Or, The Individual Setting

I have been asked on several occasions what the individual setting of the Mora is, and how I came to discover it.

When the Mora III was first launched it came with two sheets of suggested settings for various conditions including Basic Therapy. Although these suggestions sometimes made an improvement in the condition of the patient the suggestions very often did not appear to make any improvement or to offer only a minimum change. This gave me cause for concern. It also seemed wrong to me to give a symptomatic treatment. I had trained in 5 Element acupuncture for six years with Professor Worsely and it had been thoroughly drummed into us as students that we should not give symptomatic treatment but that we should always seek to find the underlying cause of imbalance. “Symptomatic treatment is for the barefoot doctor, the master always treats the cause.” This advice has always stayed with me. If the Mora device was so good why should we use it on a symptomatic basis?

It was Dr. Morell that provided the essential clue. He had devised a way of treating allergies whereby the allergen was placed in the input beaker and testing could take place to find the ideal setting for neutralising the allergy. If this could be done then why not adapt it to the needs of the individual patient? My thinking was ‘Wouldn’t it be good if we use the patient as the “allergen”’? With this thought in mind I tried a possibility. The hand electrode was connected to the input of the Mora III, the “Dauer” switch was turned on to send a continuous signal, a cable was connected from the output to the MT socket and then I tried to measure. To my surprise and delight it appeared to work. Instead of a hand electrode being connected to the measurement socket it seemed that I obtained the same result if the hand electrode was connected to the input. Now I had the patient as his/her own “allergen”. All that remained was to try pressing various buttons. First I tried A bar [Inverted A]. If the measurement value of the point improved then I assumed that A bar was the best signal. If there was no improvement I tried H+D bar [H + Inverted D]. Again I was looking for improvement in the measurement value of the point. The information from the patient was going into the Mora, the output signal was going to the MT socket and all that I had to find was the combination of output signals that gave the best improvement to the measurement value. After having found the best inversion I then tried Low pass or High Pass, again looking for further improvement in the measurement value. Having found this data it then became necessary to find the best limit filter and finally the optimum signal amplification. When all combinations had been tried I was delighted to find that the measurement value of the reference point was now 50 (or very close to 50) and was stable. I was further surprised to discover that this not only worked for one single point but appeared to be valid for every point that was out of balance. Treatment could then be given via point electrodes, roller electrodes, flexible electrodes, basic therapy, etc. knowing that the ideal setting had been found for the individual patient. Although this sounds complicated it is really quite simple and takes no more than a minute or two. Any time lost in testing is more than gained by effective therapy.

When I presented my findings during a MORA seminar Dr Morell was the first to see and understand the value of this method. He also expressed his irritation that he had not thought of it himself!

Now let me give the full protocol so that you can try it for yourself.

Protocol for Mora III:

  1. Connect a cable from the output socket to the MT socket.
  2. Connect a cable from the patient (hand or foot electrode) to the input socket.
    Alternatively, the patient can hold the normal hand electrode for measurement – either way will work.
  3. Ensure that all buttons are out (i.e. make sure that the buttons beneath A, A bar, H+D bar, and all of the limit filters are not switched on).
  4. Turn the amplification switches to 1.
  5. Switch the limit filters to no limit. This is so that all signals from the patient are processed.
  6. Switch the “Dauer” or continuous button on. Give the hand or foot electrode to the patient.
  7. Measure as normal with the measurement probe.
  8. Take measurements from all CMP’s and/or all terminal points.
  9. Look for the measurement with the greatest deviation from 50 (i.e. high or low, or the largest and fastest indicator drop.
  10. Using that point as a reference switch on A bar and re-measure the point. Has any indicator drop vanished and has the measurement value improved. If yes then A bar is the correct inversion. If no then try H+D bar. Very rarely will A be required.
  11. Having found the best inversion note the new measurement value. If it is 50 with no indicator drop then no limit filter is required. If it is not at 50 then turn the limit filter switch to LP and press 100. Re-measure the point. Try 250, 500 1,000 successively until the measurement value is found.
  12. Now turn the limit switch to HP but this time work from the highest limit down to the lowest (i.e. from 10,000 down to 100). You now have found the ideal limit filters for both high and low pass.
  13. Finally turn the amplification switch by one step at a time, each time re-measuring the point. There will be an amplification that results in a stable measurement value at, or very close, to 50. If using H+D bar you will have to find the separate amplifications for both H and D bar.
  14. The device is now tuned to the patient.
  15. Turn the Dauer switch off and proceed to give therapy. Therapy can be given as Basic Therapy (hand and/or foot electrodes), roller therapy, point therapy, etc.

It is always a good protocol to give basic therapy using the optimum setting values. After giving basic therapy re-measure all of the original points (CMP’s and/or terminal points). If the settings have been accurately established most points should now show considerable improvement in measurement values. The only situation where this will not work is where there is a reversal of blood, urine or saliva spin. (i.e. geopathic or electromagnetic stress).

By using the optimum settings for the patient and giving basic therapy we have succeeded in eliminating transient or minor disturbances that reflect in the measurement values. The point measurements that show little or no improvement are where we now need to concentrate our efforts. For this we can use flexible electrodes over the appropriate body zone, roller electrodes, or we can treat specific points following the 5 element protocol. You should find that the individual settings remain the same throughout the treatment session and are valid for all points. In over 30 years I have found that once the individual setting has been established then it does not need to be changed. However, when the patient returns for follow-up treatment the whole procedure must be repeated. During the time since the previous session the body information will have changed and new settings will need to be established.

Any medicine, food, allergen, etc. can be tested in exactly the same way in order to find the best treatment response. Anything connected to the input can be pre-tested before giving treatment to find the best combination of settings for treatment. Furthermore, food allergens, pharmaceutical medicines, and so forth can be combined with the therapy. All that has to be done is to place the test substance into the honeycomb (connected to input) and then establish the optimum setting as described above. In a similar way colour therapy can also be combined:


  1. Connect the color unit to the MORA.
  2. Switch on.
  3. Try each color in turn. The one that holds the optimum measurement value is the correct color.
  4. Test the intensity (if using an older color unit) and the amplification. The combination that returns the measurement value to 50 is the correct combination.

Protocol for the Mora Super Plus:

The principles are exactly the same as for the Mora III.

  1. Choose any empty memory slot.
  2. Press star 1 to turn the device on to measurement. (The green diodes will light up.)
  3. Press F3 to get the screen for input/output.
  4. Designate any socket as an input and a second socket as an output. (It does not matter that the labels on the front or rear of the machine show hand or foot, these connections simply act as input or output.)
  5. Let us assume that you have designated left hand as input and right hand as output.
  6. Connect a short cable at the rear of the machine from right hand (output) to MT1 and designate MT1 as input.
  7. Inputs and outputs are now set. Press F3 again to return to the main screen.
  8. Move the cursor to pulse/continuous and set as continuous.
  9. Move the cursor to amplification and set to 1.
  10. Move the cursor to “A” and leave this at A for the moment.
  11. Ensure that the machine is set for No-filter.
  12. Take measurements from CMP’s and or terminal points.
  13. Go to the most deviant point and with the cursor over “A” press Enter.
  14. Now move the cursor to A bar and re-measure the point. If there is little or no improvement then try H+D bar. One of these two should result in an improved value.
  15. Press Enter to get back to the main screen.
  16. Use the arrow keys to get to Filter and press Enter.
  17. Try in turn No filter, Low Pass, High Select the one that gives the most improvement in measurement value.
  18. Press Enter to return to the main screen.
  19. Move the cursor to Frequency and using the Mora Mouse try different frequency settings. (If no frequency limit has been chosen then this step is not required.) When using Low pass work from 1 up in steps of 100. If using high pass work from 180,000 down moving in steps of 1000. When there is a notable improvement in the measurement value of the point fine tuning can take place to establish the exact setting.
  20. Finally move the cursor to “amplification” and in a similar way test various amplification levels. I suggest that from 1 – 10 to move one whole step at a time. Above 10 it is usually sufficient to move in steps of 5. (15, 20, 25, 30…). Again when the approximate amplification has been found then fine tuning can take place.
  21. When all parameters have been established treatment can be given using these parameters.

Note: when using the Mora Super the Mora mouse is extremely helpful. If you do not have the mouse use star 0 to go to individual settings and test the values shown on the screen.

Although the above description sounds complex you will find that in a very short time it becomes routine and that the settings are quickly found. Any time spent at this stage is more than compensated by the improvement in treatment results.

An Exclusive Article for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published September, 2009

© Copyright 2009, Dr. Tony Scott-Morley, UK

About the author

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