January 17, 2025
The applied methodology with the ONDAMED System is founded on the basis of respect and honor for each individual life and the individual truth within each patient. The goal of ONDAMED’s physiological treatment in using focused electromagnetic waves is to stimulate improvement of systemic functions as well as improving stress tolerance levels without connecting the patient to health hazardous induced labelling of diagnosis. The ONDAMED is a combination of various philosophies and its frequency selections are based on ancient and pioneering Western and Eastern healing methods including Traditional Chinese [...]
January 17, 2025
A Personalized and Non-Disease Label Approach to Improving Body Functions Versus Treating Disease Summary: Disease labels do not help us cure our patients. Imagine an approach that would rapidly allow you to find the hidden physiological and emotional cause of your patient’s symptoms, while simultaneously stimulating your patient’s nervous system with focused therapeutic electromagnetic fields. This is a non-invasive method to help you, the therapist, find the source of your patient’s symptoms within minutes, while simultaneously treating and stabilizing your patient. Overview: The human body works [...]
January 17, 2025
History of Light Therapy Light, color and crystals in 3,000 BC . . . The medical benefits of the light and energy of the sun, color and crystals were first recognized several thousands of years ago. Doctors and natural healers from almost every major culture around the world have used precious and semi-precious gemstones within their healing modalities. In Egypt, Greece, China, India, Persia they were highly valued in the medical field. The Mayans, Incas, Tibetans, North American Indians, Daoist Chinese and East Indian Ayurvedics are all recorded as [...]
January 17, 2025
Studies show that an infection with the pathogen Toxoplasma gondii can impair the working memory of the elderly (1). Every second German carries the pathogen in himself. Toxoplasmosis is known above all in connection with the health risks during pregnancy and for immunosuppressed persons. But how is the effect on the memory capacity of the elderly explained? The parasite only reproduces in the bowels of cats. The parasite eggs get into foreign organisms through the cat’s excrement, for example to birds or mice. To again come back into the [...]
Chem Trails and . . .
March 15, 2017
Points of Interest Chem Trails, Geoengineering, Nuclear Fallout and GMO Microbes Fresh and Alive Resource sheet: https://www.freshandalive.com/downloads/resources-for-further-information-1-3.pdf Thanks to our Director Dr. Roger Jaynes for this link. Although this is an excellent resource for [...]
Cell Phone Dangers
March 15, 2017
Points of Interest Cell Phone Dangers Devra Davis, PhD, MPH Environmental Health Trust, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYDmIq-nTn4 https://ehtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/NIEHS-transcript.pdf Thanks to longtime member and supporter, Dr. Sir Zenon Gruba, Australia for this link and “must read” information. [...]
A Chronological History
June 15, 2018
A Chronological History of the Occidental Institute Research Foundation 1972 Doors open in Weston (Toronto), Ontario, Canada Traditional Acupuncture School Publication of Extension Training Program 1975 Move to Montreal, P. Québec, Canada Traditional Acupuncture [...]