Light in Shaping Life –
BioPhotons in Biology and Medicine

(An Interdisciplinary Textbook)

By Prof. Dr. Roeland van Wijk

Published 2014 by Meluna, Geldermalsen, The Netherlands

“Welcome to the study of the photonics of life!

The production of biological light (ultra-weak photon emission or biophotons) within many types of cells and itssues is characteristic of an alive organism. You will begin a journey of discovery about biophotons in relationship to biological matter and about how such biophotons can be detected utilizing specialized very photon-sensitive technologies. In this book, Roeland van Wijk provides a unified synthesis that facilitates easy entry into an exciting sub-field of biology. Light in Shaping Life encompasses the history of biophoton research, insight into how biophotons are generated, and into their involvement with lifeAlso included, is an overview of the potential benefits of such research to a better understanding of health and medicine.

Order this book direct from at:

NOTE: This book is highly recommended by OIRF. It is a bit pricey at US $100, but represents a true textbook and resource. Prof. van Wijk will be speaking to the Germany Tour group later this year where he will be filling us in on the practical applications of this research including how biophotons can activate stem cells leading to much greater effectiveness with that therapy as well as applications for stress and chronic fatigue.

An Informational Release for OIRF Supporters
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published February 2015

© Copyright 2015, Occidental Institute, BC Canada

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