involve knowledge of so many acupuncture points (2). It finally emerged as a workable test in 1978 when the VEGA Company produced a suitable instrument for conducting the test. The VR Test evolved from the system of Electro-Acupuncture as developed by Dr. R. Voll (EAV) and was partly based on the system of Biological Functions Diagnosis (BFD), also developed in Germany. Although EAV and BFD are excellent methods of information assessment both suffer from the problem of having to learn and measure many acupuncture points. EAV requires knowledge of 500-1000 points, there being a total of 1860 known measurement points, while BFD requires knowledge of 100-1500 points. The student of these methods has the task of learning the precise location and relationship of these points. It also means that detailed testing is both time consuming and exhausting for both doctor and patient. By contrast, the VR Test uses only one reproducible measurement point. This makes the system much easier to learn once the measurement technique has been mastered but it should be noted that a very detailed examination is also time consuming and demands much concentration.

Since the introduction of the VR Test into clinical practice in 1978, thirty years of research and development by Dr. Schimmel and colleagues has evolved the test into an extremely effective method of functional assessment which has been enhanced by the introduction of special test filters. The use of advanced test filters has increased the sensitivity of the test and the reliability of the results obtained.

Among the many possibilities the VR Test allows the doctor to determine stressed organs; determine the efficiency and suitability of medicines; determine the indications for the application of nosodes and to determine the key nosode; reveal allergic burdens and to choose effective medications; reveal geopathic stress and electromagnetic stress; reveal abnormal acid/alkaline balance; determine the presence of benign and malignant tumours; reveal cystic processes; reveal lack of vitamins and trace elements; indicate the presence of a chronic focus and to determine the chain of interactions with the focus; make detailed dental assessments; and, determine the biological stress index.

This test has become popular in the countries of the Russian Federation and has been further enhanced by the Imedis Centre for Intellectual Studies, At a conference held in Moscow in 2012 a senior Russian military officer informed delegates that the Russian army has now trained 420 medical doctors in the use of VRT. Advances offered by Russian research include: determination of the ideal constitutional biological index with or without solving psychological stress; optimising the current homoeostatic reserves of the organism and to develop ideal reserves for the individual; determine the degree of exhaustion of the immune and endocrine systems; determine the mental condition of the patient; determine the presence of blocked mesenchyme systems; and, to determine the degree of physical exhaustion.

In this article it is not possible to discuss all of the possibilities of the VR Test. What I would like to discuss is the usefulness of the Biological Index and the Photon Index. I will assume that the reader is familiar with the test and is able to determine a reproducible measurement point and effect a disorder control.

It should be noted that the standard measurement value of 50 scale units as used in EAV is not used in the VR Test. Instead, the measurement sensitivity of the instrument is adjusted to the patient to obtain a base reading of 80 scale units. With the original VEGA instrument this had to be done manually; with modern computerised systems such as MORA it is accomplished automatically. The test procedure involves the use of filter ampoules (or stimulus signals corresponding to the test ampoules) and essentially provides straightforward yes/no information to the doctor.


In order to test for geopathic stress the filter ampoule Silicea D60 is used. If the initial value of 80 is reduced then this is an indication for general geopathic stress. This can be notated Silicea D60↓.

If testing an organ preparation (e.g. liver, pancreas, kidney, etc.) in potency D4 reduces the initial measurement value i then it represents stress on that organ. When more than one organ is indicated we need to know which organ is the most stressed and which needs to be treated first. The indicator for revealing the organ with the prime stress is Hypothalamus D4 or Zincum met. D400. (Zincum met. D400 should be used as a filter where there is already stress on the hypothalamus.) The organ ampoule that restores the now low measurement value back to 80 is the primary burdened organ. Thus, hypothalamus D4↓ and organ ampoule h indicates the key organ.

The Biological Index

The biological index is sometimes referred to as “biological age”. The term biological age is believed to have first been used by Dr. Erwin Schramm in connection with the Neo Bioelectronic Test. As chronological age advances, the aging process of the tissues also advances except that not all tissues age at an equal rate. Cellular metabolism and cell respiration depend upon the uptake of oxygen and nutrients from the blood supply. If the cell or tissue metabolism becomes reduced then toxic waste products become deposited within the cells and within the connective tissue. The walls of the blood vessels and the blood capillaries become toxically impregnated leading to reduced efficiency of blood circulation leading to further impairment of the cells and tissues. In essence this accounts for the aging process of the tissue and is referred to as the biological age of the tissue.

In principle, the test for biological stress is similar to the test for stressed organs. Each stage of potentised mesenchyme is brought into the test, one after the other, until the measurement value ↓. It will be found that there is often more than one biological stress and in order to avoid missing the higher one it is advisable to start testing with potency D36 and working in descending order.

Select Mesenchyme D36 and measure the test point. If the reading does not change then select D35 remembering to lift the probe off the measurement point before re-measuring. Continue in this manner until a lower measurement value is obtained. When a lower measurement value has been found, note the potency and continue testing until a second index is found which should also be noted.

The Optimum Biological Index

For each person there is an optimum biological index. This is the level that should be obtainable if good treatment is given. To find the optimum biological index the filter ampoule Cuprum met. D400 is used. A reading is taken from the measurement point using this filter. The measurement value ↓. Now select the lower of the two indices previously found. The measurement value will probably remain ↓. Assuming that this is so, select the next lower potency of Mesenchyme and measure the point once more. Continue in this manner until a level is found that causes the measurement value to ↑. The ampoule of mesenchyme that brings the value ↑ represents the optimum biological index.


The instrument is set for VRT. A good disorder control has been obtained. The ampoules of potentised mesenchyme are tested one by one, starting at potency D36. It is found that the ampoule D30 causes a lowered measurement value. This potency represents the higher biological index or the relative degree of stress on the worst affected organ. At this stage we do not know which organ is affected.

The ampoule D30 is now deselected and testing continues with the next lower potency. The potency D19 is also found to cause a lowered measurement value. Subsequent testing does not reveal any further index and the D19 is interpreted as representing the average degree of stress on the body.

The test for optimum biological index now takes place using the filter Cuprum met. D400↓. Leaving the Cuprum met. in place further testing takes place. Potency D17 is found to bring the measurement value h. This potency of mesenchyme D17 represents the optimum biological index for this patient.

When we come to discuss therapy the importance of the biological index as a guide to effective therapy will become apparent. As treatment progresses over time the optimum biological index may reduce further and should be re-checked at each session. If the chosen medicaments or treatment reduce the biological index to a lower value than the optimum then the treatment is too strong.

The potencies of mesenchyme represent a 21 point scale as follows:

It must be appreciated that this scale does NOT equate to chronological age. It is a relative scale only. The childhood range is considered to be approximately equivalent of birth to 14 years; adulthood from 15-65; old age from 65 to death.

  • Scale points from 1-6 represent the range of normal cellular respiration. Except for young children and rare cases, treatment is not normally required.
  • Scale point 7 and onwards indicates disturbance in health through to serious disease.
  • Scale points 7-10 indicate pre-clinical phases or functional disturbances that normally cannot be clinically identified.
  • Scale point 10 onwards represents the beginning of clinically recognisable disease.
  • Scale points 10-13 represent clinically recognisable disease.
  • Scale points 13-15 indicate the beginning of chronic degenerative tendencies and/or pre-malignant tendencies. The clinically defined disease may mask a pre-malignant state.
  • Scale points 16-17 indicate the possibility of micro-malignancies that may occasionally be verified.
  • Scale points 18-21 may indicate clinically verifiable macro-malignancies.

The concept of the biological index is rather more complex than at first supposed. A relatively high biological index does not necessarily indicate a malignant or pre-malignant state; rather, it may indicate such possibilities. With higher biological indices degenerative changes can usually be assumed although it is possible that, despite good treatment, a previously lower biological index may show a sudden and dramatic increase. In such cases it is advisable to test for mental and emotional stress, and to question the patient about recent stressful events. Very often a recent emotional stress or anxiety will increase the biological index. This suggests that the interpretation of biological stress should be applied with some caution. If it is remembered that we are measuring the energetic information contained within the tissue then it will be realised that the biological index represents the energetic functioning of the tissue. If the energetic functioning is impaired and prolonged over a sufficiently long period of time then it may lead to cellular degeneration and possibly, eventually, to malignant states. By this means, we have at our disposal a way of demonstrating to the patient the physiological implications of excess stress which some patients may otherwise be reluctant to accept.

Determining the Stressed Organs

So far, we are able to determine the maximum biological stress but we do not yet know to which organ this applies. This can easily be resolved by filtering organ ampoules against the biological stress. First, test for stressed organs. Then use the ampoule of mesenchyme that represents the maximum biological stress and test the various stressed organs against this ampoule.

The following biological stresses were found for a patient:

The following organs were found to be stressed:


By filtering the organ ampoules against Mesenchyme D18 if was found that the Gall-bladder was the only one which brought the measurement back up to 80. Thus, it is the Gall-bladder that has a biological index of 11. (A possible inference is that there is some chronic inflammation of the common bile duct which, in turn, is causing irritation of the wall of the duodenum around the opening of the bile duct.

Once the biological stress indices have been determined together with the most stressed organs and the optimum biological stress, then the practitioner is advised to conduct the various pre-tests.

The biological index should be determined before any therapy and tested again after therapy to check for effectiveness of the therapy. The biological index is a scale from 1-21. There may be more than one index that tests positive. Therefore, it is advised to start at 21 and to work down in order to ensure that no index has been missed. There can be 2, 3, or even more stress levels. Three or more stress levels indicate major degenerative disease, cancer, emotional stress, etc. If the 3rd (or higher) stress level can be removed then one can speak of improvement of the condition.

Filter through Cuprum met. D400 to determine the ideal level for the patient.

It is also possible to check the effectiveness of a medicine through the biological index. If the medicine restores the index to the ideal level then that medicine is effective. Medicine ↓ + Ideal index ↑.

Notes: One should test for the compatible or effective remedy. As a rule this will produce the optimum B.I. If the B.I. does not change then consider using a Pascoe Meridian Complex to act as a catalyst.

Sensitive and young patients may move 4-6 points in one move. In order to avoid strong reactions special retarding medicines should be included in the prescription. These include:

Use of drainage remedies should also be considered.

If transition from one Biological Index to another proves to be difficult to attain then a catalyst should be considered:

Sulfur D60
Silicea D60
All meridian complexes

These should of course be tested for effectiveness and compatibility.

When the general Biological Index has been found then test for the B.I. of specific organs.

The organ with the lowest B.I. is in the best condition; the organ with the highest B.I. is in the worst condition.

A non-optimum B.I. will always cause problems with specific meridians. The Kern Pharma Meridian Complexes will enable the physician to determine which meridians are affected by the B.I.

Treatment should be given for the weakened meridian.

The Photon Index

The Photon Index is determined through various potencies of chlorophyll: Chlorophyll D2 = Photon Index 1; Chlorophyll D22 = Photon Index 21.

The Photon Index of the patient is determined by testing in ascending or descending order. The index that reduces the measurement value ↓ corresponds to the initial index of the patient. It is possible to filter through Cuprum met. D44 to find the optimum Photon Index for the patient. It is also possible to filter through Argentum nit. C52, or Argentum nit. C44 to determine the significance of the index.

As with the Biological Index various medicaments can be tested against the Photon Index to find which medicine(s) tests positive against the optimum Photon Index.

Indications for Application of the Photon Index

  1. Diagnostic indication for exchange of biophoton information. All organs have a common biophoton exchange – the general Photon Index. Individual organs have a specific biophoton index that can be determined by filtering through the various organ ampoules.
    Organ preparation D4 ↓, Photon index ↑.
  2. Indication for intracellular photon communication and regulation.
  3. Indication for intracellular coherence
  4. Testing medicines against photon resonance (i.e. effective medicine for the photon index).

The following generalised interpretations have been established:

General Remarks on the Photon Index

DNA is the resonator which can accumulate and absorb photons. Photon effects can also be used to explain the action of homoeopathy. The scientific hypothesis is based on photon excitation of DNA which explains the strong effects especially of fungi and viruses on the system. People with good mesenchyme, endocrine and DNA indices can have a poor Photon Index. If the Photon Index is less than 4 and all other indices are approximately normal then it suggests that there are no disturbances of the Photon Index even if Photon Index 1 does not test positive. This usually indicates a good condition of health.

The Photon Index indicates

  1. The condition of intercellular communication,
  2. The presence or absence of a tendency towards malignant disease. If the cells are no longer able to communicate with each other by means of photons then the beginning of malignancy is indicated.
  3. By using the Photon Index it is possible to test the efficacy of preparations and different kinds of therapy, especially when other criteria are not indicating anything or not providing sufficient information.

It should be noted that resonant homoeopathy and bioresonance therapy render the strongest positive influence on the dynamics of the Photon Index. The P.I. also allows good monitoring and supervision of the action of allopathic medicines.

The DNA index and the Photon Index are parameters that indicate the biochemical and biophysical condition of the DNA. Until now, such criteria were not possible. Thus, we are able to reveal toxicity of DNA information. There are many patients who, by all other criteria, have good indications but for whom the toxicity of information in the DNA has not been tested. It covers toxic information from viruses and viroid infections of the DNA which was previously limited to the large organs.

The person conducting the test should be in good health and well-balanced. Reduction of interference from the tester can be limited by using the absorber ampoule. Sometimes testing reveals little useful information. If, with such patients, treatment is carried out with FM Complex 9 and the special preparation FM Sulphur for two or three weeks, in most cases toxic information is revealed that was not previously showing. Latent toxic information comes to the surface and is able to be tested. In the majority of cases this will be traceable to bacteria, viruses or heavy metals, any of which can be acquired in childhood. Latent toxicity is also frequently related to psychopathology with symptoms such as fear, depression and anxiety. As a result the question arises whether inherent psychological symptoms and mental illness relate to toxic information in the DNA.

Four methods of eliminating toxic information are possible:

  1. By using single nosodes if the toxic burden is only small. However, in the majority of cases there are twenty or more toxic burdens that come to the surface when using Platinum met. D1000 as a filter. If the organs have already been subject to good treatment in conformity with the Biological Index, the endocrine index, and the DNA index then small aggravations are possible and thus the application of drainage remedies for the liver, kidneys, etc. are expedient.
  2. By the use of single homoeopathic remedies. In the modern age it is impossible to determine singe homoeopathic remedies by repertorization. They can be much more easily determined by resonance testing. Here, even expert homoeopaths who are relatively new to EAV/VR testing can surprise themselves. This is because there is no real common element with classical homoeopathy. We are searching for the remedy that erases the information of the key nosode(s). As above, the use of drainage remedies should be considered.
  3. It is also possible to remove toxic information by the use of the special FM Complexes: 9 (rheumatoid), 11 Benzochinone, 14 Sulphur. The specific remedy for therapy is determined by testing. Drainage remedies are selected as above.
  4. It is also possible to receive and record inverted specific electro-magnetic oscillations from the patient using hand or foot electrodes, or by using body fluids. Intox. III helps to reveal the meridian(s) that is likely to be involved with the specific toxic information. By using the inverted signals from the patient and by defining the involved meridians then inverse information can be used in treatment and in the making of autonosodes.

The meridians can be tested by using the Kern Pharma Meridian Complexes (FM Meridian accords).

As a rule, excess conditions in the meridian correspond to acute conditions and insufficiency in the meridians corresponds to chronic conditions.

These observations and notes on VR Testing are aimed at the relative newcomer to bioresonance testing. It is the author’s hope that readers, including more experienced practitioners, will find some points that might be helpful to patients. Much testing and monitoring can be done through the index tests. It is our task to try to restore the indices to their optimum value for the patient.

Happy testing!

An Exclusive Article for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published September 2012

© Copyright 2012, Dr. Tony Scott-Morley, UK

About the author


(1) It is my view that in order to avoid controversy we should avoid the use of the term “diagnosis”. Let us leave this term to orthodox medicine and instead use the term “assessment” or “information assessment”. By being careful with terminology we can avoid much of the conflict that can arise with conventional medical diagnosis.

(2) Coincidentally, Dr. Erwin Schramm of Vienna was, unbeknownst to Dr. Schimmel, also working on a one point test.

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