Since 1995 I have been invited to deliver an annual lecture and seminar on aspects of bioresonance medicine. This invitation has come from the “Imedis” Centre for Intellectual Studies. The Imedis Company manufactures their own bioresonance equipment and software but perhaps more important they have, together with various Russian universities, conducted much investigation into bioresonance medicine and its effectiveness. Being invited to their annual conference has been highly educative and has given me a unique opportunity to observe developments in countries (Russian Federation) not normally associated with bioresonance. I have also had the privilege of meeting with and working with Russian colleagues, including working in a Russian hospital. I have to say that I have found my Russian colleagues to be very open, friendly and eager to learn. They have also been very generous in sharing information and experience.

The Imedis device is effective and manufactured to western standards although the electrodes and cables are rather poor. Software is excellent, comprehensive and extremely user friendly. The Russian system is more limited than some of the facilities that we are used to. For example, there is no separation filter (H+D), and no frequency limit filters (High Pass, Low Pass, Band Pass). However, they do include a very extensive facility for electromagnetic frequency treatment (referred to as exogenous treatment) in addition to the normal bioresonance treatment. In my practice I have connected the Russian equipment to the MORA Super which gives me the best of both systems.

The annual symposium, held at Easter, is open to western visitors and visitors are made welcome. The major problem is that all proceedings are in Russian. There is no simultaneous translation. However, I am sure that if there were sufficient numbers attending who were prepared to cover the cost of an interpreter then this problem could be overcome. All conference papers are published (in Russian) with titles of papers being translated to English.

My main purpose in drawing attention to Russia is to illustrate the level of official interest in bioresonance medicine. There are frequent observers and speakers from the Russian Academy of Science (Academicians), the Russian military, and from various state research centres. Average attendance is approximately 800 with about 200 delegates staying on for the post-conference seminars. As is to be expected, the papers presented vary in their degree of excellence but most presentations cite experimental evidence together with statistical analysis. Topics range from medical applications of bioresonance through to applications in veterinary medicine and applications to agriculture. Interest in this field has increased sufficiently to draw the attention of government and military. I am including a summary of one article delivered by a government representative, and the complete translation of a second article given by a senior officer of the Russian army.

It is regrettable that in Europe and America we cannot raise similar levels of interest, instead we frequently have to fight to be taken seriously.

Positive Experiences of Prevention and Treatment of Drug Abuse using Bioresonance Technologies.

Author: Bacssna,
(The Ural State Mining University, Erkaterinburg, Russia, Dept. of Abuse Prevention)

The problem of improving the health of the younger generation has been and remains a priority and is indeed strategic for any country. The defence capability, economic and intellectual potential of the country, together with the health of subsequent generations are largely determined by quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the health of today’s youth. Particular attention should be given to students who will form the main reserve of highly-qualified specialists for various branches of the national economy.

Youth is less inclined to consider their own health as capital, which brings dividends. Rather, they are ready to consider the use psychoactive substances (drugs) as a source of sensations, pleasures and delights.

The closing decade of the twentieth century in Russia produced great political, social, and economic tension. This was bound to affect the psychological state of society and led to an increase in drug addiction. Official statistics confirmed that by 2009 the number of addicts monitored by drug treatment services increased by a factor of twelve (252.4 cases per 100,000 population against 21.2 in 2001).

Everything starts with risk groups – those starting to experiment with drugs and those trying to earn money through illegal drugs trafficking. Hospitalisation or prison sentences for trafficking is the final stage. It is these primary risk groups that demand our attention and it shows the importance of prevention in high-risk groups. There is a large and important role played by institutes of higher education where the best part of our youth are to be found. The specifics of many professions are incompatible with the use of psychoactive substances and this factor of incompetence is very relevant as an important economic component of the security of our country. According to article 86 on industrial safety, the mining industry is one of the most high risk industries. In order to address the issue of professional safety in the mining industry in 2001 the Ural State Mining University established a department for the prevention of drug dependency. One of the activities of the department is to use Vegetative Resonance Testing to identify students prone to abuse of psychoactive substances. Testing is conducted by an approved physician using bioresonance test equipment.

Between 2001 and 2006 we tested 39,768 students in the four largest universities of Erkaterinburg. Of these 3,307 tested positive in the use of narcotic substances. 348 students between the ages of 17 – 20 were identified as regular or habitual drug users and were referred for further consultation and treatment. Seven heroin addicts were expelled from the university for academic failure. Thanks to the hardware/software complex, constant monitoring, treatment and psychological support 293 of these students have been successfully treated and have completely stopped drug usage.

The article then goes on to describe the expansion of testing students to include High Schools in the Erkaterinburg  region of the Urals together with description of a program to help to eliminate drugs usage in young people. Treatment programs are designed according to the needs of the individual and include counselling and psychological support. Emphasis is given to the use of bioresonance testing and treatment.

All testing and treatment is with the approval of the Russian Ministry of Health.

The Results of Medical Professionals using Electroacupuncture Diagnosis and Bioresonance Therapy in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
The Ten Year Anniversary of the Vegetative Resonance Test

Authors: V.B. Ivanov, Vladimir Kulikov, V.M. Pospelov
(State Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians for Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)

Because of the deterioration of the mental and physical health of adolescents the manning of the armed forces of the Russian Federation with healthy conscripts is today a serious problem. Socially significant diseases such as: drug addiction, substance abuse together with associated HIV infection, viral hepatitis, etc. are common amongst young people of military age.

Between 1999 and 2001 the Centre for Intellectual Medical Systems “Imedis” together with the medical advisor for the Russian Defence (Medical Division), I.M. Sechenov, developed and implemented a practical method for the identification of drug users. This method was based on the Vegetative Resonance Test.

In 2002 within the framework of the special Federal Programme entitled “Comprehensive Measures Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking”, it was decided to centralise procurement of this equipment (Imedis-Voll Hardware/Software Complex) using the Federal budget  and installing the equipment in all collection points of the Russian Federation military commissariats and a number of military medical institutions. This policy has been implemented since 2003. The training of military doctors  and medical personnel was initiated at the State Institute for Advanced training of ( Military) Physicians. To date the programme has trained 453 medical specialists.

From January 2003 to November 2010 the following numbers have been trained: to work with the hardware “MiniDT with Electronic Medicament Selector, 85 physicians from the Military Commissariats of the Russian Federation; 77 from military treatment facilities; 7 from medical schools. To work with the equipment “Imedis-Voll Expert System, 55 doctors from the Military Academies; 5 from medical schools, 23 from Military Commissariats. This gives a total of 258 fully trained doctors.

In addition to this about 40 experts from the Federal Penal Correction Service (Russian Federation) and from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia have also been trained with view to identifying drug users.

The government Defence Advanced Training of Medical Specialists fully ensures that the training given for using the “Imedis-Expert System” is fully adequate for the needs of the defence of the Russian Federation. By  November 2011 the number of physicians from the Ministry of Defence trained in electropuncture diagnosis and bioresonance therapy exceeded 450. This is based on not less than 90 trainees per annum over a five year period returning for 5 month training in advanced medical improvement.

Practical experience of this new technology (VRT) in the medical division of the armed forces of the Russian Federation applied to identifying drug abuse has shown high reliability, high information density, economical in application, and the prospect of application for use as a screening technique.

These positive results from the military commissariats were reflected in the order from the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, No. 105, dated March6, 2008: “On the improvement of the work of the organs of the military administration to counter the illicit use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and illicit trafficking in the armed forces of the Russian Federation.”  – on the compulsory examination citizens recruited for military service, entering military service under contract, candidates for training in military colleges using the Vegetative Resonance Test (1).

The practice of using these methods in the field has shown that the potential use of the “Imedis” equipment is not limited to identifying drug users. The Imedis hardware/software complex allows one to address a broad range of diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. For example, using this equipment it is possible to screen for and treat other diseases that are highly relevant to military units including: drug related hepatitis viruses a, b, and c; more than ten varieties of TB; influenza viruses; Coxsackie; Varicellen; Mumps; Adenovirus; Diplococcus pneumonia; Diphtheria; Meningococcal disease pathogens; Parasites; Chlamydia; Shigella; Salmonella; Enterococcus, etc.

These effective diagnostic and therapeutic methods are used by military hospitals, military schools, and military police stations located in the cities of Smolensk, Birobidzhan, Voronezh, Saratov, Vologograd, Novocherkassk, Ivanovom Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Doctors such as A.A. Vishnevsky, A.A. Azbarov, T.A. Kuzmich, A.V. Popova, A. Vasilenko. J. John, V. Kudryavtsev, V. Khomenko, E.D. Kravtsov, and others are examples to us all of the creative application of Electropuncture Diagnostics and Bioresonance Therapy.

However, regarding the optimization of the structure of the Military Medical Service, there is a lack of availability of equipment and treatment facilities. This, together with the transfer or resignation of a number of trained doctors means that we have not yet reached our goal. There is still a serious need to resume training specialists.

(Basic translation: Microsoft Translation Facility. Edited into readable English by Anthony Scott-Morley.)

(1) (My italics – Ed.)

Briefing on the Identification of Drugs and Toxic Substances in the Russian Military

Authors: V.I. Bolševa, T.T. Žirnova
(Mozdoka Hospital FGU1602 OVKGMO RF, RDF-Alaniya, Russia)

The Vegetative Resonance Test (VRT) as a provisional diagnosis is recommended for use in military units of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, and in other ministries where the law provides for military service.

According to regulations, the city hospital of Mozdoka continues to identify personnel who inject drugs, together with the timing and frequency of Ecstasy seizures.

Our purpose was to explore the performance and value of the hardware/software complex “Imedis-Expert System) in a survey of soldiers in order to detect the consumption of narcotic and toxic substances.

Materials and methods

For this task we surveyed military service conscripts and regular personnel suspected of using narcotic drugs and substances. A total of 20 men were tested. Among them 1 regular soldier (5%) and 8 (40%) conscripted personnel showed positive results that were further confirmed by immune-chromatograph tests. In our research we have studied and appreciated the positive indicators concerning the use of narcotic and toxic substances in conscripts and regular soldiers of the Russian Federation.


The bioresonance hardware/software complex “Imedis-Expert System” is recommended for testing for the consumption of narcotic and toxic substances. It is very informative and we can recommend it for screening surveys of the teenage segment of the Russian population.

Bioresonance therapy is not limited in Russia to the problem of narcotics. It is widely used as an adjunct to orthodox medicine for a wide range of medical conditions. I have used the above three papers to illustrate the fact that the Russian military, the Russian Education System, and the Russian ministry of Health take the use of bioresonance methods as a rather more serious proposition than do western nations. This is a sad state of affairs! TS-M

An Exclusive Article for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published September 2012

© Copyright 2012, Dr. Anthony Scott-Morley, UK

About the author

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