February 23, 2025
Health Corona & Co. Preparatory Detoxification Cure to Support a Therapeutic Intervention of Long-/Post-Covid and Post-Vac, Part 1 According to the WHO, you speak of Long-/Post-Covid when patients have persistent or recurring symptoms for more than four weeks after a corona infection; in the case of symptoms twelve weeks afterwards, then of Post-Covid syndrome. According to an international research project, a pathological protein produced by the organism due to the Corona virus seems to be responsible for the Long-/Post-Covid symptoms. Scientific studies have so far [...]
February 23, 2025
Remembrance, Gratitude and Commitment 11 November 2024 This is always a solemn day. Always a grey day, with rain or snow accumulating like tears. Whether we celebrate Remembrance Day in Canada or Veterans Day in the USA, it remains another annual day of reflection. A day to experience and voice our gratitude for the many military personnel who have sacrificed so very much. That common American phrase “thank you for your service” repeated so often. Their patriotism, sacrifice and love of country reflect and support the beliefs all of [...]
February 23, 2025
Research Carelessness or Transhumanism Agenda? Graphene in Covid Syringes "Not the better person, but something better than the human being is the goal of transhumanism, in short: the completely satisfied cyborg." Stephan Herzberg, Professor of Philosophy On the basis of emerging millions of complications and deaths worldwide after Covid vaccinations, numerous scientists and doctors have analyzed the contents of the mRNA syringes on their own initiative and found, among other things, indications of graphene and other questionable substances. After researching their findings, Joe Romanski attempts [...]
February 23, 2025
15 October 2024 Dear Colleagues and Friends, Fall days have brought us election mania (in both the US and Canada) which opens the pandora’s boxes of politics, Covid, conspiracies and “disinformation”. I will admit during my mandated rest periods and evenings, I’ve spent waaayyyy too much time in front of the TV and the many news channels, all while perusing through the alternative newsletters and online posts. But I feel, we will not see a clearer picture of our future with alternative health methods until we see who will [...]
OIRF | Complementary & Alternative Medicine Newschad2023-11-02T05:28:05+00:00
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