November 30, 2007

Dear Members:

In spite of the hectic schedule and multiple trans-Atlantic flights of the last month, this has been a most interesting and exciting time. Separately you will find some preliminary information on two of the new therapy and diagnostic products that the Institute will be introducing over the next few months.

With this issue of “The Bridge” we are introducing the magnetic field therapy devices of Advanced Medical Systems (AMS) and a fantastic line of hand held lasers by Power Medic.

AMS is the company that is carrying on the life’s work and research of Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Ludwig (1927 – 2004). “Wolfgang Ludwig belongs (…) to the physicists who have significantly influenced complementary medicine in Germany. Thanks to his contribution, German naturopathy can (still) claim to play a leading role in the world.Prof. Dr. F.-A. Popp in Informative Medicine.

The company is now headed by a team of highly qualified individuals including Dr. rer. nat. Frank Beck and Mr. Harold Becker in cooperation with Dr. Ludwig’s widow. All designs are true to Dr. Ludwig’s research and you will find one article written by the late Dr. Ludwig in this issue of “The Bridge”.

Many of you will remember the old INDUMED that was produced by Med-Tronik quite a few years ago. That device was designed by Dr. Ludwig while he was working for the Med-Tronik firm. It has been out of production for years and we have had little access to magnetic field therapy in the interim. Even though the BioPhoton device has magnetic field coils that can be used for delivery of the BioPhotons, that is not the true magnetic field therapy we have been looking for.

The Institute is recommending the full line of AMS instrumentation, and we are in the process of setting up information for the website and in printed format. You can visit their English language website at for full details and descriptions. In the meantime however, let me introduce you to some of their core devices.

All of this instrumentation is manufactured under ISO 13485 standards and apparently registration with the US FDA is pending. I have not confirmed that yet, but let us work on the assumption that it will be completed soon. Here is what they recommend as a “practice” system.


Newly introduced with added features beyond its “smaller brother” the MEDISEND Super C, this device gives you TWO magnetic outputs for higher effective therapy. It lets you work on two different spots on the patient’s body with the optional directional inductors. Though you have two magnetic outputs it lets you also adjust two different frequencies, modulated on the three natural frequency spectra.

Also, you have the possibility to use just one magnetic output or both of them. Further it enables you to select individual frequencies: Any individual frequency between 1 Hz and 1000 Hz (with harmonics up to 1,000,000 Hz) or the choice between two standard programs. These programs let the frequencies scan decreasing from 1000 Hz down to 1 Hz repeating. The choice is yours. There are 150 different treatments which are based on the long term empirical experience of Dr. Ludwig of the Institute of Biophysics in Tauberbischofsheim (Germany) in collaboration with over a thousand therapists. The effect is enormous.

The symmetrical bipolar input enables an (almost) interference-free transmission and input of endogenous and exogenous bio-information / bio-resonance.

Bio-information from the patient’s body can be acquired with a pair of hand electrodes (optional extra) and repatriates via the magnetic field.

Designed to work with the optional AMScomsystem control software.


Revolutionary development for the transmission and duplication of bio-information (e.g. remedies such as homeopathic substances, Bach flower remedies, nosodes, etc.). This device allows you to transfer and duplicate remedies via their AMScomsystem software. With this new device and the control software, you can now digitize any substrate oscillation [read remedy here CLW] and store it as a so-called BIOWAVE on the hard drive of you PC and that in the highest “CD quality””!


This device is battery operated (standard 9V block battery) and generates electromagnetic signals. There is a choice of five programs which can be selected by pushbutton. You can thus do a lot for your daily health care. Depending on your need, you can use your METRONOM C preventively once or several times daily by placing it near the thymus gland or the solar plexus. You can gain energy, well-being and vitality by stimulating, stabilizing and harmonizing the vegetative nervous system. You can activate, strengthen and accelerate your natural healing powers and support the detoxification of your body! Now, for the first time it has a storage location for the so-called BIOWAVES.

AMScomsystem Software

Optional software for any of their devices which use the “C” designator as part of the name. It includes a patient manager, steering software, and upload software for the BIOWAVES.

AMS has a great diagram in their brochures (which you can download from their website or contact Elaine and she will send you a pdf file) that shows this “Everything in a single system” concept. It is complete with pictures of the devices and great arrows and . . . But because of the light blue color of most of the diagram, we were simply unable to reproduce it with our limited printing capabilities. I apologize – I know pictures tell a better story than a thousand words – but you’ll have to settle for the “flow chart” thingy I created to show the way this system all works together.

With these descriptions in mind however, let us think about what they are telling us and what the package will do. I found the AMScomsystem software very user friendly. It is easily changed to multiple languages (German of course, English, French and Spanish), comes with good instructions and was very straight forward to utilize. It will steer any of the new C generation devices and readily allows transfer of the bio-information.

There are two optional small programs that include digitalized remedies that are relatively inexpensive. Quite frankly though, I much prefer the Med-Tronik Electronic Homeopathy software. The quality of Med-Tronik’s digitalized remedies seems much superior and involves a complete electronic transfer of all frequencies and harmonics. Via the RITU/Interface, some adapters and a little ingenuity, I am confident that the Med-Tronik ELH software could be utilized through this system.

The digitalized remedy information with the magnetic field via the AMS system does not seem as strong or precise (nebulous terms in this case I know, but it was the impression I got none the less). BUT, think about what it is offering us. With the steering software and the WAVE TRANSFER C we can now take remedies from our own test sets and digitalize them onto our own PC hard drive!! The quality is good. It does not scramble your input remedy. And even if you do not utilize any of the other magnetic field therapy devices, this gives you the ability to create fairly good quality digital remedies yourself. The price at around CDN $5,500 for the steering software and the transfer unit is quite fair considering the quality, the features and the pedigree.

But let us get back to the practice system. The MEDISEND Super III is the modern INDUMED. I remember the “old days” of playing with knobs and dials and worrying about setting frequencies and hoping they would hold for a whole treatment and so on. But, here we have a very modern, digital version complete with USB interface. Without the software, you can easily set the device and have it run different therapy programs. The device provides highly effective magnetic field therapy complete with directional inductors, a highly complex frequency spectrum as well as the endogenous and exogenous transmission of bio-information through the magnetic field. I was thrilled to finally find a replacement for the old INDUMED that gives us such high quality and effective therapy. This unit comes with my very high personal recommendation.

The other small device of the system – the METRONOM C – can be loaned or “rented” to your patients – or better yet use it yourself. The device can be set to deliver mild basic magnetic field therapy. It is easily programmed with push buttons and can be carried in your pocket. For patients that need it, the METRONOM C can store bio-information and thus you can send him home with not only some backup magnetics, but also the remedy information you just tested for him. The device is very well thought out and works great. The addition of the ability to store the BIOWAVE information on the “C” model is a great innovation. But, it is pricey considering its purpose. Personally, I will stick with my MECOS from Med-Tronik instead of investing in this – for the time being at any rate.

In summary the top of the line AMS practice system at a total price around CDN $21,500 gives you complete magnetic field therapy, digital/analog transfer of remedy information with amplification and inversion, steering software and the small pocket device for daily patient use. All these devices, plus the numerous other devices in their full product listings can be ordered separately and can all be used individually.


The other device I would like to introduce to you with this issue of “The Bridge” is the PowerLaser by POWER MEDIC. In a step outside the box for the Institute, this device is made by a Danish company. As one of the worlds leading pioneers in low level laser therapy they have been on the “cutting edge” now for twenty-five years. I had the great pleasure of meeting and talking with Mr. Arne Grinsted who is the president and CEO of POWER MEDIC when I attended the MEDICA trade fair in Düsseldorf. Please visit their website at to see some really neat pictures and for more details that I can give you here.

All I can really say is “WOW!” Their hand held lasers are fantastic. Any of you working with lasers will be as impressed as I was once you get your hands on it. Very high quality, easy to work with, it is fully ISO 13485 certified, AND is fully CE certified and US FDA registered! What more could we ask for? High quality manufacture, an easy to use ergonomic design giving us a highly effective therapy – and best of all it is registered in the USA.

Of the three models of handheld lasers, one is not recommended and that is the “little” one, the PL105 MkI. That unit has the lowest milliwatt output and was the first unit that was US FDA registered – their foot in the door so to speak. They also have what they call a GIGALaser. However it is ultra expensive (in excess of $42,000 US), and will not be as effective as the BioPhoton units we are already using at 1/3 the price.

Instead, I recommend the PL500 MkIII and the PL1000 MkIII. Both of these units have a much higher milliwatt output than the little one, and thus are more powerful as therapy devices. Both are supplied with a handy carrying case, two detachable/rechargeable batteries, intelligent recharging unit with international AC adapter, instruction manual, and laser therapy manual.

The units are very ergonomic and balance nicely in the hand. There are 5 therapy programs and the unit constantly monitors the output power. The POWER Laser is CE and FDA cleared for the following indications: Arthritis, inflammation, epicondylitis, myofascial pain and wound healing. I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of laser therapy on wound healing, and this unit should produce such fast and obvious results that it will appear miraculous. One of these is definitely on my Christmas wish list!

The only drawback is that for at least the first few orders, we have to order five units at a time. I sweet talked Mr. Grinsted into letting us mix up the 500 and 1000 mW models to count as one order, and I think we should be able to place an order by early in the New Year. We will ask you for a deposit and then the balance will have to be paid before we place the order with the company in Denmark. All prices include shipping and importation into the US, but there will be a small extra charge for shipping it to you from their US warehouse.

And there’s more . . .

In the next issues of “The Bridge” I will be introducing two more new devices. Just to tease you, the next device is a diagnostic unit called the AMSAT-HC System that is manufactured by the medical electronics firm of BioPhoton fame. You connect forehead electrodes, hand electrodes and foot electrodes and let the device run. Do one reading sitting, another reading standing and a final reading sitting again. It takes only seconds – all told less than a minute for all three readings – and then you get a beautiful analysis on the computer screen. It is very in depth and highly accurate. There is no therapy on the device – it is purely diagnostic. There is a rather clumsy way of doing some medication testing with the device, but the overall analysis is what is most interesting. I have seen so many of these “egglayingwoolmilksow” machines over the years that my initial response was “yeah, okay, sure”. But the very fact that it is made by medical electronics had me taking a second look. We know that they only make quality devices, and if Dieter Jossner designed it then we know it will do exactly as he says it will. Apparently it uses a very mild pulsed current to take the readings – this is the same kind of concept that Quadromed/Med-Tronik used in the older Performance 2001 devices – and the computer program is very user friendly (switches to several languages). And, best of all, US FDA approval is underway and pending – should be completed by early next year! Watch for more information and detail . . .

Also manufactured by medical electronics I will be introducing a new water activation and energization system called the AQA 707. I have a fantastic article about the concept behind this system that I am translating for the next issue of “The Bridge”. For more exciting details stay tuned and don’t change that channel.

s/ Carolyn
Carolyn L. Winsor-Sturm
Managing Director and CEO

An Exclusive Article for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published December 15, 20-7

© Copyright 2007, Carolyn L. Winsor, OIRF, BC Canada

About the author

  • Founding director, administrator and executive director of Occidental Institute; the first English language acupuncture “school” in North America founded 1972 which over the years developed into the largest educational and promotional advocate of Biological Medicine until its closing in 2018.
  • 35 years experience with medical and technical translation and literary research in English, French and German.
  • Participation in every seminar, workshop and tour program sponsored by OIRF
  • Participation in more than 35 Medicine Week Congress programs as well as events too numerous to count sponsored by German instrumentation, homeopathic and research organizations
  • Training and certification in multiple Biological Medicine Methods including BioResonance Therapy, EAV, AMA, VEGA, Mayr Therapy, Ionized Oxygen Therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, BioPhoton Therapy, the so-called Global Diagnostics and many others.
  • As a teacher, lecturer and author she has already trained hundreds of practitioners from diverse English-speaking countries.
  • Her passion and insight provide an overall view of the most effective German Biological Medicine diagnostic and therapeutic methods

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