Key Principles That You Need To Know


Water is everywhere. In fact, water makes up approximately 70% to 80% of our bodies, and performs the crucial and important task of eliminating unwanted toxins and salts from our bodies. Water can be called the essence of life itself, yet despite the important roles that water plays in our health, sadly, it is greatly under appreciated.

Drinking plenty of good water is an important aspect of many therapy programs, and to maintaining a healthy body. Of course, it goes almost without saying that your drinking water should be clean, free of contaminants, bacteria, and other microbes, etc. However, what other criteria can be used to evaluate good water? The following, utilizing some of the fundamental principles of Prof. Vincent, will provide you with a basic framework for evaluating drinking water from a biological perspective.

First, water must refract polarized light (that is, must be alive). Cell membranes readily absorb fluids that refract polarized light. If water does not refract polarized light then it is what we would refer to as “non-living”, and therefore not biological. Distilled water for instance, does not refract polarized light, and is therefore not recommended for drinking purposes.

Water should also be very low in dissolved solids. A primary function of water in our bodies is to dissolve and carry out toxins and excess minerals. In general, the situation of our terrain is that we have too many dissolved toxins and salts in our bodies.

We want to eliminate toxins and salts not add to the problem. Water low in dissolved solids, has a poor ability to carry microwatts of energy, or stated a different way, the higher the resistance the lower the dissolved solids. Values below 100 parts per million are considered good, but not biologically optimal. Bottled water producers often list dissolved solids measurements on the label.

Biological drinking water must be high in electrical resistance (ohms). A value of over 5,000 ohms is required. Basically, water high in ohms donates energy to the organism, while water numerically low in ohms takes energy away from the organism since it must actually be “metabolized” (processed by the body). Most people these days require more energy, not less.

In addition, the pH-level of your drinking water must be appropriate. Our tissue, blood and saliva all have their optimal pH levels which our bodies try to maintain for good health. Horticulturists have known for years the value of properly balanced soil (terrain). The optimal pH for biological drinking water should be mildly acidic, around 6.5 to 6.8 pH, for maintaining a balanced terrain. It should also be somewhat oxidized, that is with a red-ox potential of 24 to 26.

How Much Water Should You Drink?

While drinking biologically good quality water is important, it also very important to drink sufficient quantities. You should drink at least 1 quart (litre) per hundred pounds of body weight each day; more if you have expended fluids due to heat or exercise. You should drink this water slowly, and ideally the majority of it before mid-afternoon.

How Important is Quality Water?

Quality water is very important to the health and vitality of any organism. Water is a very important influencer of the bodies “terrain”, to our overall energy level, and to our bodies toxic load situation. In turn water is very important to a healthy organism. As anyone that has studied the Bio-Electronics of Prof. Vincent will tell you, the trick to staying healthy and disease free is to keep your terrain in the healthy zone.

Water makes up such a large percentage of the organism’s mass that it should be of the absolute highest quality. There are a lot of places to cut corners in life, but poor quality drinking water is not one of them. The cost of a bottle of very good water is not much more then a cup of coffee.

In upcoming issues we will discuss the mechanics of testing and evaluating water, as well as implications of various water qualities on the human body. We will also test some common bottled water and provide you with our own analysis; you may be very surprised at our findings.
Dr. Walter D. Sturm has been teaching Practitioners of Biological Medicine for over two decades. He is one of the founders of the Occidental Institute Research Foundation (O.I.R.F.). The O.I.R.F. is the largest organization in North America for practitioners of Biological and Functional Medicine.

An Exclusive Article for OIRF Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published September 1994

© Copyright 1994, Sturm/Occidental Institute, BC Canada

About the author

Thanks to an eidetic memory and a near Mensa level IQ, Dr. Sturm had the ability to research huge quantities of printed materials (in seven languages) and then absorb and correlate the information without error or confusion. A dynamic speaker with an innate talent for teaching, he was able to meticulously share his knowledge and depth of understanding with the participants. Dr. Sturm was able to bring you right up to date with the very latest German discoveries based on his regular attendance at German language Symposia and conferences as well as the most recent German language publications.

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