With that out of the way, I trust you will also be patient with the casual format of this summer newsletter and email. I have continued to follow my regular newsletters and journals, and with the visitation and household assistance of a much loved “sister-cousin” who visited for just over a month, I have managed to translate two interesting but short articles. For the rest, I think at this point I will give you a few quotes from information that has crossed my desk and then links to the full articles for those who wish to see more . . . No fancy rhetoric and no commentary. Just verrry interesting thoughts and ideas to ponder!
From Praxis2Practice/Carolyn:
- Protection from the “Protection”, Nutrient Essences Against the Dangers of the Corona Vaccines, by Alexandra Steinmetz. There are many different reasons why people are injected with the novel genetic-based mRNA and vector based vaccines. However the fact is: So far their risks and (long-term) side effects are only very insufficiently known. A small glimmer of hope for people who are worried as a result: Studies show that certain nutrient essences can at least curtail some of the potential dangers. Read more here.
- Corona – A Crisis of Classical Medicine, An Alternative Medicine Perspective by A. Dietrich. For once, let’s look at the current virus epidemic from the perspective of alternative medicine. Even if we set aside some peculiarities in connection with the new virus and/or its variants in this consideration, then there are still some things which stand out that should make you think. Read more here.
- Green Power. Net Zero. Batteries. – Good or Bad for the Environment? Another interesting article that came across my desk and sparked both my curiosity and indignation. A clear picture of the types of toxins that will need to be tested on those patients who opt to own, operate and handle electronic vehicles, solar panels, and so on. Read more here.
Just a quote:
“This is the hardest time to live, but it is also the greatest honor to be alive now, and to be allowed to see this time. There is no other time like now. We should be thankful, for creation did not make weak spirits to live during this time. The old ones say ‘this is the time when the strongest spirits will live through and those who are empty shells, those who have lost the connection will not survive.’ We have become masters of survival – we will survive – it is our prophecy to do so.”
Tiokasin Ghosthorse
Losing Trust, by Jule Klotter
An Editorial in Townsend Letter for Doctors, Feb/March 2022, Issue #463/464, Pages 68-69.
Closing remarks:
“Moreover, anyone who believes in health freedom to choose and opposes vaccine mandates – even if they personally get every vaccine available – is an “anti-vaxxer”, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary.
Benn and Aaby rightly believe that vaccines can be used to save lives. But the highly compromised regulatory agencies, the heavy censorship that prevents debate and transparency, and the smear campaigns against anyone willing to ask questions are enough to make a person cautious. Hiding problems and widespread propaganda campaigns will never increase confidence in a vaccine. Indeed, obfuscation will undermine trust in public health.”
See the full editorial article here
27 April 2022
Global Research Newsletter
The Covid Lies
By Dr. Mike Yeadon Read more here or the Full Article here
In the first part of the article (The Covid Lies) Dr. Yeadon counters the 12 widespread Covid narratives with the following arguments . . . Well documented from a highly qualified researcher.
01 June 2022
Orthomolecular News
Monkeypox Infection, To Fear or Not to Fear?
Commentary by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
Read commentary here:
28 July 2022
Natural News
It’s looking more and more like monkeypox is a cover story for covid vaccine-induced shingles, autoimmune blisters and herpes
By Ethan Huff
Read more here Or, another edition here
10 July 2022
Natural News
VIRUS MAINIA PART 1: The Fraud of Louis Pasteur and the entirely corrupt history of virology.
By S.D. Wells
Read more here Or, another edition here
20 July 2022
Global Research
Fifth Generation (5G) Directed Energy Radiation Emissions in the Context of Contaminated Nanometal Covid-19 Vaccines with Graphite Ferrous Oxid Antennas
By Mark Steele
Read full article here
COVID-Therapie-Strategien 2022 [COVID Therapy Strategies 2022]
By Dr. Helmut Retzek
Use Mr. Google to translate article here
Documentary Film about Uninformed Consent!
Livestream Sat. 23 July at 7PM Pacific (but still available online?!)
Follow this link
July 28, 2022
Global Research
Impact of Vaccines on Mortality Decline Since 1900 – According to Published Science
By JB Handley
Full article here
This is the same kind and depth of researched information we heard from Dr. Julianne Sacher in Germany during several of our Germany Tours. Sorry it would take some digging to find exactly which tour and year, but . . . She also included the effect of the end of World War II into the mix of hygiene, nutrition and sanitation.
Just a reminder from Carolyn: Dr. Sacher is the lady who worked with Dr. Heinrich Kremer with some of the first AIDS patients. She was also a contributor to the research outlined in his astounding book The Silent Revolution in Cancer and AIDS Medicine (get it even from Amazon if you don’t already have it). This is research that was clearly contradictory to the “science” developed by Dr. Fauci during those early heady days of the AIDS epidemic, and they all paid a dear price for not agreeing with him.
It’s all linked my friends and as the saying goes: “knowledge is power”. The more informed we are the harder it is to deceive us. I close with another quote. Do not forget the words of Abraham Lincoln:
“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”
Enjoy the rest of your summer, and with all best wishes, be well and be healthy . . .
An Exclusive Commentary Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published August 2022
© Copyright 2022, Carolyn Winsor, P2P, BC Canada
Some Quotes and Links
Summer 2022
Since closing OIRF in June 2018, my employment status and work has been described as “supposed-to-be-retired” and I have happily continued regular – if shortened – working hours in my tiny home office.
For now, I offer my sincere apologies for the delay in responding to your recent emails and phone calls. My 101 year old mother is approaching the end of her life and although she is now in a care home I remain her primary care giver.
During this process with my beloved Mom and in combination with other family obligations (more weddings and funerals, oh dear), I am simply unable to spend much time at my desk. I will answer your queries, calls and orders as quickly as possible, but ask for your patience and understanding. Thank you, Carolyn
With that out of the way, I trust you will also be patient with the casual format of this summer newsletter and email. I have continued to follow my regular newsletters and journals, and with the visitation and household assistance of a much loved “sister-cousin” who visited for just over a month, I have managed to translate two interesting but short articles. For the rest, I think at this point I will give you a few quotes from information that has crossed my desk and then links to the full articles for those who wish to see more . . . No fancy rhetoric and no commentary. Just verrry interesting thoughts and ideas to ponder!
From Praxis2Practice/Carolyn:
Just a quote:
“This is the hardest time to live, but it is also the greatest honor to be alive now, and to be allowed to see this time. There is no other time like now. We should be thankful, for creation did not make weak spirits to live during this time. The old ones say ‘this is the time when the strongest spirits will live through and those who are empty shells, those who have lost the connection will not survive.’ We have become masters of survival – we will survive – it is our prophecy to do so.”
Tiokasin Ghosthorse
Losing Trust, by Jule Klotter
An Editorial in Townsend Letter for Doctors, Feb/March 2022, Issue #463/464, Pages 68-69.
Closing remarks:
“Moreover, anyone who believes in health freedom to choose and opposes vaccine mandates – even if they personally get every vaccine available – is an “anti-vaxxer”, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary.
Benn and Aaby rightly believe that vaccines can be used to save lives. But the highly compromised regulatory agencies, the heavy censorship that prevents debate and transparency, and the smear campaigns against anyone willing to ask questions are enough to make a person cautious. Hiding problems and widespread propaganda campaigns will never increase confidence in a vaccine. Indeed, obfuscation will undermine trust in public health.”
See the full editorial article here
27 April 2022
Global Research Newsletter
The Covid Lies
By Dr. Mike Yeadon Read more here or the Full Article here
In the first part of the article (The Covid Lies) Dr. Yeadon counters the 12 widespread Covid narratives with the following arguments . . . Well documented from a highly qualified researcher.
01 June 2022
Orthomolecular News
Monkeypox Infection, To Fear or Not to Fear?
Commentary by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
Read commentary here:
28 July 2022
Natural News
It’s looking more and more like monkeypox is a cover story for covid vaccine-induced shingles, autoimmune blisters and herpes
By Ethan Huff
Read more here Or, another edition here
10 July 2022
Natural News
VIRUS MAINIA PART 1: The Fraud of Louis Pasteur and the entirely corrupt history of virology.
By S.D. Wells
Read more here Or, another edition here
20 July 2022
Global Research
Fifth Generation (5G) Directed Energy Radiation Emissions in the Context of Contaminated Nanometal Covid-19 Vaccines with Graphite Ferrous Oxid Antennas
By Mark Steele
Read full article here
COVID-Therapie-Strategien 2022 [COVID Therapy Strategies 2022] By Dr. Helmut Retzek
Use Mr. Google to translate article here
Documentary Film about Uninformed Consent!
Livestream Sat. 23 July at 7PM Pacific (but still available online?!)
Follow this link
July 28, 2022
Global Research
Impact of Vaccines on Mortality Decline Since 1900 – According to Published Science
By JB Handley
Full article here
This is the same kind and depth of researched information we heard from Dr. Julianne Sacher in Germany during several of our Germany Tours. Sorry it would take some digging to find exactly which tour and year, but . . . She also included the effect of the end of World War II into the mix of hygiene, nutrition and sanitation.
Just a reminder from Carolyn: Dr. Sacher is the lady who worked with Dr. Heinrich Kremer with some of the first AIDS patients. She was also a contributor to the research outlined in his astounding book The Silent Revolution in Cancer and AIDS Medicine (get it even from Amazon if you don’t already have it). This is research that was clearly contradictory to the “science” developed by Dr. Fauci during those early heady days of the AIDS epidemic, and they all paid a dear price for not agreeing with him.
It’s all linked my friends and as the saying goes: “knowledge is power”. The more informed we are the harder it is to deceive us. I close with another quote. Do not forget the words of Abraham Lincoln:
“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”
Enjoy the rest of your summer, and with all best wishes, be well and be healthy . . .
An Exclusive Commentary Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published August 2022
© Copyright 2022, Carolyn Winsor, P2P, BC Canada
About the author
Carolyn L. Winsor
Carolyn’s decades-long involvement with the work of OIRF has given her the tools and skills to offer you unique and valuable insights into the ongoing developments in this always expanding field. Her Biological Medicine background includes:
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