Of Your VEGATEST II Machine

This article may shock and offend some of you, while embarrassing others. I make no apologies for anyone that is offended, for this is a serious matter. For the vast majority of practitioners you will be in disbelief that sensitive instruments are handled in such manner. For practitioners with no regular cleaning program – read on please, for the good of your practice, your fellow practitioners, and of course your patients.

Having attended seminars and talked to practitioners from all over the country, I am appalled by the poor condition of some practitioners machines. Some practitioners instruments are below an acceptable level with respect to maintenance and operating parameters. Here are some basic common sense tips to help you keep your instrument clean and operating.

Why Must You Keep Your Instruments Clean?

The first reason is hygiene. The hand electrode should obviously be wiped  between patients to eliminate any sweat or secretions from the electrode. Not only is it more sanitary, but it eliminates the presence of the last person from your testing procedure on the new patient. Secretions contain information, and it is advisable, obviously, to only test one patient at a time.

As a note, electrodes at the Institute are cleaned after every use and are always kept in a clean state. Use alcohol wipes, followed by a water wipe to clean after each session.

The honeycombs should also, obviously, be kept clean. Dust bunnies, grime, lint, hair and anything else that finds its way into the honeycomb other than what you are testing has absolutely no business being there. To get accurate results you need to have a clean honeycomb.

If you are testing for dust-bunnies intolerance’s on all you patients, leave your honeycomb dirty, otherwise clean it. Use a dry Q-tip swab, followed by one with a little alcohol, to get the bunnies out.

Proper Care of the Instrument

All electrical equipment and in particular hand electrodes and probes corrode or malfunction with time. VEGA machines are very reliable and some practitioners have been using their machines for many years having never replaced anything, which is great. However, if you start to get inconsistent readings, or suspect a malfunction, find out why and replace the faulty part. Do not work around it, or Mickey Mouse it back together. Your patients’ health is in your hands and they deserve the best.

Do not run carts over the electrode wires, do not immerse the hand electrodes in water, and do not drop. If something is not working properly, fix it properly or replace it. As a practitioner you earn your living by the instrument, and your reputation is on the line each time you see a patient. Proper care of your tools is important to ensure success.

Care of Your Vials

Vials should be stored in cool, dark places, away from heat, radiation, electromagnetic energy and dirt. Never buy used vials as you have no way of ensuring how they have been handled in the past.

If you suspect your vials have been mistreated replace them. We recommend that you own personal set that no one else uses so you know how they have been treated, and so you can keep them in excellent condition.

It is always important to behave professionally and have pride in your work and reputation. Maintaining your equipment and basic maintenance is just one element to a professional approach. In order for the VRT method to flourish, those using the method must remain professional standards.

As a Final Note: I know that this article applies to only a very small minority of practitioners, just the same some things have to be said, before conditions are ruined for the rest of us.

And an Added Note: These maintenance and care procedures apply to all point and medication testing devices, as well as all therapy devices using similar electrodes.

An Exclusive Article for OIRF Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published September 1994

© Copyright 1994, Occidental Institute, BC Canada
Article prepared by OIRF Staff

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